
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2017.03.24





【Drew】Jeffrey do you wear shoes in the house?

【Jeffrey】Generally no.

【Drew】Why—why do you generally not?

【Jeffrey】Um…’cause (because) it’s weird. (laughs)

【Drew】It’s weird, but in America it’s pretty common. I think, probably the majority of people do wear their shoes in their house.

【Jeffrey】I still think it’s weird. (laughs)

【Drew】Maybe…is it—is it because it’s dirty, or just doesn’t seem right?

【Jeffrey】Yeah, you know, when I—when I was younger, um in…I think I did wear my shoes in the house until about high school, and then I had a friend of mine who was—and I don’t know if this is…I don’t know if this is a difference in culture for Mexicans too—but I had a Mexican friend, and he thought it was really weird that I was wearing my shoes in the house.
And ever since then, it made me really self-conscious about it. So I started thinking about it at that time, like, “Is it weird that I wear my shoes in the house?” And…yeah, but…yeah, just I think from that time forward I started thinking it was weird.
And now that I’m an adult, I…I do think logically, like, “Yeah it does get dirty. It does stain the carpet, and…why do we wear shoes in the house? It’s not even comfortable.”

【Drew】Yeah. (laughs) I know, and it…it really feels—I don’t know. Maybe I changed because I was…you know, I grew up in America.
Typical American, I always used to wear my shoes in the house too, but…especially American houses don’t have, like an entryway so much.
A lot of times it’s just, you know, you open the door and it kinda (kind of) opens right into the living room.


【Drew】So there’s not—often times there’s not even a good place to take your shoes off…


【Drew】…and kinda deposit them before you enter, so…


【Drew】And now I’m married to a Japanese woman…


【Drew】…and, it’s not like she told me, “Oh, you know, please don’t wear your shoes in the house.” But uh, I kinda naturally adopted that practice.


【Drew】And now I feel like I would never wear my shoes in the house, and it’s, you know, I don’t know when that changed. I didn’t really consciously make that change, but, uh…


【Drew】Uh, it’s funny. It just became completely natural. Now I wouldn’t do it. And I see, you know on movies or something like that people wear their shoes, like on the bed, you know they…


【Drew】…they hop on their bed…


【Drew】…and their shoes are on top of it, and I’m like, “What? What are you doing?”


【Drew】That is seriously wrong, and it’s uh, you know it’s one of those cultural differences, I guess. But it’s a custom that I wish would change though.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. From whom did Jeffrey learn that it was strange to wear shoes in the house?
  2. Where did Drew learn to walk in the house with his shoes off?
  3. Does Drew like the custom of wearing one’s shoes in the house?



  1. He learned it from his Mexican friend growing up.
  2. He naturally came to practice that custom, he believes, from living with his Japanese wife.
  3. No, he wishes the custom would change.



Jeffrey and Drew talked about the custom of wearing one’s shoes in the house, and whether or not they thought it was strange. Jeffrey thought it was, even though both agreed it was a common custom in America.

Jeffrey cited an experience from childhood that led to his view that wearing shoes in the house was strange. One of his childhood friends told him he thought it was strange, and Jeffrey wonders if this is because his friend was Mexican, and if Mexican culture says not to wear shoes in the house.

Drew explained that many American houses lack an area where shoes could be easily deposited, or an entryway where one might take off their shoes. He explained that he too used to wear shoes in the house.

Drew married a Japanese woman, and while she never told him not to wear shoes in the house, he believes he subconsciously adopted the custom from living with her. He wishes the custom of wearing shoes in the house would change in America.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Weird(変な)

アメリカ人は日常会話で「変な~」と言う時に、 Odd、Strange、Weirdの3つをよく使います。この3つの単語はほぼ区別なく使われますが、細かなニュアンスの違いは「変」と思う度合いになります。 Oddは驚きの気持ちが最も低い時、 Strangeはかなり驚いている時、そして Weirdは驚きの気持ちが最も強い時に使われます。


  • Why are you acting so weird? Is everything OK?(どうしてそんな変な態度を取っているの?大丈夫?)
  • That’s weird. Why is the front door open? I’m positive I locked it before I left.(変だな。なんで玄関のドアが開いているんだろう。家を出る前に絶対鍵をかけたはずなのに。)
  • I have this weird feeling that something happened to him.(彼に何かが起こったんじゃないかな。嫌な予感がする。)

2) (It) doesn’t seem right(何かおかしい気がする)

何か様子がおかしいと思う時や、違和感を感じる時に「(It) doesn’t seem right.」を使います。この表現は、「何かがおかしい」「間違っている」と断言するのではなく、「何かがおかしい気がする」と、少し控えめなニュアンスがあります。

肯定文は「It seems right.」で、「正しい気がする」という意味になります。

  • Did you look over the sales report? It doesn’t seem right. I think the numbers are off.(報告書に目を通しました?何か間違っているような気がするんですよね。数字が合ってないと思います。)
  • It might just be me but something just doesn’t seem right.(私の気のせいかもしれませんが、何かがおかしい気がします。)
  • That seems right. I paid about the same amount for my tablet.(その価格は妥当な気がします。私のタブレットも同じくらいでした。)

3) From that time forward(それ以来)

「あの時以来」や「それ以来」を表すフレーズがFrom that time forwardです。他にも、From that moment forward(その瞬間から)や From that day forward(その日以来)のように表現することもできます。日常会話では From that time onもよく使われ、意味と使い方は他の表現と同じです。

  • From that time forward, I decided to study English.(あの時以来、英語を勉強すると決心しました。)
  • From that day forward, I never spoke to her.(あの日以来、彼女とは一度も口をききませんでした。)
  • I got terrible food poisoning from eating raw oysters and from that time on, I stopped eating them.(生牡蠣を食べてひどい食中毒になったので、それ以来食べていません。)

4) Stain(〜に染みをつける)

シャツにコーヒーをこぼしたり、カーペットに赤ワインをこぼしたりして染みをつけることをStainと言います。「I stained my shirt.(シャツに染みがついた)」のように動詞として使うことも、 「Coffee stain(コーヒーの染み)」のように名詞として使うこともできます。

  • I spilled coffee and stained my shirt.(コーヒーをこぼしてシャツに染みをつけた。)
  • You have a stain on your dress shirt. (ワイシャツに染みがついているよ。)
  • How do you get rid of red wine stains?(どうやって赤ワインの染みを取るの?)

5) Hop on(飛び乗る)

Hopは本来ピョンピョンと軽く飛ぶことを意味することから、何かに飛び乗ることを Hop onと言います。この表現は、電車やバス、タクシーや飛行機に乗る時に使われることが多く、 get onと言い換えることができます。

  • I hopped on the train and went to Kyoto.(電車に飛び乗り京都へ行きました。)
  • Just hop on the taxi and get off at Shinjuku station. I’ll be waiting at the west exit.(タクシーに乗って新宿駅で降りてください。私は西口で待っています。)
  • You should hop on the freeway. It’s faster.(高速道路に乗った方が早いですよ。)



  • Self-conscious・・・〜を意識する
  • Logically・・・論理的
  • Entryway・・・玄関
  • Deposit・・・〜を置く


  • Pretty common・・・かなり普通
  • Majority of・・・大半の
  • It’s not like・・・〜というわけではない
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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