
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2015.11.29




【Willie】Most people have different traditions that they have at Thanksgiving. Um what’s the most vivid memory you have of Thanksgiving and why?

【Debbie】Ah the first um, the first thing that comes to mind about Thanksgiving is actually when my brother was living in Mississippi and um I brought my husband, who is my husband now, there for the first time to meet my family in Mississippi and he had a really big house and we all got together and celebrated Thanksgiving in a place that I have never been before. That’s the first thing that comes to mind. How about you?

【Willie】Well, I’m originally from a small town in Florida.

【Debbie】Mm hm.

【Willie】So most of my family lived in the immediate area and so we had certain traditions like my grandmother would make the sweet potato pie.

【Debbie】Mm hm.

【Willie】My mom would cook the turkey and the ham and my aunts would do the salad and I sat there and watched (laugh).

【Debbie】You sat there and…me too. Actually, you know most of the time woman do the cooking but in my case, my family, my brother is a really good cook. And he really doesn’t want anyone in the kitchen. So um he just usually does most of the cooking and we’ll help out. He’ll give us orders (laugh).

【Willie】That’s so funny. It’s so…when…people can get very I guess temperamental when it’s like a lot of women in the kitchen at the same time.

【Debbie】Mm hm.

【Willie】And so everyone had their different roles. And it was…as a kid watching it, it was like grandmother would orchestrate everything and everyone else would fall in line so yeah that is uh pretty common occurrence.

【Debbie】Mm hm. Yeah one of our specialties or the thing that I make when I make uh Thanksgiving at my house is green bean casserole. Do you guys ever make green bean casserole?

【Willie】Once. I’ve had it once. And I…I loved the, what do they call it? The little onions.

【Debbie】The crunchy onions.

【Willie】I just ate those off of it (laugh). As a kid, who wants to eat green beans?

【Debbie】I know.

【Willie】You know? So it’s like, OK I know it’s good for me but what are these little crunchy things?

【Debbie】Mm hm (laugh).


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What is Debbie’s most memorable Thanksgiving?
  2. Who usually does most of the cooking in Debbie’s family?
  3. When Willie was a kid, who was in charge of Thanksgiving dinner?



  1. Her most memorable Thanksgiving was when she went to her brother’s house in Mississippi with her husband.
  2. Debbie’s brother usually does most of the cooking.
  3. His grandmother was in charge of Thanksgiving diner when he was a kid.



For Debbie, the first Thanksgiving memory that comes to mind is when she visited her brother in Mississippi with her husband. It was Debbie’s first time visiting Mississippi and it was also her husband’s first time meeting her family.

Debbie’s brother is an excellent cook and he usually does most of the cooking when the family gets together. He gives out orders and everyone else in the family just helps out.

Willie was born and raised in a small town in Florida. When Willie was a kid, everyone had different roles for Thanksgiving. His grandmother made the sweet potato pies, his mother cooked the turkey and ham, and his aunts prepared the salad.

One of Debbie’s specialty dishes during Thanksgiving is green bean casserole. Willie had green bean casserole once when he was a kid but he always ended up eating the crunchy onions.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Vivid(鮮明な)

◎ “Vivid”は、明るくてはっきりした色彩や映像、またはよく覚えている思い出や記憶を表す際に、「鮮明な」や「鮮やかな」の意味として使われます。また、「まるで本当のことのように感じる」といったニュアンスや、過去の出来事をキメ細かく伝える意味合いとしても使われます。

  • The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum had vivid images of the war.(広島平和記念資料館には、戦争の生々しい映像がありました。)
  • She gave us a vivid description of what happened that day.(彼女は、あの日に起こった出来事を具体的に話してくれた。)
  • I remember the accident vividly.(その交通事故は鮮明に覚えています。)

2) Help out(助ける・手伝う)

◎ “Help out”は“Help”と同様、「助ける」や「手伝う」を意味しますが、“Help out”は困っている人に対して使われるカジュユアルで口語的な表現なのがポイントです。また、人が“Help out”出来ても、物は“Help out”出来ないこともポイントになります。

  • Can you help me out?(手伝ってくれますか?)
  • Do you help out around the house?(あなたは家事の手伝いをしますか?)
  • Thanks for helping out yesterday.(昨日は手伝ってくれてありがとうございました。)

3) Temperamental(怒りっぽい)

◎ “Temperament”は本来「気質」を意味しますが、態度や気分が急に変わるといった、起伏の激しい性格の人を表す場合にも使われます。一般的には怒りっぽい性格や、ちょっとしたことでイライラする神経質なタイプを指します。

  • He’s a nice guy but he’s also a bit temperamental.(彼は親切ですが、ちょっと怒りっぽいです。)
  • She’s so temperamental today.(今日彼女は怒りっぽいね。)
  • My dog can be temperamental and vicious at times.(時々私の犬は怒りっぽくなって、噛みつくことがあります。)

4) Orchestrate(仕切る)

◎ “Orchestrate”は、オーケストラ のために作曲することを意味する他、日常会話では物事を計画して指示する意味合いとしても使われます。特に複雑な仕事などがスムーズにいくように、全てをまとめて取り仕切るニュアンスがあります。しかし、良い出来事に限らず、不正な企みに対しても使われます。

  • She’s the one that orchestrated the event.(イベントを仕切ったのは彼女です。)
  • My coworker orchestrated a successful marketing campaign.(私の同僚は成功を収めたマーケティング・キャンペーンを仕切りました。)
  • We are investigating who orchestrated the attack.(攻撃を指揮したのは誰なのかを調査をしています。)

5) Who wants to _____?(〜する人なんていないでしょう?)

◎ 直訳すると「〜したい人はいますか?」になりますが、皮肉の意味を込めて、「〜する人・したい人なんていないでしょう?」と冗談半分で表現する際に使われるフレーズです。「Nobody wants to ______」と同じ意味合いです。
◎ “Want”に限らず他の動詞を使うこともできます。

  • Who wants to study on a Friday night?(金曜日の夜に勉強したい人なんていないでしょう?)
  • As a kid, who wants to eat salad for lunch every day?(毎日お昼にサラダを食べたい子供なんていないでしょう。)
  • Who doesn’t have a smart phone these days?(最近はスマートフォンを持っていない人なんていないでしょう?)



  • Immediate・・・すぐ近くに
  • Roles・・・役割
  • Occurence・・・出来事


  • Comes to mind・・・思い浮かぶ
  • In my case・・・私の場合
  • Give orders・・・指示を出す
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. SEIJI より:

    ”he really doesn’t want anyone in the kitchen”

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!いつもPodcastを聴いていただき、ありがとうございます。Debbieさんが言った”he really doesn’t want anyone in the kitchen”は「自分以外、誰もキッチンにいて欲しくない」を意味し、要するに料理をするときに全て自分でやりたいことを意味します。これからも頑張ってください〜!

  2. あいぽん より:



    ところで、”I brought my husband, who is my husband now,..”とありますが、どうして、who is my husband ともう一度言っているのでしょうか?


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