
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2014.10.11




【Steve】OK can you tell me about a typical day in an American classroom?

【Dawnielle】Sure. Generally you start out taking a roll call. Um either you know the students by name and you simply do it silently or you can do that out loud. Calling each by name, hearing a “here” and so forth. Uh after that, you would take care of any morning announcements um of course there would be a difference between elementary, junior high and high school how that takes place.
And generally a teacher will go through an instruction from a textbook. And uh maybe ask questions of her students. Students will answer by raising their hands. Uh some teachers would choose to call on students without a raised hand. And students will tend to answer. If they don’t know an answer they are welcome to say that they don’t know.
Um some teachers can embarrass students at times but it’s not the norm, it’s not what we expect out of our teachers. We want them to be encouraging and uplifting to their students, to get the best out of them. We want to, I think that we teach our teachers to motivate students, to bring them out of their shells, to be extroverted rather than introverted. We want to teach students to be outgoing and sociable. So we want to hear them talking in the classroom. We want to hear them interacting. A lot of teachers will uh position desks in a room so that they’re in groups. So students get used to working in group settings and a lot of times teachers will give activities to where students…work in a group setting to complete a task that corresponds to the lesson that he or she is teaching.
So generally we go through our day there’s a…for an elementary school setting there would be a recess, an initial recess where the children are given 10 to 15 minutes to go outside and play um after the first couple of hours sitting in the classroom. And then they’ll come back. Do some more learning activities and then there will be a lunch break uh that can be average anywhere between 45 minutes to an hour and a half depending on the school. And then we proceed with the rest of the day and school generally ends I would say between the 2 o’clock and 3 o’clock time frame um depending on when the start time was. But we let students out and they’ll either take a bus home or walk home or parents would pick them up.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What are some things teachers typically do before starting class?
  2. What are some expectations we have of teachers?
  3. How do students go home after school?



  1. Teachers generally take roll call and make morning announcements.
  2. Teachers are expected to encourage, uplift and bring the best out of the students.
  3. They take the bus home, walk home or have the parents pick them up.



A typical day in American school starts out by taking roll call and making morning announcements. Some teachers do roll calls silently while others do them out loud.

Teachers then begin class by using textbooks. It’s normal for teachers to interact with students in class. Some teachers randomly call on students while others pick students who raise their hands. If the students don’t know the answer, it’s OK to say “I don’t know.”

Teachers are expected to encourage, uplift and bring out the best of every student. It’s important for teachers to motivate the students and teach them to be outgoing and sociable.

Teachers want to see students speak up in class. The desks in many classrooms are set up in groups so students can interact with one another.

Elementary schools usually have a 10-15 minute recess in the morning and a 45-minute to a 90-minute lunch break. School usually ends between 2 to 3 o’clock and students go home by taking a bus, walking or getting picked up by their parents.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Out loud(声に出す)

◎ このフレーズは「声に出して◯◯する」と表したい時に使われ、「Out loud」の前に適切な動詞を入れます。
◎ 例えば、「声に出して読む」は「Read out loud」、「声を出して笑う」は「Laugh out loud」になります。ちなみに、FacebookやTwitterなどで使われる「LOL」は「Laugh out loud」の省略です。

  • Take roll call out loud.(声を出して出席を取る)
  • Please read out loud.(声を出して読んでください)
  • Sorry, I was thinking out loud.(すみません、独り言を言っていました)

2) And so forth(など)

◎「And so forth」は会話で使われる表現で「◯◯など」を意味します。文章で書く場合は「Etc.」が使われます。
◎「And so on」も同じ意味合いで使われ、ニュアンスの違いは特にありません。

  • Don’t forget to bring food, drinks, snacks and so forth.(食べ物、飲み物やスナックなど忘れないように)
  • Everything is really cheap. Books, magazines and so on.(本や雑誌など全てが安いです)
  • I like outdoor activities like hiking, biking and so forth.(ハイキングやバイキングなどアウトドアの活動が好きです)

3) Welcome to _____(自由に〜していい)

◎「Welcome」は「You’re welcome(どう致しまして)」や「Welcome to _____(〜へようこそ)」と覚えてきたと思いますが、その他に「自由に〜をしてよい」「いつでも〜してよい」といった意味合いとしても日常会話で使われます。
◎「Welcome to」の後には動詞が入ります。

  • They are welcome to say “I don’t know.”(「分かりません」といつでも言っていいです)
  • You are welcome to use my computer.(私のパソコンを自由に使っていいですよ)
  • You are welcome to stay at my place anytime.(いつでもうちに泊まっていいですよ)

4) Get the best out of _____(力を最大限に引き出す)

◎ このフレーズは人が持っている力や能力を最大限に発揮させる意味を表します。

  • Get the best out of them.(彼らの能力を最大限に引き出す)
  • He knows how to bring the best out of people.(彼は人が持っている力を最大限に発揮させる方法を知っています)
  • As teachers, it’s important to get the best out of students.(先生として生徒の能力を最大限に引き出すことが重要です)

5) Extrovert / Introvert(外交的な人/内向的な人)

◎ 性格が明るく、社交的で活動的な人を英語で「Extrovert」と表します。常に、人との交流を求めるタイプを指します。
◎ 一人で過ごす時間に居心地を感じる人を「Introvert」と表します。社交場にほとんど参加しないことから「人見知り」のニュアンスも含まれますが、恥ずかしいからではなく、一人で過ごす時間が好きなタイプの人を指します。

  • He loves going to social events. He’s an extrovert.(彼は外交的な人なので社交行事に参加するのは大好きです)
  • She’s an introvert. She enjoys drawing alone.(彼女は内向的な人で一人で絵を描くのが好きです)
  • Do you think you’re an introvert or an extrovert?(あなたは内向的だと思いますか?外交的だと思いますか?)



  • Typical・・・典型的な
  • Roll call・・・出席を取る
  • Call on・・・生徒を当てる
  • Embarrass・・・恥ずかしい
  • Norm・・・基準
  • Encourage・・・励ます
  • Uplift・・・(気持ちを)高揚する
  • Outgoing/Sociable・・・社交的
  • Interact・・・交流
  • Correspond・・・〜に対応する
  • Recess・・・休憩時間
  • Proceed・・・続行する
  • Time frame・・・期間


  • Take care of・・・処理する
  • Take place・・・行われる
  • Raise one’s hand・・・手を挙げる
  • Bring someone out of shell・・・人を殻から出させる
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Masami より:

    Hi Jun!
    It’s been a while. Thank you for very interesting podcast this time,too !
    So you was like ” I’m really looking forward to meeting all of you participating in the seminar ” in the end of this episode.
    Therefore, I’ve got a question.
    I’d say that ” Participate in ” , ” Take part in ” and ” Partake in ” , that are same meanings.
    Are they exchangeble? Or is there a trick?
    Have a good one!!

    • Jun より:

      Hi Masami

      It’s been a while! Good to hear from you! All three expressions are interchangeable but I’d say “participate in” and “take part in” are more conversational than “partake in.” I typically don’t use “partake” in my conversation much.

  2. Jas より:


    They take the bus home, walk home~とありますが、homeの前に「to」は不要なのでしょうか?


    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!Podcastを聴いていただき、ありがとうございます。home の場合は to は入りません。school や work などの場合は to を入れる必要があります。Take the bus to school/work のようになります。

  3. DK より:

    Summaryのbetween 2 to 3 o’clockはどのように発音していますか?
    (Two toと言っているようには聞こえなくて)


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