
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2024.08.16





【Manning】So Kara, I hear you’re from Jersey (accent). What exit?

【Kara】I’m on 78, baby! Exit 14, let’s go! (laughs)

【Manning】Tell me about the accent. Now I have friends—I actually—my best friend in the whole wide world lives in Rutherford, New Jersey.

【Kara】Very close to me.

【Manning】Is it?


【Manning】And his husband is from maybe Palisades Park or…somewhere in New Jersey. I don’t know. But anyway…


【Manning】…he’s Italian.

【Kara】Ah, right.

【Manning】And I know that Italian figures into the Jersey accent.

【Kara】Completely, yes.

【Manning】Tell me, what are the—like, what do you feel are the—the biggest features of the Jersey accent?

【Kara】So I grew up in New Jersey my entire life. And actually when I was going to college and graduate school, I went to school in New England. I went to school in Rhode Island, which is actually very close to where Manning is from.


【Kara】I was petrified about speaking in public because I knew my vowel sounds…ugh! They’re nasal. They’re long. I draw them out.


【Kara】I genuinely for my first semester…nothing.


【Kara】I was so quiet because I was so nervous. I can control it.

【Manning】Wow, that’s cool.

【Kara】However, I can easily go back.

【Manning】You’re a chameleon, lass! You’re a chameleon.

【Kara】And like you said about the Italians, I’m one of the only few people in New Jersey who is not Italian at all.


【Kara】I am Irish Jersey.

【Manning】Ah, okay.

【Kara】So because so many immigrants came into Ellis Island, which is in New Jersey…


【Kara】…thank you very much. Not New York City…


【Kara】…we got an influx of so many different types of people, types of accents, types of English.


【Kara】So our accent is incredibly unique because so many other languages contribute to it.


【Kara】I recently just started a new job in Secaucus, New Jersey, which is very…

【Manning】(imitating New Jersey accent) Secaucus, Secaucus!

【Kara】(imitating New Jersey accent) Secaucus! Exactly. And I have noticed my accent coming back.


【Kara】And I hear myself. I’m like, “I did not just sound like that.”

【Manning】You’re trying to assimilate. That’s the cool part of it. You’re trying to blend in, right? It’s a natural thing, I think. Honestly.

【Kara】It is. And it’s so funny…

【Manning】So give me some examples. Like water (accent).

【Kara】Water…water (accent). Yeah.

【Manning】Water, right?

【Kara】You add a “D” instead of a “T.” I don’t know where the “T” goes.

【Manning】Mm hm.

【Kara】I don’t know why we have to change it. I’m sorry to the “T.”


【Kara】Coffee (accent). Chocolate. Exactly.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Where did Kara go to graduate school?
  2. Where in New Jersey did Kara recently start a new job?
  3. Why does Kara believe the New Jersey accent is so unique?



  1. She went to graduate school in Rhode Island.
  2. She started a new job in Secaucus, New Jersey.
  3. Many immigrants to the United States came in through Ellis Island, which is part of New Jersey. That mixture of languages and accents contributed to the New Jersey accent.



Kara and Manning discuss the New Jersey accent, which is Kara’s native accent due to her having grown up in that state. Both have a connection to the state, since Manning’s best friend lives in Rutherford, New Jersey.

Kara went to school in New England, including Rhode Island for graduate school. During her first semester, she was so afraid of public speaking due to her accent that she stayed mostly quiet.

Manning’s friend is Italian in heritage, and Kara says Italian factors heavily into the New Jersey accent. Kara herself is Irish in heritage, and believes that the historical fact of many immigrants with different languages and accents coming into the United States through Ellis Island, New Jersey contributed to New Jersey’s unique accent.

Though Kara can control her accent to hide it, sometimes it comes out anyway. She recently started a new job in Secaucus, New Jersey and she already feels her New Jersey accent returning.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) In the whole wide world(世界中で一番)

“in the whole wide world”は、「世界中で一番」を意味するカジュアルで口語的な表現です。この表現は強調の意味合いがあり、特定のものや人がとても特別であることを示したいときに使われることが多いです。例えば、今日の会話でマニングは“My best friend in the whole wide world lives in Rutherford, New Jersey.”と言い、ニュージャージー州ラザフォードに住んでいる友人が彼の大親友であることを強調しています。

  • He’s the funniest person in the whole wide world.
  • My mom makes the best spaghetti in the whole wide world.
  • There is no place like home in the whole wide world.

2) Figure into(関係する、影響を与える)

“figure into”は、「~に関係する」や「~に影響を与える」を意味する表現です。ある状況や結果に、何かがどのように影響を与えるかを述べる際に使われます。例えば、今日の会話でマニングは“I know that Italian figures into the Jersey accent.”と言いましたが、これは「ニュージャージー訛りにイタリア語が影響を与えているのは知っています」を意味し、イタリア語が重要な要素であることを示しています。

  • Weather always figures into my travel plans.
  • The cost of living figured into my decision to move to the suburbs.
  • My family’s opinion figures into the final decision.

3) Petrified(非常に恐ろしい)

“petrified”は強い恐怖や驚きを表すときに使われ、あまりの恐怖で動けなかったり、言葉が出てこないような状態を指します。“petrified”は本来、フランス語に由来し「石化する」ことを意味します。そこから転じて、動けなくなるほどの恐怖を感じることを表します。例えば、クローゼットを開けた時に大きな蛇がいることに気づいた瞬間を、“When I saw the huge snake in the closet, I was petrified.(クローゼットの中に巨大な蛇を見た時、私は怖くて動けなくなりました)”と表現することができます。

  • I was petrified when I saw the bear in my backyard.
  • I’m petrified of doing a speech in English.
  • I heard a strange laughter in the middle of the night and I was petrified.

4) Draw out(引き出す、延ばす)

“draw out”にはいくつかの意味がありますが、一般的には「引き出す」や「延ばす」「長引かせる」という意味で使われます。 “draw out”は誰かから情報や感情を引き出す時に使われ、「彼は人の本心を引き出すのが上手だ」は“He is good at drawing out people’s true feelings.”と言います。その他、“draw out”は物事を予定よりも長くすることを意味し、「ミーティングは1時間以上も長引きました」は“The meeting was drawn out by over an hour.”と言います。

ちなみに今日の会話でケーラは自分の母音の発音を“drawn out”すると言いましたが、ここでは母音を伸ばして発音することを意味しています。

  • The teacher tried to draw out more answers from the students.
  • The seminar was drawn out because of many questions.
  • I tried to draw out what was bothering my friend.

5) Blend in(混じり合う、調和する)

“blend in”は「溶け込む」や「周囲と調和する」を意味し、ある物や人が周囲の環境や状況に自然に調和することを表します。特に目立たずに周囲となじむ、または違和感なく溶け込むニュアンスがあります。例えば、「私は海外に行くときは、現地の人に溶け込むようにしています」は“When I travel abroad, I try to blend in with the locals.”と表現します。

  • I wore a yukata at the summer festival to blend in with the crowd.
  • When I moved to France, I made an effort to blend in by following local customs.
  • Lisa is very adaptable and can blend in anywhere she goes.



  • Nasal・・・鼻にかかった
  • Genuinely・・・本当に
  • Chameleon・・・カメレオン
  • Lass・・・小娘、少女
  • Immigrant・・・移民
  • Assimilate・・・適応する


  • The biggest feature・・・一番の特徴
  • Influx of・・・流入








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