
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.01.29





【Nate】Alright Marina, the first question of the day is “things that you find interesting, unique, strange about Japanese culture or the people there.”

【Marina】So, there are—there are, of course, a lot of things, I mean definitely one that I noticed was—and I took advantage of—was being able to eat out alone at restaurants because I don’t really do that here in the U.S. But also I—I tend to like to go to new places and to places with friends. So, just that whole idea of going to places alone is just a little bit nerve-wracking.


【Marina】And, well, that’s one thing. But how ‘bout (about) you, Nate?

【Nate】One thing that I thought of was the, kind of…I guess the souvenir culture. I thought, “That doesn’t really exist here in America.” Like, mostly if we go somewhere else, maybe we’ll get them a gift. Maybe it’ll be, like a magnet of the place. But like, there’s not this idea where like, each state or each place you go has its own unique, like gift to give.
So like, for example, the place that I was living at—it was famous forwhat was it famous for? It was famous for, like Echizen crab, and it was famous for, like soba. So, a lot of food products that you can’t really pass on. But they did have, like a special type of mochi that they had, for example, that a lot of people bought frequently to give as a gift.
And so, every place in Japan had its own, I guess unique food, signature food. But here in America, we don’t really have that. Like, we don’t really have those delicacies that only exist in one place that is a good souvenir. We just have generic, like magnets. And along with that, I think, like the way that they package all the souvenirs is, like taken with such care. Like, there’s so much more value in the gift…

【Marina】Mm hm.

【Nate】…than just, “Oh yeah, here. I—I just gave you this gift,” like, “Have fun with it.” But it’s more like, “Wow,” like, “I really appreciate that you took the time to get this for me.” And it’s like…it’s like almost a guaranteed thing. Like, you—you get it from so many people. And it’s just, like a really good part of their culture that…yeah, I wish we kind of had here.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What aspect of Japanese culture did Marina mention taking advantage of?
  2. Nate used to live in an area of Japan that he said was famous for three food items. What foods did he say it was famous for?
  3. What difference does Nate mention noticing between American souvenirs and Japanese souvenirs?



  1. She liked being feeling more comfortable going to various places, such as restaurants, by herself.
  2. His former place of residence was famous for Echizen crab, soba, and a special type of mochi.
  3. He noticed that a lot more care seemed to go into the packaging of Japanese gifts than their American counterparts.



Marina and Nate begin their discussion with the aspects of Japanese culture that they found strange, unique, or interesting. Marina shared her greater comfort traveling to places in Japan by herself.

In the United States, Marina generally didn’t go to places like restaurants by herself and found going to these places by herself nerve-wracking. However, that is not the case in Japan, where she often went to restaurants alone.

For Nate, the first observation he had was regarding Japan’s souvenir culture, which differed from America’s in key ways. For one, unlike in America, where each state has its own version of generic gifts like magnets, Japanese souvenirs are often specific types of dishes unique to a location.

For example, Nate used to live in an area famous for Echizen crab, soba, and a special type of mochi. In addition, Nate noticed that the packaging of Japanese souvenirs had much more care put into it than American souvenirs’ packaging, suggesting time and effort went into it.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Nerve-wracking(とても緊張感がある)

nerve は「緊張」、wrack は「苦しめる」を意味することから、nerve-wrackingは人をひどく緊張させたり、心配させることを意味します。極度の不安や心配が原因でイライラしたり、ストレスを感じたりするニュアンスがあり、「神経が疲れる」と訳すこともできます。この表現は、____ is nerve-wracking.(〜はすごく緊張する)のように空欄に緊張する対象が入ります。

  • ちなみにNerve-rackingとスペルすることもありますが、どちらを使ってもOKです。
  • Doing a speech in English in front of many people is nerve-wracking.
  • Waiting for the test results to come back can be really nerve-wracking.
  • I just got back from my first job interview. It was pretty nerve-wracking.

2) What was it famous for?(何で有名だったっけ?)

友人との会話中に、話題に上がったお店の名前や駅の名前が出てこない時は、日本語では「あのお店の名前は何だっけ?」「どの駅だったっけ?」のように問いかけますが、英語では「What was ____?」のように問いかけます。この表現は、相手に質問をしているというよりは自分に問いかけている感じで、例えば、「あの場所の名前は何だっけ?」は “What was the name of that place?”のように表現します。

  • その他、「どこだったっけ?」は「Where was it?」、「いつだったっけ?」は「When was it?」のように言います。
  • What was the name of the restaurant we went to last week? Oh yeah, Denny’s!
  • If you want to get on the bullet train you should go to…ah, which station was it? Oh, Shinagawa station!
  • I went to a really beautiful temple in Kyoto. What was the name of that temple? I think it’s called Kiyomizu-dera.

3) Pass on(〜を遠慮する)

pass on は「やめておく」や「遠慮する」を意味する表現です。特に相手の誘いに対し「遠慮しておくよ」とやんわり断るときに使える口語表現で、友達や同僚だけでなく、目上の人や年長者に対しても使える便利なフレーズです。例えば、「カラオケは遠慮しておきます」は「I’ll pass on karaoke.」と言い、pass on の後に遠慮する対象が入ります。

  • ちなみに、「I’ll pass.」だけでも「遠慮します」を意味します。
  • I’ll pass on dinner tonight. I still have some work I need to finish up.
  • There are too many people in line. Let’s pass on it this time.
  • If I were you, I would not pass on that opportunity.

4) Signature food(代表的な食べ物)

signatureと聞くと、「サイン(署名)」を思い浮かべる人も多いと思いますが、この単語には「特徴的な」や「代表的な」といった意味もあります。地域の特産品やお店の看板料理、または友達が作る得意メニューなどをsignature food/dishと表します。また食べ物に限らず、特徴的なスタイルやファッションなど、その人独自のスタイルを表す時にも使われます。

  • You have to get the four cheese pizza here. It’s their signature dish.
  • He’s always had those bright red glasses. That’s his signature look.
  • Of course I remember the “Tornado”. That was Hideo Nomo’s signature move.

5) Delicacy(珍味)

フォアグラやキャビア、エスカルゴなど、高級で珍しい食べ物をdelicacyと言い、特にその国でしか食べられない珍しい食べ物に対して使われます。ちなみに日本語では気配りがない人を「デリカシーがない」と言いますが、このカタカナ英語は delicate から成り立った表現で、ここで紹介しているdelicacyとは意味が異なります。

  • Have you had “shirasu” before? It’s a Japanese delicacy. Try a bite.
  • I get that this is a delicacy in this country but I can’t eat it.
  • This dish is really popular in this prefecture. It’s a well known delicacy.



  • Tend to・・・〜する傾向がある
  • Souvenir・・・お土産
  • Magnet・・・磁石
  • Generic・・・一般的なもの


  • Eat out・・・外食する
  • Famous for・・・〜で有名
  • Along with ~・・・ついでに言うと、それに加えて



Nathan (Nate)









  1. Pon より:


    Summaryの3つ目のパラグラフで使われている「in key ways」はどういった意味があるのでしょうか。


  2. J より:

    こんにちは、いつもこちらでディクテーション、シャドーイングを練習させていただいています。リンキングサウンドには慣れてきたのですが、eat outがどうしてもそう聞こえません。イエローのように聞こえます。eatのtとoutのoがくっついてr音に変化してるのだろうなと考えているのですが、ea-ro-utの最後のtは発音してないでしょうか?

    • Jun より:

      Jさん、いつもありがとうございます。そうですね。eat outの最後のtははっきり発音しないことが多いと思います。自然に言うと、ee / dowのような発音になります。

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