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【Andy】All right, Stephen, what advice would you give to parents who are raising bilingual children?
【Stephen】I’m not a parent myself, so I can’t really…
【Stephen】…as a perspective from a kid I guess you could say. I guess…let’s see here. Remembering from my past, I didn’t—I kind of said this before, but I didn’t like going to Japanese school. But I think it was really a big thing. I really, like—I’m very thankful to my mother for actually doing that now, because if she didn’t do that, I’d probably be—I probably wouldn’t be speaking Japanese as well.
【Stephen】Try to get them into—if you’re living in the States, you know, focus on your mother tongue, your mother language the most. But try to do your best in your—your second language and kind of—even if they don’t like to do it, just push them a little bit. I mean language I think is—it shouldn’t be…it should be one of the most important things. It’s probably more important than just having a hobby, right? So—because it’s how we communicate with each other. So I think it’s really important to do that.
【Stephen】But, you know, don’t push them too much. But it’s got to have a good balance somehow. And sometimes it’s—the kids are different. Like, each kid is probably different. My brother didn’t need to work so hard at it. I needed to work really hard at it. So it’s just different for each kid I guess. But…yeah.
【Stephen】And they have to enjoy it somehow. Make friends. Make a lot of friends too in each—in each country—I think is important. I think for kids that’s the most important thing—is being able to make friends from these different countries. Yeah.
【Andy】Yeah. I think I agree. I think that friends are very important. My daughter is my oldest and she had the—like I said, she had the hardest time. She’s the one that we sent back early. You know, kids always want to fit in, right? They want—they want to conform. They want to fit in. They want to have friends and feel like that they’re not some kind of weirdo or outcast, or whatever.
【Andy】She had—I think she had the strongest sense of that of all of my kids. And that was what—part of the reason why, you know, the whole thing bothered her. You know, whatever some usually young boy at school would, “Oh, gaijin, gaijin!” Or whatever. And it would bother the heck out of her. It would really, really bother, you know. She’d come home crying.
【Stephen】Mm hm.
【Andy】And all that type of thing.
Questions of the day(今日の質問)
- How did Stephen feel about Japanese school when he was young? How does he feel about it now?
スティーブンは子供の頃、日本人学校をどのように感じていましたか?また、今はどのように思っていますか? - What advice does Stephen give to parents of bilingual children?
スティーブンは、バイリンガルの子供を持つ親にどのようなアドバイスをしていますか? - What problem did Andy’s daughter have at school in Japan?
- When Stephen was a child, he did not like Japanese school. But now, he is very thankful that his mother made him go.
スティーブンは子供の頃、日本人学校が好きではありませんでした。しかし、今では母親が日本人学校に通わせてくれたことにとても感謝しています。 - He tells parents to teach their children their mother tongue the most. He also says children should make friends to help them enjoy learning.
まずは母国語を教えるように勧めています。また、子供が学びを楽しめるように、友達を作ることを推奨しています。 - Some Japanese students teased her and called her “gaijin.”
Stephen shares his experiences growing up in a bilingual family in the United States. He does not have kids, but his own experiences help him give advice to parents raising bilingual children.
When Stephen was a child, he did not like going to Japanese school. But now, he is grateful to his mother for making him go. He believes that because of this, he can speak Japanese well today.
Stephen advises parents to prioritize teaching their children their mother tongue while also encouraging them to try learning a second language. However, he says parents should not force them too much. Every child is different and learns language in their own way.
Stephen thinks it is important for children to make friends while learning a language. Andy agrees with this. Andy’s daughter had a hard time fitting in at school in Japan. Some Japanese students teased her and called her “gaijin”.
Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)
1) A big thing(大切なこと)
“a big thing”は、「重要なこと」や「大切なこと」を意味する表現です。ある物事がとても重要で、大きな影響を与えることを強調する表現で、“very important”のより口語的な言い方です。例えば、今日の会話でスティーブンは“I think it was a really big thing.”と言い、日本人学校に通ったことが彼の人生にとってとても重要だったことを表しています。
- Education is a big thing for my family.
- Moving to a new country was a big thing for me.
- VR is the next big thing in technology.
2) Fit in(馴染む)
“fit in”は、「馴染む」や「溶け込む」を意味し、人や物が周りと自然に調和することを表します。新しい環境やグループに溶け込んだり、文化や習慣に馴染んだりする状況でよく使われます。例えば、今日の会話でアンディは、“Kids always want to fit in, right?”と言い、「子供達はいつも馴染みたがるよね?」を意味しています。
- It took my son a while to fit in at his new school.
(息子は新しい学校に慣れるのにしばらく時間がかかりました) - As a foreigner, it was hard for me to fit in with the locals.
(外国人である私にとって、地元の人々に溶け込むのは難しいことでした) - I’m pretty adaptable and can fit in anywhere.
3) Weirdo(変わった人)
“weirdo”は、“weird(変な)”に接尾辞「o」をつけた単語で、「変わった人」や「変人」、「ちょっとおかしな人」を意味するカジュアルな表現です。 普通とは違う、ちょっと変な行動や考え方をする人に対して、一般的にはネガティブな意味で使われますが、冗談混じりで親しみを込めて使われることもあります。例えば、「彼は変人だ」は“He is a weirdo.”と言い、基本ネガティブな意味合いを持ちます。しかし、親しい友人に、“What are you wearing? You’re such a weirdo!(何着てるの?本当に変わってるね)”と言う場合、相手をちょっとからかっている冗談混じりのポジティブな意味合いがあります。
- There was a weirdo on the train randomly yelling at passengers.
(電車の中で、乗客に向かって無差別に怒鳴っている変な人がいました) - My little brother is a total weirdo, but I love him.
(弟は変わり者だけど、大好きです) - I don’t care if people think I’m a weirdo. I like being different.
4) Outcast(のけ者)
“outcast”は「のけ者」を意味する名詞で、「社会的に受け入れられず、孤立している人」 というニュアンスを持ちます。例えば、「私は学校で他の子と違っていたので、のけ者のように感じた」は“I felt like an outcast at school because I was different.”と言います。周りと違っているから仲間はずれにされたという意味合いがあり、ネガティブな意味で使われることが多いです。
- Growing up, I’ve always felt like an outcast.
- Many of my classmates treated me like an outcast.
- She embraced being an outcast and created her own path.
5) The heck out of someone(~をめっちゃ〜にする)
“the heck out of someone”は、誰かを「めっちゃ〜にする」を意味する口語的な言い方で、動詞と一緒に使い、その動作を強調したいときに使われます。例えば、今日の会話でアンディーは“It would bother the heck out of her.”と言い、外人と呼ばれることがアンディの娘を「めちゃくちゃ悩ませていた」ことを意味します。ちなみに、日常会話では“the hell out of”とも言い、意味は同じですが、 “the heck out of”の方がよりマイルドな響きがあります。
- Oh my gosh! You scared the heck out of me.
(ああ! めっちゃびっくりしたよ)
- This song annoys the heck out of me.
- You surprised the heck out of me. What are you doing here?
- Perspective・・・立場
- Conform・・・溶け込む
- Mother tongue・・・母語
- Push someone・・・(人)に強いて~させる
- Send back・・・帰す
Stephen (Takayuki Charette)