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【Stephen】I had wanted to ask you this one question about…
【Stephen】…like when you were—back in the 1980s…
【Stephen】I was born in ’81 and when did you—when did you get married? You got when…
【Andy】’80. We got married in ’80.
【Stephen】’80—oh, ’80…because I remember my parents—my father told me a story where he would go to her—her place, but…but her father would kick him out because, you know—he said, “Go away!” Like, “What are you doing here with my daughter?” Right? Kind of thing.
【Andy】Yeah, that’s an interesting point because…
【Andy】…okay—my father-in-law, you know, he fought in the war.
【Andy】He didn’t fight Americans. He fought against the Russians actually in ’39. I don’t know if you’ve heard of the great Battle of Nomonhan in Mongolia, in that area. But he was—he was an artilleryman in that battle. And, you know…
【Andy】…he’s got stories to tell. But very conservative. They didn’t like gaijin just in principle.
【Andy】Mother would tell stories of American fighter planes. She would be—she had a kid strapped on her back. And running with another kid in hand…American fighter planes coming down and strafing her. She’d have to grab the kids and jump into a ditch.
【Stephen】Mm hm.
【Andy】We weren’t doing very honorable things during that war against Japan. We wanted to end it. So…yeah. They didn’t like gaijin in principle. So they did not attend our wedding. We got married in Honolulu. And they did not attend our wedding.
【Stephen】Mm hm.
【Andy】I never even met him until my first child was born. And of course, once you have your first child…
【Stephen】Exactly. That’s when I was born. Everything was okay. (laughs)
【Andy】Everything was okay. And that’s…
【Andy】…you know…we took—we took the kid over and, you know, we lived—I lived there, you know. And it was an amazing experience in—in every sense of the word. (laughs) But actually, no. I really cherish it. Even though there was a lot of difficulty, I really cherish the experience because I learned so much about traditional Japanese culture. About…
Questions of the day(今日の質問)
- In what year was Stephen born?
スティーブンは何年生まれですか? - Andy’s father-in-law fought in a famous battle in World War II. Which battle was that?
アンディの義父は第二次世界大戦で有名な戦いに参加しました。それはどの戦いでしたか? - Where did Andy and his wife get married?
- Stephen was born in 1981.
スティーブンは1981年生まれです。 - Andy’s father-in-law fought in the Battle of Nomonhan in Mongolia.
アンディの義父はモンゴルのノモンハン事件に参戦しました。 - Andy and his wife got married in Honolulu.
Andy and Stephen continue their discussion of their connections to Japanese culture through their families. Stephen was born in 1981, and Andy married his wife in 1980.
Stephen shared the story of how, before his parents’ marriage, Stephen’s father would try to visit his mother at their family house. His grandfather would try to keep Stephen’s father away from his mother at the time.
Andy said that some people in his wife’s Japanese family did not like foreigners, especially his father-in-law. His father-in-law fought for Japan in World War II against the Russians in a battle in Mongolia. Because of this experience, he may not have trusted foreigners.
Andy and his wife got married in Honolulu, but her family did not come to the wedding. Later, when they had their first child, Andy finally met his father-in-law. They went to Japan to visit her family and show them their baby. Andy has many memories of that time.
Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)
1) Place(住んでいる場所)
“place”はもともと「場所」や「位置」を意味しますが、日常会話では「家」や「住んでいる場所」の意味でよく使われます。特にカジュアルな言い方として、“home”や“apartment”の代わりに使われることが多いです。例えば、友達に「今日うちに来る?」と誘う場合は“Do you want to come over to my place?”、「新しい家に引っ越しました」は“I moved into a new place.”と言います。
- The party is going to be at John’s place.
- You can crash at my place tonight if you want.
- I’m going over to my grandma’s place this weekend.
2) Kick someone out(人を追い出す)
“kick someone out”は誰かを「追い出す」ことを意味する表現です。トラブルを起こしている人を家や店から追い出したり、学校で問題を起こした生徒を退学させるような状況で使われます。例えば、「オーナーは泥酔しているお客さんを追い出した」は“The owner kicked out the drunk customer.”と言います。「追い出された」は“get kicked out”と表現し、例えば「彼はバーから追い出された」は“He got kicked out of the bar.”と言います。
- We kicked out our roommate because he was causing trouble.
(トラブルを引き起こしていたので、私たちはルームメイトを追い出しました) - We got kicked out of the hotel for being too loud.
(私たちは騒ぎすぎてホテルから追い出されました) - Steve got kicked out of school for cheating on a test.
3) Strap on(ストラップで何かを固定する)
“strap on”は「ストラップで何かを固定する」を意味し、紐やベルトで何かをしっかり体にくくりつける意味合いがあります。例えば、「ヘルメットをしっかりつけて」は “Strap on your helmet.”といい、ヘルメットを頭に被るだけでなく、あごひももしっかり締めることを表しています。“strap on”の後にストラップで固定する対象が入ります。
- Make sure you strap on your seat belt.
(シートベルトを締めてください) - Let’s strap on our snowboards and hit the slopes.
(スノーボードを装着してゲレンデに出よう) - We strapped on our backpacks and went for a hike.
4) In every sense of the word(あらゆる意味で)
“in every sense of the word”は、「あらゆる意味で」や「文字通りの意味でも、比喩的な意味でも」 を意味する表現です。このフレーズとともに述べる内容について、あらゆる解釈において完全に当てはまることを強調するときに使われます。例えば、“She is a leader in every sense of the word.”と言うと、彼女はカリスマ性もあり、責任感もあり、指導力もあり、全ての面でまさにリーダーであることを意味します。
- He is a true friend in every sense of the word.
- The LA fire was a disaster in every sense of the word.
- That movie was a masterpiece in every sense of the word.
5) Cherish(大切にする)
“cherish”は、「大切にする」や「大事に思う」 を意味する動詞で、人や思い出、価値あるものを大事にして、深い愛情や感謝の気持ちを持つニュアンスがあります。例えば、「私は家族を大切にしています」は“I cherish my family.”、「留学の思い出をずっと大切にします」は“I will always cherish my memories studying abroad.”と言い、愛情や思い出を大切にする場面でよく使われる表現です。
- He cherishes his family more than anything.
- I’ll cherish this special day forever.
- Kids grow up fast. Make sure you cherish it.
- Father-in-law・・・義理の父
- Artilleryman・・・砲兵
- Conservative・・・保守的
- Strafe・・・攻撃する
- Ditch・・・防空壕
- Honorable・・・誇れる
- Go away・・・出て行け
- Kind of thing・・・〜って感じ
- In principle・・・基本的に
Stephen (Takayuki Charette)