
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2025.03.07





【Steve】So, let’s culminate with the golden question here. What is the best way to learn a language? Dani, surely you know. Enlighten us.

【Dani】So much pressure. I actually don’t think…


【Steve】Give us the answer!

【Dani】(laughs) I don’t think there’s a best way, but there’s a best way for every individual.


【Dani】Like you mentioned earlier, Steve, some people are—are—they—they learn best by hearing. Some by reading, etc. And some by actively trying to speak, right? So I think you need to really find your own strengths. For me, it’s kind of in a classroom setting. I don’t have the…what’s that word? I’m—I hate missing words. Oh gosh. I can’t wait until my brain goes back to normal.

【Dani】Anyways, what I’m trying to say is, for example, I learn best in a classroom setting. I don’t have the…the diligence, I guess, to do it online like so many of the students on Hapa or CafeTalk. I’m so—I’m very much in admiration because they do it on their own time and not in a classroom. I can’t—like, I’ve been in Montreal since 2014 and I have not learned French properly yet because I haven’t gotten into a classroom. So…

【Kris】Do you like the classroom for the structure of the learning process or for the accountability of the teacher?

【Dani】I like—yeah, I like the accountability and I have a little bit—I like getting things right. (laughs) For example…


【Dani】…you know, when the—the teacher called on you randomly and you get the answer right, you’re like, “Yes.” So, for me, a little bit of that competitive nature helps me learn. So I—I like that and hearing the teacher talk, you know, when they’re—when you get to the intermediate level and they’re just speaking in the target language, I—I just love being live like that and hearing them lecture in the language because all of a sudden, right? It’s—it’s so amazing actually because when you learn a language, in the beginning you—you really struggle with the listening because, like I said, when we learn a language as adults we—we…we’re introduced to it through writing a lot of the times.

【Dani】And then all of a sudden, you start understanding what the teacher’s saying and I think that’s kind of a magical moment. I don’t know, I’m like, digressing right now. But anyways, I shouldn’t take over this conversation. Who else has some thoughts?

【Kris】(laughs) It is a magical moment, though. It is that connection.



【Dani】Mm hm. And when you get the jokes, that’s even better. You know, when the teacher says something funny and you actually understand why it’s funny, you’re like, “Yes!”

【Kris】Yes. (laughs) It’s so true.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What does Steve call the “golden question”?
  2. Why does Dani like learning in a classroom?
  3. Why does Dani think understanding jokes in a new language is special?



  1. Steve calls the question, “What is the best way to learn a language?” the golden question.
  2. Dani likes learning in a classroom because of the accountability from the teacher and the chance to get things right.
  3. Dani thinks it is special because it shows a real understanding of the language and culture.



Kris, Dani and Steve talk about the best way to learn a language. Steve asks Dani for her opinion, and Dani says there is no single best way for everyone. She explains that people learn differently. Some people learn best by listening, some by reading, and others by speaking.

Dani shares her own experience and says she learns best in a classroom setting. She likes the accountability of having a teacher and the chance to get answers right. Dani says she admires people who study online because she doesn’t have the discipline to do it herself. She also mentions that even though she has lived in Montreal since 2014, she hasn’t learned French because she hasn’t joined a class.

Dani enjoys the classroom environment because she likes hearing the teacher speak in the target language. She says it feels magical when you start to understand what the teacher is saying. She explains that listening can be hard at first because many adults start learning a new language by focusing on writing. Over time, though, understanding improves, and it feels exciting.

Dani talks about how special it is to understand jokes in a new language. She says it’s an amazing feeling when you understand why something is funny. Kris agrees with Dani and calls these moments magical. Both Dani and Kris share how these small successes make language learning enjoyable and rewarding.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Enlighten someone(〜に教える、~に知識を与える)

“enlighten someone”は、「教える」や「啓発する」を意味します。人に知識や情報を与えて理解を深めさせたり、知らなかったことを教えてあげるという前向きなニュアンスがあります。例えば、今日の会話でスティーブはダニに、“Enlighten us.”と言っていますが、「言語を学ぶベストな方法を教えてくれよ」と、多少冗談混じりで使っています。この表現は学問的な話題や真剣な場面で使われる時もあれば、冗談っぽく「さあ、教えて!」というニュアンスで使われることもあります。

  • He enlightened us about the history of Kyoto.
  • Can you enlighten me on this topic?
  • Please enlighten me on your experience traveling the world.

2) What’s the word?(あの単語、何だっけ?)

“What’s the word?”は、言葉を思い出そうとしている時に使う表現で、日本語で言うところの「あの単語、何だっけ?」 や 「えっと、何て言うんだっけ?」 に相当します。特に会話の途中で、言いたい言葉が喉まで出かかっているけれど思い出せない感じを表します。一人でつぶやくこともあれば、周りの人に助けを求めるように言うこともあります。

  • I need to buy some…what’s the word? Ah, detergent!
  • You know that thing you use to rinse vegetables? What’s the word?
  • I was reading this book, and it was really…what’s the word? Inspiring!

3) Accountability(責任感)

“accountability”は、「責任感」や「義務感」を意味し、特に、「自分がやるべきことに対して責任を持ち、しっかり取り組むこと」を指します。責任という意味では“responsibility”と同じですが、“accountability”は一般的に、「結果に対して責任を負うこと」を指し、誰かに責任を問われ、行動の結果について説明する義務があるときに使います。例えば、「リーダーとして、自分の決定には責任を持たなければならない」は“As a leader, you need to take accountability for your decisions.”と言います。

日常会話では“accountable for ~”の形式でよく使われ、「あなたは自分の行動に責任を持たなければならない」は“You have to be accountable for your own actions.”、「今回の出来事は自分が責任を取ります」は“I hold myself accountable for what happened.”という具合に使われます。

  • Students need accountability to stay motivated in online learning.
  • Going to the gym with a friend helps with accountability.
  • My friend and I hold each other accountable for exercising every day.

4) Digress(話が逸れる)

“digress”は「話が脱線する」ことを意味する動詞です。本題から逸れて他のことについて話し出す状況で使われ、「彼の話はいつも脱線します」は“He always digresses.”、「私は話題から逸れてしまっています」は“I’m digressing from the topic.”のように表します。その他、より砕けた言い回しとして“go off on a tangent”と表現することもでき、「私の話、脱線しちゃってるね」は“I’m going off on a tangent.”と言います。

  • I’m digressing right now. Let’s get back to what we were talking about.
  • My teacher often digresses and talks about pop culture.
  • Sorry for going off on a tangent. What were we talking about?

5) Take over(仕切る、支配する、引き継ぐ)

“take over”は状況に応じて様々な意味を持つフレーズですが、一般的には、「支配する」、「乗っ取る」または「引き継ぐ」を意味します。基本的には 「何かを自分がコントロールする・担当する」 というイメージです。例えば、今日の会話でダニは“I shouldn’t take over this conversation.”と言いましたが、「私ばかり話していたらダメだね」のような意味です。その他、「テクノロジーは私たちの生活を支配している」は“Technology is taking over our lives.”、「ジョンがミーティングを引き継ぎます」は“John is going to take over the meeting.”と言います。

  • Sorry, I didn’t mean to take over the conversation.
  • Do you think AI is going to take over our jobs?
  • I’ll take over the project from here.



  • Culminate・・・クライマックスに達する
  • Diligence・・・勤勉
  • Structure・・・構成


  • Golden question・・・究極の質問
  • In admiration・・・感心する
  • Competitive nature・・・競争意識
  • Struggle with・・・苦労する










  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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