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【Kris】So what do you guys think beginners especially, but all English learners should start with: grammar, vocabulary, or pronunciation?
【Steve】Well, I’ll jump in. I kind of reiterate what we just talked about. I think vocabulary’s probably at the…
【Steve】…for most people, is going to be where you want to start. Now how much you devote solely to that is dependent. But I think vocabulary to begin with and then if you have vocabulary plus…you do need some pronunciation, though, because if you know the words, but you can’t say them understandably to someone, that’s not going to get you very far either, so. You do want to have, again, that excellent term, the marriage of all three of these things.
【Steve】But I would say, from my opinion, start off with vocabulary and then move into pronunciation and grammar, probably in that order. But not—not saying you have to delay, you know, introducing grammar very long. But just for true beginners, I think vocabulary’s—that’s your—your building block right there.
【Dani】That makes the most sense. Again, you go back to the babies, right? They’re not sitting there like, “What’s a subject and a verb?” Right? And then slowly, they build the sentences. And honestly, I think with kids, they’re—it’s their pronunciation that comes last, right? Like, they go for the vocabulary and then they’ll start building small sentences. Maybe they miss the verb or whatever, like, “Daddy, I…”
【Kris】They overgeneralize a rule.
【Kris】So, a lot of the times with past tense.
【Dani】And then, the most happens last. So, I think I would just look to the babies. (laughs)
【Dani】Vocabulary, slowly build the grammar and then pronunciation. But like Steve said, yeah you have certain things are so off that people will not understand what you’re saying. So, you’re—I agree with you there.
【Kris】I always learned—well, I don’t want to say, “always learned.” But I learned usually in my high school experience that when you learn a new vocabulary word, you should learn the proper pronunciation immediately.
【Dani】Mm hm. Yeah.
【Kris】So that way—like you said before, Dani, it’s so hard to unlearn something.
【Dani】Mm hm.
【Kris】So if you learned the incorrect pronunciation or a confusing pronunciation—because again, I don’t want to say “correct” or “incorrect”—but an understandable pronunciation…it’s going to be a lot harder if you learned it a different way.
【Dani】Yeah. That’s so true.
【Kris】So, whenever I learn a new word, I really try to make sure that I’ve got the correct pronunciation—at that moment.
【Dani】Mm hm.
【Kris】And then again, try and use it in conversation. And that’s kind of a nice little quiz—a test to see, “Do people understand what I’m talking about?”
Questions of the day(今日の質問)
- What does Steve think English learners should start with?
スティーブは英語を習う人は何から始めるべきだと思っていますか? - What example does Dani use to explain how people naturally learn language?
ダニは人が自然に言語を学ぶ方法として、どのような例えを使っていますか? - What does Kris say about learning the pronunciation of a new vocabulary word?
- Steve thinks English learners should start with vocabulary.
スティーブは英語学習者はボキャブラリーから始めるべきだと思っています。 - Dani uses the example of babies, who first learn vocabulary, then start building sentences, and work on pronunciation last.
まず語彙力から始め、徐々に文を組み立てて、最後に発音に取り組むという赤ん坊の学び方を、ダニは例えとして使います。 - Kris says you should learn the proper pronunciation of a new word immediately when you learn it.
Kris, Dani and Steve talk about what English learners should focus on first: grammar, vocabulary, or pronunciation. Steve thinks vocabulary is the most important starting point because it is the foundation of language learning. He also says that pronunciation is necessary to be understood when speaking. Steve believes all three parts—vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation—should work together.
Steve suggests starting with vocabulary, then moving to pronunciation, and finally grammar. Dani agrees and uses babies as an example. She explains that babies first learn words (vocabulary), then they start to make simple sentences (grammar), and their pronunciation improves later. Kris adds that learning vocabulary and pronunciation together is very helpful.
Kris also talks about the importance of learning the correct pronunciation of a word right away. If you learn the wrong pronunciation, it is hard to fix it later. Kris says practicing new words in conversation is a good way to check if people understand you.
In the end, everyone agrees that vocabulary is the best place to start for beginners. Pronunciation should also be learned early to avoid misunderstandings. Grammar is important too, but it can be introduced gradually after building a good foundation of words. Together, these three parts help learners become better at speaking English.
Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)
1) Jump in(会話に入る、参加する)
“jump in”は、会話や議論に途中から入ったり、人が話している横から自分の意見を述べたり、または活動に参加したりすることを意味します。話に割り込む、というとネガティブな意味になりがちですが、“jump in”は「会話に加わる」というポジティブなニュアンスで使われることが多く、特に友達同士やカジュアルな場面でよく使われます。例えば、友達が会話をしている時に、「ごめん、ちょっといい?」という場合、“Sorry, can I jump in?”と言ったり、グループディスカッションの時に「気軽に会話に参加してください」という場合、“Feel free to jump in anytime.”と表現できます。
- Sorry, is it OK if I jump in and add something?
- This is an open discussion. Anyone can jump in anytime.
- We’re playing a game. Do you want to jump in?
2) Get someone far(成功に役立つ)
“get someone far”は直訳すると「(人を)遠くに連れて行く」ですが、比喩的には「成功や目標達成に役立つ」や「前進させる」という意味になり、成功や進歩のレベルを話すときによく使われます。例えば、「努力すれば成功できるよ」は“Hard work will get you far.”と言います。逆に、「成功には繋がらない」や「役に立たない」は“not get someone far”のように表し、「愚痴ばかり言ってても成功しないよ」は“Complaining all the time won’t get you far.”と言います。
- Good communication skills will get you far in your career.
(高いコミュニケーション能力があれば、キャリアアップにつながります) - Learning from mistakes can get you far in life.
(失敗から学ぶことで、人生は大きく変わる) - If you don’t practice speaking, it won’t get you far.
3) Look to(~に頼る)
“look to”は「~に頼る」や「~に助けを求める」を意味し、誰かや何かからアドバイスやサポートを期待する時に使います。特に問題を解決したり、成功したりするために「信頼できる情報源や人」に注目するイメージです。例えば、「私は父親にアドバイスを求めます」は“I look to my father for advice.”のように表現します。また、状況によっては「~をお手本にする」や「~を見習う」の意味としても使われます。
- Who do you look to for advice?
(ふだん誰にアドバイスを求めますか?) - I look to my parents for advice.
(私は両親にアドバイスを求めます) - When I’m feeling down, I look to my favorite YouTuber for motivation.
4) Off(おかしい)
“something is off”は「何かがおかしい」や「間違っている」を意味します。例えば、「発音がおかしいよ」は“Your pronunciation is off.”、「時計の時間がずれている」は“The clock is off.”、「計算が間違っている」は“The calculation is off.”のように表します。その他、“something is off”ははっきりした原因がわからないけれど、違和感を感じる場合によく使われ、例えば、「今日は天気がなんかおかしい」は“Something is off with the weather today.”と言います。
- Don’t you think the translation is off here?
- Please tell me if my pronunciation is off.
- Are you OK? You seem a bit off today.
5) Unlearn(一度覚えたことを忘れる)
“unlearn”は、「一度覚えたことを忘れる」や「身につけた習慣や知識を捨てる」を意味します。特に、間違った知識や習慣がある場合に、意識的にそれを「学び直す」「やめる」といったニュアンスがあります。例えば、今日の会話でクリスは、“It’s so hard to unlearn something.”と言い、一度間違った発音を覚えてしまうとそれを直すのがとても難しいことを説明しています。
- Once you learn the wrong pronunciation, it’s hard to unlearn it.
- It takes time to unlearn behaviors that you’ve had for years.
- Sometimes, you have to unlearn what you thought you knew.
- Reiterate・・・繰り返す
- Devote・・・専念する
- Overgeneralize・・・一般化し過ぎる
- Immediately・・・すぐに
- To begin with・・・まずは
- Marriage of all three・・・3つすべての融合
- Start off with・・・から始める
- In that order・・・この順番
- Building block・・・積み上げていく
- Go back to・・・〜に戻る
- So that way・・・そうすると