
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2025.02.21





【Dani】Yeah, so how much grammar is needed for spoken English and how important do you guys find the grammar? I really like grammar. But yeah, Steve, what do you think?

【Steve】Well I—I think I’m in a different situation than everyone else on this call because I’ve never really formally studied a foreign language, so I’ve—when I’ve studied language, it’s always been very casual and so for me, it’s always been—I—I felt —if I can—if I know a little vocabulary, that can take me a long way. So, I think it really depends on why you’re learning that language, what’s—what’s your goal, what do you—when you—how you—what level do you want to aspire to? But, you know, personally for me, I’ve found vocabulary…I really had to start with that. And because I never really advanced much beyond a beginner, I found that vocabulary very helpful. But of course, you—more advanced people are going to have different opinions, I’m sure.

【Kris】Well, I definitely agree with you, Steve, in that vocabulary are the building blocks.

【Dani】Mm hm.

【Kris】I mean, you don’t have the right building blocks, then how can you put them together in a sentence that makes sense? So, for me, I also agree. Vocabulary is the most important. For me, as a linguist, there are two fields of thought. One is called “prescriptivism,” and that is that there are proper rules that we must follow in order for grammar to be okay or acceptable.

【Kris】And the second is called “descriptivism,” and I think maybe you’re all familiar with it. I am a descriptivist because descriptivism says that what we should focus on is how language is actually used in the real world right now.

【Dani】Yeah. My favorite one too.

【Kris】Right? (laughs)


【Kris】So, both are important because, like we keep saying, when it comes to learning a language, the first thing you have to decide is “what are you going to use this for right now?”

【Dani】Mm hm.

【Kris】And “what is going to give you the tools to use it?” So if you wouldn’t be entering a situation where, unfortunately, as is the case in most of the world, prescriptivism is, you know, the be-all, then yeah. You do have to focus on meeting those standards in order to communicate the most effectively.

【Kris】So hopefully, times will change and we’ll become more acquainted with language variation and recognizing that different groups of people speak differently and that one may not be better than the other, but it’s just a difference.

【Kris】So that’s the hope for the future and the more that we can do to help that, that’s how I feel would be the best for all of us. But also recognizing that language is a tool, and so we always say in English, “use the right tool for the right job.*”
(正しくは “Use the right tool for the job”)

【Kris】So recognizing that if your language is your tool, finding the right fit for your situation. So in that sense, grammar is important, for sure, to be clear. But like Steve, I also think, “vocabulary, vocabulary, vocabulary first,” and then worry about the rest of the stuff as you go along.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What does Kris compare vocabulary to?
  2. What are the two fields of thought Kris mentions about grammar?
  3. What does Kris say about the purpose of grammar?



  1. Kris compares vocabulary to building blocks.
  2. The two fields of thought Kris mentions about grammar are prescriptivism and descriptivism.
  3. Kris says that grammar helps make communication clear and its importance depends on the situation in which the language is being used.



In this conversation, Dani starts by asking how much grammar is needed for speaking English and how important it is. Steve shares his opinion, saying that he hasn’t formally studied a foreign language and has learned casually. For him, vocabulary is the most important because it helps a lot, especially if you’re just starting out. He feels that knowing some vocabulary can take you far, even without focusing too much on grammar.

Kris agrees with Steve and explains that vocabulary is like building blocks—you need it to make sentences that make sense. Kris, who is a linguist, talks about two ideas about grammar: “prescriptivism,” which focuses on strict rules, and “descriptivism,” which looks at how people actually use language in real life. Kris prefers descriptivism because it matches how people naturally speak.

Kris says that grammar is still important, but how much you need it depends on your situation and goals. If you’re in a place where grammar rules matter, then you’ll need to follow them. However, Kris hopes people will understand that different groups speak in different ways, and no one way is better than another—it’s just different.

In the end, Kris says that language is like a tool, and you should use it in the way that fits your situation. Vocabulary should come first because it gives you the basics to start communicating. Once you’re comfortable with that, you can worry about grammar and other details later. Both Steve and Kris agree that focusing on vocabulary is a great way to begin learning a language.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Call(判断)

“call”と言えば「呼ぶ」や「電話をする」の意味としての使い方が浸透しているかと思いますが、実は名詞として「決断」という意味もあり、”decision”の口語表現として使うことができます。例えば、「あなた次第ですよ」は“It’s your call.”、「彼が判断しました」は“He made that call.”のように表現します。その他、誰かの提案や意見に賛同する時に、「いいね!」や「いいアイデアだね!」の意味で、“Good call!”と言うこともできます。日常会話だけに限らず、ビジネスシーンでも使われる表現なので覚えておきましょう。

  • It doesn’t matter to me. It’s your call.
  • Making hot pot tonight was a good call.
  • It was a tough call, but I decided to let Tony go.

2) Take someone a long way(大いに役立つ)

“take someone a long way”は、直訳すると「誰かを遠くまで連れて行く」という意味ですが、日常会話では「大いに役立つ」や「長期的な成功に繋がる」を意味します。特定の行動、資質、経験などがその人にとって重要で役立ち、将来的な成功や目標達成に大きく貢献するというニュアンスがあります。例えば、「あなたの努力はキャリアに大いに役立つでしょう」は“Your hard work will take you a long way in your career.”と言い、ポジティブな文脈で使われることが多いです。

  • A little kindness can take you a long way.
  • Learning how to communicate effectively can take you a long way in life.
  • Putting effort into learning English now will take you a long way in the future.

3) Building block(重要な構成要素)

“building block”はもともと子供が遊ぶ積み木を指しますが、日常会話では比喩的な表現として、「基礎」や「土台となる要素」という意味で使われます。特に、何か大きな目標や成果を築く際に必要な小さなパーツや重要な要素を指すことが多く、「物事の基本的な構成要素」や「全体の成功を支える要因」というポジティブな意味合いがあります。例えば、今日の会話でクリスは“Vocabulary is the building block.”と言い、「ボキャブラリーが大事な構成要素」であることを意味しました。

  • Grammar is one of the building blocks of learning a new language.
  • What do you think are the building blocks for a happy life?
  • Nutrition, exercise, and sleep are the building blocks for living a healthy life.

4) Put something together(組み立てる)

“put something together”は、直訳すると「何かを一緒にする」ですが、日常会話では、「物を組み立てる」や「計画やアイデアをまとめる」、「人や物を集めて何かする」ことを意味します。例えば、「この机を組み立てるのを手伝ってくれる?」は“Can you help me put this desk together?”、「イベントを企画してくれてありがとう」は“Thanks for putting together the event.”と言い、文脈に応じて微妙に意味合いが異なります。

  • I’m going to put together the bookshelf today.
  • How long did it take you to put together this plan?
  • In order to create this app, we need to put together a team.

5) (Be) Acquainted with(〜に精通している、〜と知り合いである)

“(be) acquainted with”は、「~に精通している」や「~と知り合いである」を意味する表現です。物事について使う場合は、「ある程度知識や理解がある」や「基本的な情報や経験がある」 というニュアンスがあるのに対し、人との関係について使う場合は、「相手を知っているが、親しいわけではない」 というニュアンスがあり、深い友人関係よりも軽い、知り合いのレベルを指します。多少、フォーマルな表現なので、カジュアルな場面では”know”や”familiar with”に置き換えられることもあります。

  • I’m acquainted with John, but we’re not close friends.
  • I became acquainted with Hiro through Instagram.
  • I’m starting to become more acquainted with the customs in Thailand.



  • Linguist・・・言語学者
  • Prescriptivism・・・規範主義
  • Descriptivism・・・記述主義
  • Be-all・・・最も重要


  • Aspire to・・・目指す
  • Make sense・・・意味を成す
  • Two fields of thought・・・2つの考え方
  • As one goes along・・・進みながらする










  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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