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【Kris】How do you guys suggest improving one ‘s listening skills?
【Dani】This one seems so obvious to me. It’s kind of, you know…listen to your target language as much as possible. I—I feel…I mean, that’s kind of stating the obvious. But also, I just want to make one point because… actually listen when you’re…
【Dani】…with your tutor because—for example, I mean most of my students are really good about listening, but I had this one situation where the student told me he had trouble listening. You know, like “Okay, let’s work on that.” But every time I tried to explain something, he kept cutting me off. And then in my mind I was thinking, “Maybe you’re having trouble listening because you’re actually too keen to talk.” So, you know, it just seems a bit obvious to me, this one. What do you guys think?
【Kris】Active listening, that sounds…
【Dani】Active listening. Yes, exactly. Like, listen, actually.
【Kris】Steve, what do you think?
【Steve】Well, this is actually probably what I do most with my students on Cafetalk is listening, where I’ll record something and send it to them for them to listen, then we can discuss it afterwards and so I think just…
【Steve】…practice listening. Have—if you have something on tape, if you have a tutor that can record something for you…if not, if you can watch a…a video on YouTube that has subtitles or something that you can check yourself.
【Steve】But I have a few students that are from Japan that have been, because of their jobs, stationed in America now and they—they always comment to me like, “Wow, they talk so much faster here than what we studied.”
【Steve】So they—they were quite confident when they went overseas and now they’re realizing “ah, it’s not always as easy”, so.
【Steve】Maybe just, you know…the target language that you’re—you’re listening—just, you know, focus, again…the area you’re in, the different colloquialisms. I have some student who’s in the Deep South, for example, and he’s…
【Dani】Oh, yeah.
【Steve】…he’s hearing words that are never—never been in a language book before and so, just kind of, you know, having to familiarize yourself with whatever local dialect can also be helpful.
【Dani】That’s so true.
Questions of the day(今日の質問)
- Why does Dani say some students have trouble listening?
ダニは、リスニングが苦手な生徒にはどのような問題があると言っていますか? - What does Steve suggest for people without a tutor?
スティーブは、チューターがいない人にはどのような勉強法を提案していますか? - What does Steve say about local dialects?
- Dani says some students have trouble because they are too eager to talk instead of listening carefully.
話すことに熱心すぎて人の話を注意深く聞かないためにリスニングが苦手な生徒もいるとダニは言います。 - Steve suggests watching YouTube videos with subtitles to practice listening.
スティーブは、リスニングの練習として字幕つきのYouTube動画を見ることを提案しています。 - Steve says students need to get familiar with local words and accents.
Kris, Dani, and Steve talk about how to improve listening skills. Dani says the best way to improve is to listen to the target language as much as possible. She tells a story about a student who had trouble listening because he was too eager to talk instead of carefully listening.
Kris adds that “active listening” is important, which means really focusing on what you hear. Steve talks about how he helps his students practice listening by recording something for them to listen to and then discussing it. He also suggests watching YouTube videos with subtitles if you don’t have a tutor.
Steve mentions that some of his Japanese students find listening in the U.S. difficult because people talk much faster than they expect. They were confident before going overseas, but real-life conversations can be very fast and hard to understand.
Steve also talks about local dialects, like in the Deep South of the U.S., where people use words that are not in textbooks. He says it’s helpful to learn the local words and accents of the place you are in. Understanding different accents will make listening easier in real-life situations.
Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)
1) Work on(〜に取り組む)
“work on”は、「〜に取り組む」や「~を改善する」を意味し、何かの課題やプロジェクト、スキル、問題解決などに集中して努力することを指します。例えば、「私は新しいプロジェクトに取り組んでいます」は“I’m working on a new project.”、「リスニング力を向上させないといけない」は“I need to work on my listening skills.”と言い、今努力していることやこれから改善したいことについて話すときに使われることが多いです。
- I need to work on my presentation today.
- We’re working on fixing this issue.
- I want to work on my speaking and listening this year.
2) Cut someone off(遮る、関係を断つ)
“cut someone off”は、「誰かを遮る」や「遮断する」、「関係を断つ」を意味し、状況に応じてさまざまな場面で使われます。例えば、あなたが話している最中にいつも言葉を遮る人がいた場合、“You always cut me off when I’m talking.(私が話しているときに、あなたはいつも私を遮ります)”と表現できます。その他、運転中に自分の車の前に無理やり入ってくるトラックがいた場合は、“The truck cut me off.(トラックが私の前に割り込んできた)”と言います。また、友好な関係を断ち切ったり縁を切ることを表す時にも使われ、例えば、「私は彼女との関係を断つことにしました」は“I decided to cut her off.”と言います。
- He has a bad habit of cutting people off in conversation.
(彼は人の話に割り込む悪い癖があります) - Someone cut me off on the freeway, and I almost got into an accident.
(高速道路で運転している時に誰かが割り込んできて、もう少しで事故るところだった) - I decided to cut off my relationship with him.
3) Keen on/to ~(すごく〜したい)
“keen on/to”は、「~に熱心である」や「~をとても好む」、「~をしたいと強く思う」を意味します。“keen on”は、特定の物事や人、活動への強い興味や好みを表し、例えば、「私は最近ゴルフに夢中です」は“I’m really keen on playing golf these days.”と言います。“keen to”は、特定の行動をしたいという意欲や希望を表し、“eager to”や“excited to”と似た使い方ができますが、“keen to”の方が少しフォーマルまたは控えめなトーンに感じられることがあります。例えば、「来週新しい仕事を始めるのが楽しみです」は“I’m keen to start my new job next week.”と言います。
ちなみに、イギリス英語では“keen”をより一般的に使うようですが、アメリカ英語ではややフォーマルな感じがあるように思います。アメリカでは“I’m into ~”や“I’m excited about ~”などの表現がより自然に使われることが多いように思います。
- I’m keen on learning about different cultures and traditions.
(私はさまざまな文化や伝統について学ぶのが好きです) - I’m not too keen on spicy food.
(私は辛い食べ物はあまり好きではありません) - I’m keen to start my new yoga class this month.
4) (Be) Stationed(~に駐留する)
“(be) stationed”は、主に軍隊や職場に関連して使われる表現で、「~に配置される」や「~に駐留する」を意味します。仕事や任務のために特定の場所に派遣され、一定期間その場所に留まる状況を表します。例えば、「トニーは沖縄の軍事基地に配置されています」は“Tony is stationed at a military base in Okinawa.”、「私は数年間、ニューヨークに駐在していました」は“I was stationed in New York for a couple of years.”と言います。
- My father was stationed in Yokosuka for a few years.
- I’m getting transferred this year and will be stationed in Singapore.
- I’ll be stationed in India for 3 years.
5) Familiarize oneself with(〜に慣れる)
“familiarize oneself with”は、「~に慣れる」や「~について詳しくなる」を意味し、特定の物事や状況についての知識やスキルを身につけるために、自分で努力して馴染もうとするプロセスを表します。例えば、「私はこの新しい街に慣れようとしています」は“I’m trying to familiarize myself with this new city.”と言います。意味は“get used to”と似ていますが、よりフォーマルな響きがある表現です。
- I need to familiarize myself with the new software.
- It took me a few months to familiarize myself with Tokyo.
- Before traveling, it’s good to familiarize yourself with the local customs.
- Colloquialism・・・口語表現
- Target language・・・学んでいる言語
- State the obvious・・・当たり前のことを言う
- Active listening・・・能動的に聞く
- Deep South・・・アメリカ深南部
- Local dialect・・・地域の方言