
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2025.01.17





【Dani】How do we improve pronunciation, Steve?

【Steve】Well I…this is probably…you hear this a lot, but, you know, practicing in front of the mirror. Things like that…shadowing, when you—when you read, you play a section on—on tape or video, pause it and try to repeat it back, watching videos with subtitles and repeating them. Things like that. Just—but again it comes back to this theme of practice, practice, practice.


【Steve】I think we’re going to see a lot in answering to many of these questions is just the practical application and using it, not being afraid to make mistakes…


【Steve】…things like that. So recording, playing it back, watching yourself in a mirror, these are all things that I think can be very helpful.

【Kris】I agree. I love the mirror trick. I love the recording-yourself-on-video-and-watching-yourself-back trick. And I also think that sometimes, especially for really interesting sounds that require your jaw to be lower, or your lips to be wider. Sometimes for example, with the long E sound we smile.

【Dani】Mm hm.

【Kris】So sometimes it’s also helpful to actually place your fingers and your hands on your cheeks and to measure, just by looking at your reflection “how far should my smile go? How wide or how… can I touch my chin to my hand if I hold my hand below my chin when I’m doing an “ah” sound?”

【Kris】So all of those little cues and then actually seeing what your face is doing, what your lips are doing, yeah. There’s so many mechanics to the face when it comes to pronunciation, for sure.

【Dani】Totally. That’s totally it. This one I did find a bit tough sometimes because I know how hard it… hard it is after a certain age for your mouth to move in the way you want it to…



【Dani】…because like, when I took Spanish in my early twenties, I was actually pretty good at pronunciation. But I notice now, like, you know, more than 10 years later, I can’t do it anymore. And my—my mouth is, like stuck.

【Dani】But the mechanic thing is so true, like for example, when I teach pronunciation there’s—there’s that back vowel “ah,” right? But for Japanese people their— their vowels kind of stay in the middle, kind of like this, so they’re really shy about opening their mouth. And I told them, “Just use—for that one sound you—you can open it all the way.”


【Dani】“Like, until you can’t open it anymore and that’s the sound.” So…

【Kris】And, like seeing how far open it can be, so. Yeah.

【Dani】Exactly, like you guys said. And you really—if you’re really serious about it, I do think you have to, you know, get a tutor because they can tell you exactly where your tongue is going or, like you said, how—how wide you’re actually going with your mouth and stuff.


【Dani】So that—if you’re able to, have—having that one-on-one tutor and perhaps even recording the lesson would be really helpful.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What does Steve suggest for improving pronunciation?
  2. What does Kris say about using a mirror?
  3. What do Dani and Kris say about being serious about pronunciation?



  1. Steve suggests practicing in front of a mirror, shadowing videos, and recording yourself.
  2. Kris says using a mirror is a good way to check your face and mouth movements.
  3. They say if you are serious, you should get one-on-one help and focus on your mouth movements.



Kris, Dani and Steve talk about how to improve pronunciation. Steve talks about the importance of practice and suggests using a mirror, shadowing videos, and recording yourself. He says that practicing often and not being afraid to make mistakes will help you improve.

Kris agrees with Steve and adds some tips about using your face and hands to check pronunciation. For example, when you say the long “E” sound, you can smile and use your fingers to measure how wide your smile is. Kris also says that using a mirror to watch your mouth and face is very helpful.

Dani talks about how pronunciation can become harder as you get older. She remembers being good at Spanish pronunciation when she was younger, but now her mouth feels stuck. Dani teaches her students to open their mouths wide for the “ah” sound because many Japanese speakers keep their mouths too small.

Finally, Dani and Kris agree that having a tutor can be very helpful for improving pronunciation. A tutor can tell you exactly how to move your mouth and tongue. They also suggest recording the lessons so you can check your pronunciation later. If you are serious about improving, these steps can really help.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Things like that(そのようなこと)

“things like that”は、「そのようなこと」や「そんな感じのもの」を意味し、同じような系統の物や出来事を広く指す時に使います。具体例を挙げた後で、他にも似たようなものがあるけど詳しくは言わないときによく使います。例えば、「私はハイキングとかキャンプとか、そのようなことが好きです」は“I like hiking, camping and things like that.”と言い、アウトドア系の趣味があることを示しています。

  • I like watching movies, listening to music, and things like that.
  • I need to buy eggs, milk and things like that.
  • I usually go jogging, do yoga, and things like that.

2) Cue(ヒント、合図)

“cue”は「何かをするための合図」や「次に何をすればよいかを教えてくれるもの」を指します。何かを始めるタイミングを他の人に伝える合図やサインとして使われ、例えば、「私がうなずいたら、それが君が話し始める合図だよ」は“When I nod, that’s your cue to start speaking.”といいます。また、次の行動を起こすきっかけを意味することもあり、例えば、「彼が時計を見たのが、私が席を立つべきタイミングだった」は“When he looked at his watch, it was my cue to leave.”と表現します。

  • The teacher gave us a cue to start writing.
  • When she nodded, it was my cue to speak.
  • He missed his cue to join the conversation.

3) Totally(完全に、もちろん)

“totally”は「完全に」や「全体的に」を意味する単語で、“completely”や“absolutely”の言い換え表現として使えます。例えば、「あなたに完全に同意します」は“I totally agree with you.”と言うことができます。

その他、“Totally!”の一言だけで使う場合は「うん!」や「もちろん!」を意味し、相手への賛同を示すフレーズとして使えます。“of course”や“absolutely”と同じ意味を持ちますが、どちらかといえば若者が使う言い回しです。

  • I totally forgot about the meeting.
  • Tokyo is totally different from LA.
  • Totally. If you come to Tokyo, I’ll show you around.

4) A bit(ちょっと)

“a bit”は“a little it”を略して言いた方で、「ちょっと」や「少し」を意味する口語的な言い方です。例えば、「今日はちょっと暑い」は“It’s a bit hot today.”、「ちょっとお腹空いた」は“I’m a bit hungry.”と言います。カジュアルな日常会話でよく使われ、控えめに何かを伝えたいときに便利な表現です。

  • I’m feeling a bit tired today.
  • I’m a bit nervous about the presentation.
  • I think this pasta needs a bit more salt.

5) All the way(完全に、遠くまで)

“all the way”は、文脈によって異なる意味を持ちますが、一般的には大きく分けて二つの意味を持ちます。一つ目は、「最後まで」や「完全に」を意味します。例えば、今日の会話でダニは“You can open it all the way.”と言い、「口を完全に開いていい」を意味しました。その他、「私は最後までとことん君をサポートするよ」は“I’ll support you all the way.”と言い、完全に支援することを意味します。

二つ目は、距離を強調して「遠く離れた場所」の意味で使われます。例えば、「彼ははるばるスペインからやってきました」は“He came all the way from Spain.”と言い、長い距離を移動したことを強調しています。

  • No matter what, I’ll support you all the way.
  • He drove all the way from Sapporo to Osaka.
  • This elevator goes all the way to the top floor.



  • Jaw・・・顎
  • Cheek・・・頬
  • Measure・・・測る
  • Chin・・・顎先
  • Stuck・・・動かない


  • Come back to・・・〜に戻る
  • Practical application・・・実践的な練習
  • Back vowel・・・後舌母音(発音するときに、舌の最も高い位置が口腔の奥のほうにある母音のこと)
  • One-on-one・・・1対1の、個人指導の










  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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