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【Steve】Well, hello everyone. So, our first question today is “how to learn vocabulary quickly and effectively.” Does anyone have any thoughts on that? Dani, it looks like you’re just bursting with…have something to say about this.
【Dani】Well, I just love the way you talk. It’s so radio. So, I personally think it’s really important, first, to know, like your parts of speech, even in your own language because I know not a…a lot of native speakers don’t even really think about that in their own language.
【Dani】So when you’re learning a new language, it’s really important, in my opinion, to know what part of speech that is. Therefore, you’ll be able to, like apply it efficiently when you say something. So that’s one of my points, but I don’t want to talk too much. So, let’s see what Kris has to say.
【Kris】Sure. So, this is going to come up in other questions, I’m sure, because my philosophies for teaching and also student language learning, and then also as a researcher of this topic, they all kind of, like mesh together.
【Kris】So, for me, vocabulary, as well as grammar and pronunciation, but specifically vocabulary, my first question is, “What are you going to use English for?” And so that is going to tell me what vocabulary you need and then the most important piece is—okay, well “if you’re going to use it, then you got to use it.”
【Kris】So, although it’s helpful to look at giant lists of vocabulary of “most common words” or “500 most frequent verbs”—that’s all very useful—the most useful thing when it comes to learning vocabulary effectively and quickly is learning words a few at a time and then using them so much with other people in conversation that you internalize them. So…
【Dani】Mm hm.
【Kris】I’m definitely going to…kind of shed some more light on that with the other questions that are going to come up, but number one is you figure out what you’re going to talk about, find the words for it, and then use it. So, use it so much that it just becomes a part of your internal vernacular—your internal dictionary.
【Dani】That’s super important because so many people, like get stuck, right? They’re like, “Oh, I don’t remember this word.” But if you’re confident in your own whatever—like, for example if you’re a waitress or something and you know all the words that…
【Dani】…come up in that context, then you’re good.
【Kris】Exactly, yes. And one thing that’s happening in the research right now is trying to shift away from this idea that in order to be a bilingual, you have to know everything equally in both languages, and recognizing that academic language versus conversational language versus medical language…there are different subcategories of language and what it means to be a speaker of that language.
【Kris】So first, taking it easy on yourself, recognizing that, you know, you have to learn the category that you’re going to use, and then enjoying that process. That’s how I like to think of it.
Questions of the day(今日の質問)
- What does Dani think is important to know when learning a new language?
ダニは、新しい言語を学ぶにあたって何を知ることが重要だと考えていますか? - What does Kris say is the first question to ask when learning vocabulary?
クリスは、語彙を習得したい生徒に、まずどのような質問をすると言っていますか? - What does Kris suggest is the most useful way to learn vocabulary?
- Dani thinks it is important to know the parts of speech when learning a new language.
ダニは新しい言語を学ぶ際に、品詞を知ることが重要だと考えています。 - Kris says the first question to ask is “What are you going to use English for?”
クリスは、最初に 「英語を使う目的は何ですか?」と尋ねると言っています。 - Kris suggests that the most useful way to learn vocabulary is to learn a few words at a time and use them a lot in conversation.
Kris, Dani, and Steve talk about how to learn vocabulary quickly and effectively. Dani says it is important to understand parts of speech, like nouns and verbs, even in your own language. She believes this helps you use words correctly when speaking or writing in a new language.
クリスとダニとスティーブが語彙を早く効果的に習得する方法について話します。 ダニは、母国語であっても名詞や動詞といった品詞を理解することが重要だと言います。 それによって、新しい言語で話したり書いたりする時に、単語を正しく使うことができるようになるとダニは考えています。
Kris shares that the first step is to think about how you will use English. For example, you might need English for work, school, or daily conversations. She says it’s best to learn a few words at a time and use them a lot in conversations so they become a part of your memory.
Dani and Kris both agree that it’s okay not to know every word in a language. Dani gives the example of a waitress who only needs to learn the words she will use at her job. Kris explains that people use different types of language for different situations, like casual conversations or work.
Finally, Kris says it’s important to enjoy learning a new language and not be too hard on yourself. She believes that focusing on the words you need and using them often will make learning easier and more fun.
Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)
1) Burst(溢れる)
“burst”は、基本的には「破裂する」や「弾ける」、「爆発する」を意味し、風船が割れたり水道管が破裂するような状況で使われます。日常会話では、何かが勢いよく出てきたり、感情やエネルギーが「溢れる」「抑えきれない」というニュアンスで使われることが多いです。例えば、「急に勢いよく部屋に飛び込む」は“burst into the room”、「感情を抑えきれず泣き崩れる」は“burst into tears”、「笑いが抑えきれず爆笑する」は“burst out laughing”のように表現します。
ちなみに、今日の会話でスティーブはダニに対して“Dani, it looks like you’re just bursting with having something to say about this.”と言いましたが、これは「ダニはこの事について何か言いたくてたまらなそうだ」のような意味になります。
- Nick burst into the room, shouting with excitement.
- She burst into tears when she heard the news.
- Everyone burst out laughing at the joke.
2) Mesh together(調和する)
本来「網」や「網の目」を意味する単語として使われる“mesh”には、「調和する」や「~がかみ合う」といった意味もあり、人同士の相性が良かったり、何かと何かの組み合わせが良い時に使われます。“mesh”だけで「調和する」を意味しますが、日常会話では“mesh together”の組み合わせで表現することもあり、その場合は“A and B mesh together”もしくは“A meshes together with B”の形式で使われることが一般的です。調和の度合いをより強調したい場合は“mesh well together”と表現します。
- Our team members’ personalities mesh together perfectly.
(私達のチームメンバーの性格は、完璧に調和し合っています) - I think your design and my ideas will mesh together nicely.
(君のデザインと僕のアイデアはうまく組み合わさりそうだね) - That team has a lot of talented players but they don’t mesh together.
3) Shed light on(~を明確にする)
“shed light on”は何かをわかりやすく説明することを表し、問題点や謎を解明したり、物事を明らかにするような状況で使われます。“shed light on”は本来「暗闇に光を放つ」ことを指し、かつてろうそくに灯りをともして暗い部屋を明るくしていた時代は、その行為を“shedding light”と表現していました。現代では、複雑な課題や状況、問題や疑問を明確にしたり解明したりする意味として使われており、何かが曖昧だったり、分かりにくかったりする状況に対して「分かりやすくする」「明確にする」ことを指します。例えば「問題を解明する」は“shed light on the problem”のように表し、“shed light on”の後に明らかにする対象を入れます。
- This documentary sheds light on global warming.
(このドキュメンタリーは地球温暖化を浮き彫りにします) - Would you mind shedding light on this issue?
(この問題を解明してくれますか?) - This book sheds light on the importance of mental health.
4) Stuck(動けない)
“stuck”は、動詞“stick”の過去分詞形で、「動けない」や「はまり込んでいる」、「抜け出せない」状態を表します。日常会話では、物理的にも比喩的にも幅広く使われ、困った状況や進展がない様子を伝えるときによく使われます。例えば、「車が雪にはまって動けなくなった」は“My car got stuck in the snow.”、「引き出しが引っかかって開かない」は“The drawer is stuck and I can’t open it.”と言います。
そのほか、車の渋滞に巻き込まれた時は“I’m stuck in traffic.”、駅で足止めされている場合は “I’m stuck at the train station.”、「この問題に行き詰まっている」は“I’m stuck on this problem.”のように、様々な状況で使うことができます。
- I can’t open the door because something is stuck.
- I’ve been stuck on this problem for hours.
- We got stuck at the airport for a couple of hours.
5) Take it easy(無理しないでね)
“take it easy”は本来「リラックスする」や「のんびりする」を意味し、日本語の「無理しないでね」や「気楽にね」 に最も近い表現です。働き過ぎの人やストレスを抱えている人、体調不良の人に対して「無理しないでね」の意味で使ったり、腹を立てている人に対して「落ち着いて」の意味で使える便利なフレーズです。また、リラックスしてのんびりくつろぐことを“take it easy”を使って表現することもできます。
その他、“take it easy”は同僚や友達同士のカジュアルな別れ際の挨拶として“Bye”の代わりに使われることもあり、その場合は「頑張り過ぎないでリラックスするようにね、じゃあね!」といった意味合いになります。
- It sounds like you’re working too much. Take it easy.
- I’m going to stay in this weekend and take it easy.
- It was nice catching up with you. Take it easy!
- Internalize・・・自分のものになる
- Subcategory・・・サブカテゴリー
- It’s so radio・・・ラジオのパーソナリティみたい
- Part of speech・・・品詞
- Come up・・・出てくる
- When it comes to・・・〜に関して
- Internal dictionary・・・脳内辞書
- Shift away from・・・離れる