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【Jun】All right, so what would you say was your highlight of this year?
【Akina】My highlight of this year…I would say…maybe when Maika started walking.
【Jun】Oh wow. Yeah that was a big one. That was a big one.
【Jun】I remember that day too.
【Jun】It was, like right after the 4th—the 4th of July…
【Akina】Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
【Jun】…ish…I think…
【Jun】…that was around the time.
【Akina】We were, like at a festival…
【Jun】Yeah, yeah, yeah.
【Akina】…when he started walking. But I think it was kind of…more of a significant point…
【Jun】Mm hm.
【Akina】…because he started becoming more independent.
【Jun】Yeah. It was, like a pretty big milestone, right?
【Akina】And, yeah. I feel like around then that’s when he started playing with Ruka more.
【Akina】It was like…I mean, it’s still hard. But once he started walking, like we didn’t have to carry him so much.
【Akina】And it was, like a little bit easier after he started walking.
【Jun】He was, like one of those cases where, like his period of, like standing or I guess they call it “cruising,” was, like really long.
【Akina】Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
【Jun】Like, I felt like he was going to walk a lot faster.
【Jun】But then that period of, like—I think he was, like just taking a long time figuring out how to walk.
【Akina】(laughs) Yeah, yeah.
【Jun】But then once he like, you know, figured it out, everything unlocked. It was like he just kind of hit the ground running.
【Akina】(laughs) Yeah, it was pretty quick.
【Jun】And it wasn’t even like he started walking. He just started running, you know?
【Jun】That—that was kind of his thing.
【Akina】He went from crawling to running.
【Jun】Yeah, he didn’t even walk. He just skipped that step completely. He just started charging.
【Jun】Yeah, no for sure. That walking—yeah, yeah.
【Akina】How about you?
【Jun】Man, you know, I would love to say that the highlight of my 2024 had to do with our kids. But it has to do with me. (laughs)
【Akina】(laughs) Of course.
【Jun】I’m going to be a little selfish here, but—no actually, it’s me and you.
【Jun】I think accomplishing our first half-marathon together…
【Akina】Oh yeah, that was a big highlight.
【Jun】…in October was a big highlight for me because it kind of proved to us that like, you know, we can do the things that we used to do before having kids, you know?
【Akina】I remember when we first started talking about doing it.
【Akina】It just kind of seemed like an impossible thing, you know?
【Akina】I wasn’t really sure if we were actually going to do it.
【Jun】Yeah, exactly.
【Jun】Do they call it, like a “pie in the sky?”
【Jun】I don’t—I don’t think I’ve ever used that expression before. (laughs)
【Akina】I know. (laughs)
【Jun】But I had to kind of…
【Akina】I’ve never heard you say that.
【Jun】(laughs) But yeah. It was just, like one of those ideas—like, I don’t know if we can make it happen.
【Jun】You know, we’re so busy every—yeah.
【Akina】Especially thinking about all the training and everything.
【Jun】Yeah. But we made it happen.
【Akina】We did it.
【Jun】Yeah. We were like, “All right, let’s set a date.” We signed up for the half-marathon. And we started training. We did it for six months. And it was definitely one of the most memorable things that happened this year.
【Jun】Yeah, yeah. Hopefully…because of that, we’ve continued to do these exercise things.
【Akina】Yeah, I think it elevated our exercise too. (laughs)
【Jun】For sure, yeah.
Questions of the day(今日の質問)
- What was Akina’s highlight of 2024?
アキナにとって、2024年で一番印象に残る出来事は何でしたか? - What was my highlight of 2024?
私にとって、2024年で一番印象に残る出来事は何でしたか? - Why was my highlight of 2024 so important to me?
- Her highlight was when our son Maika learned to walk.
彼女にとって一番印象に残る出来事は、息子のマイカが歩けるようになったことです。 - My highlight was running a half-marathon with Akina.
アキナと一緒にハーフマラソンを走ったことです。 - By running the half-marathon, Akina and I proved to ourselves we can still do the things we did prior to having our children.
Akina and I share our biggest highlights of 2024 and why they were so important to us. Akina started by sharing that her highlight was seeing our son Maika walk for the first time.
Maika started walking around the 4th of July in 2024 while we were at a festival. This was also around the time he started playing more with his brother Ruka.
I was surprised that it took so long for Maika to learn how to walk. However, once Maika did discover walking, he quickly discovered running as well. It was as if Maika “skipped” the step of walking and went straight to running as soon as he discovered how to.
私は、マイカがしっかり歩けるようになるまでに時間がかかったため、びっくりしていました。 しかし、マイカはやっと歩けるようになった時には、すでに走り方も覚えていました。まるで、 マイカは歩く段階を「スキップ」して、いきなり走ったような感じでした。
My biggest highlight of 2024 was running a half-marathon with Akina. For a time, it felt like an impossible task with how busy we were taking care of our kids. But together, we accomplished our goal. Running the half-marathon proved to us both that we could still do the things we used to do before we had kids.
私にとっての2024年の最大の印象に残る出来事は、アキナとハーフマラソンを走ったことでした。 私たちは子供の世話に追われていたため、一時は無理だと感じていました。ですが、私たちは一緒に目標を達成することができました。 ハーフマラソンを走ったことで、子供が生まれる前にできていたことを今でもできるんだ、ということを証明できました。
Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)
1) Cruise(ゆったりしたペースで進む)
“cruise”は状況に応じて様々な意味を持ちますが、基本的には「ゆったりとしたペースでスムーズに進む」ことを意味します。特に特定の目的地を定めずに、景色を楽しみながら車でゆっくりドライブすることを表し、例えば 「私は海岸沿いをゆっくりとドライブしていました」は“I was cruising along the coast.”、「今日はダウンタウンをのんびり歩き回りました」は“I cruised around downtown today.”と言います。
- If you’re up for it, let’s cruise along the coast.
- I cruised around downtown all day.
- My baby started cruising along the couch yesterday.
2) Hit the ground running(すぐに全力で取り組む)
“hit the ground running”は、何かを始めるときに、準備に時間がかかったり遅れをとったりせず、すぐに全力で取り組むことを意味します。「スタート地点にいるランナーが、号砲と同時に勢いよく飛び出す」イメージで、特に仕事やプロジェクト、活動を勢いよくスタートさせることを表します。例えば、「新入社員はみんな初日から全力で取り組んでいる」は“All the new employees hit the ground running.”と言い、やる気や準備の万全さをアピールするのにぴったりです。
- I started my new job and hit the ground running on the first day.
(私は新しい仕事を始め、初日から全力で取り組みました) - After the holiday break, we need to hit the ground running to meet our deadlines.
(休暇明けは、締め切りに間に合うよう、すぐに全力で仕事に取り掛からなければなりません) - Let’s hit the ground running and get off to a good start.
3) A pie in the sky(非現実的な)
直訳で「空に浮かぶパイ」となるこの表現は、「実現が難しいこと」や「非現実的な夢や希望」を意味する英語のイディオムで、日本語で言うところの「絵に描いた餅」に近い意味です。特に、達成が非常に難しい目標や計画を指すことが多く、他人のアイデアや目標を批判するために使われる場合もありますが、軽い冗談のように使われることもあります。例えば、「私は仕事をやめて世界旅行したいですが、それは非現実的な話です」は、“I want to quit my job and travel around the world, but it’s just a pie in the sky.”と言います。
- Buying a house is just a pie in the sky for me right now.
(私にとって、家を買うことは今のところ夢物語にすぎません) - Winning the lottery is just a pie in the sky for most people.
(宝くじに当選することは、ほとんどの人にとって絵に描いた餅に過ぎません) - Starting my own business seemed like a pie in the sky, but now I’m making progress.
4) Make it happen(実現させる)
“make it happen”は、「実現させる」や「やり遂げる」を意味し、特に何らかの目標や計画を行動に移して成功させるという積極的なニュアンスがあります。例えば、「来年の夏はヨーロッパに旅行しよう。実現させよう!」と言う場合、“Let’s travel to Europe next summer. Let’s make it happen!”と言い、決意ややる気を込めた言葉としてよく使われます。
- We should run a marathon together next year. Let’s make it happen.
- I know everyone’s busy, but let’s make this trip happen.
- He always talked about becoming an actor, and he made it happen.
5) Set a date(日付を決める)
“set a date”は、「日付を決める」や「予定日を設定する」を意味し、イベントや予定のために具体的な日付を正式に決定することを表します。例えば、「食事の日程を決めよう」は“Let’s set a date for dinner.”と言います。そのほか、「時間を決める」は“set a time”、「締切を決める」は“set a deadline”と言います。
- Let’s set a date for our next meeting.
- Have you set a date for the party yet?
- We need to set a deadline to finish the project.
- Milestone・・・節目、大きな一歩
- Unlock・・・解き放たれる
- Elevate・・・向上する
- 4th of July・・・独立記念日
- -ish・・・〜くらい、〜頃
- Carry someone・・・抱っこする
- Figure out・・・考える