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【Jun】Do you feel it?
【Jun】Christmas is in the air. (laughs)
【Akina】Christmas is in the air. (laughs)
【Jun】It is in the air. The holiday spirit is just—you can just feel it.
【Jun】I mean, literally it’s just right around the corner. But yeah. You know, this is always a fun time of year. And now that we have kids, it seems like we kind of have, like this new Christmas tradition…
【Jun】…that we kind of started a couple of years ago. Yeah.
【Akina】Yeah, we bought the house maybe, like three years ago.
【Jun】Yeah, yeah.
【Akina】And ever since then, we’ve been having Christmas here.
【Jun】Here, yeah.
【Akina】So we have, like all of our family here…
【Akina】…my sister and her boyfriend come over.
【Akina】Your family too.
【Jun】Yeah. Exactly, exactly. So, when it comes to, like Christmas food…like, how would you describe what we eat for Christmas? Like, you know…like, in Japan, I think, like the fried chicken…
【Jun】…is kind of a thing. Traditionally speaking for Christmas, I don’t know…a ham in the United States.
【Akina】Oh yeah.
【Jun】But we’re not really big on ham.
【Akina】Mashed potatoes, corn.
【Jun】Mashed potatoes, yeah, yeah.
【Akina】It’s pretty similar to Thanksgiving food.
【Jun】But what have we been doing, and what do you want to do this year?
【Akina】Well, you know holiday food is never that exciting for us.
【Akina】Because I think we like more Asian food.
【Akina】So this year, I think I want to—I mean, still have some of the Christmas food. Like your dad always makes the…the brisket.
【Jun】The brisket or…brisket or the prime rib.
【Akina】Oh, the prime rib. Prime rib.
【Jun】That’s what it is. Yeah, the prime rib. Yeah.
【Akina】Yeah and Kyoko-san makes the ham.
【Jun】The ham, yeah.
【Akina】But maybe in addition to that, like Vietnamese spring rolls.
【Jun】Right, yeah.
【Jun】I feel like that’s kind of been like our theme.
【Akina】Miso soup or something. Yeah.
【Jun】The Vietnamese spring roll, yeah.
【Akina】Some kind of Asian food to, like spice it up. (laughs)
【Jun】Yeah, yeah. Exactly.
【Akina】Because holiday food is pretty bland.
【Jun】It is, it is. Yeah. And do we get a Christmas cake? I feel like that’s something that we’ve been doing…
【Akina】Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
【Jun】…as well, right? Yeah.
【Akina】Yeah, we usually do them from Paris Baguette.
【Jun】Yeah, yeah.
【Akina】It’s like that Korean bakery.
【Jun】Because that’s definitely not really a thing here in the United States.
【Akina】Oh, yeah.
【Jun】You get a Christmas…
【Akina】I think it’s more pie.
【Jun】Yeah, it’s like a pie, right?
【Jun】Like an apple pie, or…what is it during Christmas? Is it an apple pie? I—I’m not even really sure, yeah.
【Akina】I have no idea. (laughs)
【Jun】But I think we kind of stick to, like the Japanese Christmas tradition in that sense.
【Jun】We get, like a nice Christmas cake.
【Jun】And the kids love it too, yeah.
【Jun】All right, well I think it’ll be a nice Christmas this year, then.
【Akina】I think so too.
Questions of the day(今日の質問)
- What are some traditional American Christmas foods that Akina and I mention?
アキナと私にとって、アメリカの伝統的なクリスマス料理は何ですか? - What sort of food do Akina and I like to add into our Christmas food traditions?
アキナと私はクリスマスの伝統的な料理と一緒にどんな料理を食べるのが好きですか? - What dessert dish do Akina and I enjoy getting for Christmas?
- We mention that traditional American Christmas foods include ham, mashed potatoes, and corn.
私たちは、アメリカの定番のクリスマス料理といえば、ハム、マッシュポテト、コーンだと言います。 - We like including Asian foods into our Christmas meals, such as Vietnamese spring rolls and miso soup.
私たちはベトナムの生春巻きや味噌汁などのアジアン料理を、クリスマス料理と一緒に食べるのが好きです。 - We often get Christmas cakes during the holidays.
Akina and I discuss Christmas food traditions in the U.S., as well as our own traditions within our family. While fried chicken is a tradition around Christmas time in Japan, in America, Akina and I agree that ham, mashed potatoes, and corn are common, traditional foods.
We both enjoy including Asian food into our family’s Christmas traditions, like Vietnamese spring rolls and miso soup. We find most traditional American Christmas food somewhat bland, and so we like to add Asian dishes to keep meals exciting.
Akina and I often enjoy Christmas meals with our relatives, and they bring dishes of their own. One of our relatives cooks ham, and my dad makes brisket and prime rib.
While pies are a more common holiday dessert food in the U.S., Akina and I like getting Christmas cakes instead. We order them from a Korean bakery chain called Paris Baguette.
Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)
1) In the air(〜が漂っている)
“in the air”は、「~が漂っている」や「~の雰囲気が感じられる」を意味し、感情や雰囲気、出来事や季節感など目に見えないけれど確かに感じるものを指します。例えば、今日の会話で私は“Christmas is in the air.”と言い、「クリスマスムードが漂っている」ことを意味しました。その他にも、“Love is in the air.(恋愛ムードが漂っている)” や“Spring is in the air.(春の訪れを感じる)”、“There’s tension in the air.(緊張感が漂っている)”のように使われます。
- Christmas is in the air with all the decorations and music.
- There was tension in the air during the meeting.
- As the new year approaches, excitement is in the air.
2) Holiday spirit(休日気分)
“spirit”は気分や精神を意味することから、“holiday spirit”は「休日気分」という意味になり、ホリデーシーズンのワクワク感を表す表現として使われます。一般的にクリスマスの時期に使われる表現で、 クリスマスソングを聞いてテンションが上がったり、イルミネーションを見てハッピーな気分になったりと、気持ちがクリスマスモードに入るときに使われます。また、“Christmas spirit”と表現することもできます。
- Listening to Christmas songs gets me in the holiday spirit.
(クリスマスソングを聴くと、ホリデー気分が高まります) - You can feel the holiday spirit in the air.
(ホリデー気分が漂っています) - The Christmas spirit can be felt all around downtown.
3) Right around the corner(もうすぐ)
“right around the corner”はイベントや祝日、季節などの時間的な距離が近づいてきていることを表し、「もうすぐ」や「間近に迫っている」といった意味で使われます。「もうすぐクリスマスだ」は“Christmas is right around the corner.”いいます。また、“right”の代わりに“just”を使って“just around the corner”と表現することもあります。
- New Year’s is right around the corner.
(もうすぐお正月です) - Our trip to New York is just around the corner.
(ニューヨークへの旅行がもうすぐですね) - The convenience store is right around the corner.
4) Spice up(面白くする、工夫をする)
“spice up”は直訳すると「スパイスを加える」という意味ですが、日常会話では「物事をもっと面白くしたり、刺激的にする」という比喩的な意味で使われることが多いです。平凡なものや退屈なものに工夫を加えたり、変化を与えたりすることを表します。例えば、「プレゼンテーションを面白くしましょう」は“Let’s spice up the presentation.”と言い、動画や画像、ユーモアや冗談などを入れて面白くすることを意味します。
- Let’s spice up the party with some music and games.
- We spiced up our vacation by trying new activities.
- I added jalapenos to spice up the soup.
5) Bland(味気がない)
“bland”は「味気ない」や「特徴がない」という意味で、刺激や風味が足りない場合に使います。例えば、「このスープは味気ない」は“This soup is bland.”と言います。料理や飲み物の味に関して使われることが多いですが、人の性格や何かの雰囲気についても使えます。例えば、「この部屋は味気ない」は“This room is bland.”と言い、何かが「物足りない」や「もっと良くなりそう」という状況で使われることが多いです。
- This pasta is a little bland.
- The soup was bland, so I added some salt.
- His speech was bland and not very interesting.
- Brisket・・・ブリスケット
- Prime rib・・・プライムリブ
- Spring rolls・・・生春巻き
- Stick (to)・・・こだわる
- Come over・・・〜へ行く・来る
- When it comes to・・・〜に関していうと
- A thing・・・定番、大事なもの
- Traditionally speaking・・・伝統的な(料理)って話なら
- Not really big on・・・そんなに好きじゃない
- In addition to・・・〜に加えて
- In that sense・・・そういう意味では