
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2024.12.13





【Jun】What is your favorite or least favorite Christmas song?

【Akina】Well, my favorite is “Last Christmas.”

【Jun】Oh, “Last”—wow.

【Akina】Yeah, by Wham!

【Jun】Wow. Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay.

【Akina】It’s, like a very romantic Christmas song.

【Jun】(laughs) Yeah.

【Akina】But I think the one that I have the most memories with…


【Akina】…is “Underneath the Tree” by Kelly Clarkson…

【Jun】Uh huh.

【Akina】…because (laughs) when Ruka was 3 months, like he would just cry nonstop from 7pm to 10pm. And sometimes, the only times he would stop is when we would sing that song. (laughs)

【Jun】I remember you’d, like carry him…

【Akina】Yeah. (laughs)

【Jun】…like, swinging him side to side. (sings)

【Akina】Yeah. (laughs)


【Akina】So that’s become, like one of my favorites—most memorable.

【Jun】That’s funny. I would think that that would be your, like least favorite song…


【Jun】…because of the memories it would bring back.

【Akina】Oh yeah, that’s true.

【Jun】Yeah, but I definitely—I will never forget that, yeah. Yeah, I think for me, it’s…it was one of my favorites that became my least favorite.


【Jun】(laughs) Two of them, actually. But, yeah. Like, “Last Christmas” by Wham!, like you said…that’s—that’s an all-time classic.


【Jun】You know what I’m saying? But that—that used to be my favorite. But now it’s on my, like least favorites, you know? And also the other that I used to, like…


【Jun】…really like, but I don’t really like anymore is “Feliz Navidad.” You know?

【Akina】(laughs) That’s the same with me.

【Jun】Yeah, the same with you, right?


【Jun】It used to be one of my favorites out here. And like, “Oh, you know, it’s Christmas,” you know? Like, it’s such a nice song and it puts me in a good mood. But now when I hear it, I’m like, “Oh my God.”

【Akina】(laughs) “Oh no, not this song again.”

【Jun】“Felix Navidad again.” But you know where I’m—no, now—you know where I’m going with this, right?

【Akina】Yeah. Yeah, I know. It’s because Ruka was, like obsessed with this song.


【Akina】And he listened to it probably for, like six months. From, like Christmas to, like the beginning of summer. (laughs)

【Jun】Exactly! So because of that…right?


【Jun】Last year, he became super obsessed with “Feliz Navidad.”


【Jun】Super obsessed with “Last Christmas.”

【Akina】Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.

【Jun】And it started in December. And we were listening to those two songs every day, multiple times a day…


【Jun】…until, like May or June.

【Akina】Yeah, the summer. (laughs)

【Jun】Yeah. So those two were my favorites and now they are my least favorite songs.

【Akina】Oh no. (laughs)



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What is Akina’s favorite Christmas song?
  2. What song got our son, Ruka, to stop crying when played?
  3. What two Christmas songs did I used to love but now consider my least favorite? Why?



  1. Akina’s favorite Christmas song is “Last Christmas” by Wham!
  2. “Underneath the Tree” by Kelly Clarkson, when played, helped get Ruka to stop crying.
  3. I used to love “Last Christmas” and “Feliz Navidad,” but grew tired of them after hearing them played too much because Ruka enjoyed them so much.



Akina and I discuss our most and least favorite Christmas songs. Akina’s favorite Christmas song is “Last Christmas” by Wham! because of how romantic it is.

“Underneath the Tree” by Kelly Clarkson was another important Christmas song for Akina because of its relationship with our son, Ruka. When Ruka was 3 months old, he used to cry nonstop in the evenings. But when “Underneath the Tree” was played, that often calmed him down.
ケリー・クラークソンの 「アンダーニース・ザ・ツリー」は、アキナにとって流楓との絆である大事なクリスマスソングです。流楓が生後3ヶ月の頃、夕方になると泣き止まない時期がありました。しかし、「アンダーニース・ザ・ツリー」が流れると、流楓は落ち着きました。

There are two songs that I used to love, but now I’m not so fond of them anymore. These two songs are “Feliz Navidad” and “Last Christmas.”

I used to really love these songs, but after my son Ruka became absolutely obsessed with them, I started to feel a bit worn out. We played them all the time from December to May. As a result, I started to consider them my least favorite Christmas songs.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Bring back memories(思い出を呼び起こす)

“bring back memories”は、「記憶をよみがえらせる」や「思い出を呼び起こす」を意味します。場所や音楽、匂いや写真などが過去の出来事や経験を思い出させるときに使われ、特に、懐かしさや感傷的な気持ちが込められることが多いです。例えば、「この曲を聴くと高校時代の思い出がよみがえります」は“This song brings back memories of my high school days.”と言い、何かがきっかけとなって、その瞬間の記憶を強く思い出させるニュアンスを持っています。

  • These pictures bring back memories of our Europe trip.
  • The smell of Japanese meat and potato stew brings back memories of my grandma.
  • Listening to your story brings back memories of my first job.

2) You know what I’m saying?(私の言いたいこと分かる?)

“You know what I’m saying?”は、「私の言いたいこと分かる?」を意味する、カジュアルで口語的な表現です。特に会話の中で、自分の意図や考えが相手に理解されているか確認したいときや共感を求めるときに使われます。例えば、「時々、モチベーションを維持するのが難しいんだよね。分かる?」は“Sometimes, it’s hard to stay motivated, you know what I’m saying?”と言い、友達同士や親しい間柄で使われる砕けた表現です。また、人によっては、深い意味を持たずに口癖として頻繁に使われることもあります。

  • Sometimes, you just don’t feel like doing anything, you know what I’m saying?
  • I just feel like people don’t appreciate me sometimes, you know what I’m saying?
  • It’s important to take time for yourself once in a while, you know what I’m saying?

3) Same with me(私も同じです)

“Same with me.”は、「私も同じです」や「私もそうです」を意味し、相手の意見や状況に同意したり共感したりするときに使う表現です。“Me too.”と意味はほぼ同じですが、よりカジュアルでフレンドリーな響きがあります。例えば、友達が“I had a really busy day today.(今日はすごく忙しかった)”と言った時に、“Same with me!(私も!)”と返答することができます。ちなみに、日常会話では“Same here.”もよく使われます。

  • Same with me. I’m nervous about the test tomorrow, too.
  • You haven’t been exercising lately? Same with me.
    (最近運動してないんですか? 私もです)
  • Same here. I don’t have any plans for Christmas this year.

4) Where are you going with this?(何が言いたいの?)

“Where are you going with this?”は、「それで、何が言いたいの?」や「それってどういう意味で言ってるの?」というように、相手の話の意図や目的を尋ねる時に使う表現です。例えば、相手の話が少し曖昧だったり、長すぎたり、結論がまだ見えていないときに、“Where are you going with this?”と言うことができます。この表現はカジュアルな場面で使われることが多く、聞き手の立場から話を整理したいときに便利なフレーズです。ちなみに今日の会話では、“you know”と組み合わせて、“You know where I’m going with this.(僕が言いたいことわかるよね)”のように使いました。

  • I understand you’re frustrated, but where are you going with this?
  • You keep asking me about my favorite foods. Where are you going with this?
  • Where are you going with this? Are you saying you want to quit your job?

5) (Be) Obsessed with(〜にハマっている)

“obsessed with”は、「~に夢中なる」や「~にハマっている」を意味します。何かに対して非常に強い興味や情熱を持ち、頭から離れないくらい没頭している状態を表します。日常会話では、何かがすごく好きであることを表す口語表現で、例えば、「私はこのアニメにハマっています」は“I’m obsessed with this anime.”と言います。

  • I’m obsessed with this new book. I can’t put it down.
  • I’m obsessed with this YouTube channel. I can’t stop watching it.
  • Lately, I’ve been obsessed with Thai Food. I eat it almost every day.



  • Nonstop・・・ノンストップで


  • Side to side・・・左右に
  • That’s true・・・それはそうね
  • All-time・・・長年の
  • It used to・・・かつては
  • Put someone in a good mood・・・ハッピーな気分にする
  • Not this song again・・・この曲もうやめて
  • Multiple times・・・何度も
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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