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【Kara】All right, Manning, what is your favorite way to eat eggs? I know this is a very big debate in both Japan and America. So, weigh in for me. What is your opinion?
【Manning】So I never really thought about it, to be honest. Until recently actually, because my wife is the daughter of a souzaiya-san. And a souzaiya-san is—they translate it as “Japanese deli,” but that’s—it doesn’t do it justice.
【Manning】A souzaiya-san is in her case—was her parents would make New Year’s foods…
【Manning】…for people during New Year’s, like osechi ryori. And my wife’s a really good cook.
【Manning】So she pays a lot of attention and detail to cooking. As much as ikebana people or, you know, flower arrangers or tea ceremony people. She’s very precise and she can boil an egg to perfection. So she’ll boil the egg for seven minutes on the dot, get them out, put the cold water in…
【Manning】…and then…and then put it in the soy sauce…whatever marinade. And she’ll marinate them so that they turn brown. And when you bite into it, it’s like gel in the middle. It’s so delicious and so knotty and probably clogging up my cholesterol, you know…
【Kara】(laughs) Calories don’t count when it comes to stuff you love.
【Manning】Delicious, delicious. Kara, how about you? What kind of egg? How do you like—what’s your…
【Kara】It has to be a certain way. I have to have two pieces of wheat toast. I have to have butter. Warmed, not cold! I need it to be able to spread. I need to have approximately two very thin slices of prosciutto, which is Italian ham.
【Manning】Ooh, yes!
【Kara】And I need to have the grossest, hardest, scrambled eggs. It bounces if you drop it on the floor. Like, I need that. Fold it over. Bliss. I am aware that this is not a delicacy in any parts of the world besides where I live. However this is just something so healing about—we call it “eggy-prosciutto.” There’s just something so healing about an eggy-prosciutto sandwich. (laughs)
【Manning】I love the point you made about the butter has to be soft because it’s so—isn’t it the most annoying thing when you have, like hard butter and you try to put it on toast and it just, like scrapes the—it breaks the toast apart.
【Kara】We have sent people to the moon and I still have to worry about cold butter.
【Kara】Like, no. No one can explain it.
【Manning】Exactly, yes.
Questions of the day(今日の質問)
- What cooking technique is Manning’s wife highly skilled in?
マニングの妻の得意な料理は何ですか? - What type of meat does Kara often eat with her eggs?
ケーラは卵料理と一緒にどんな肉を食べますか? - How does Kara best like her butter?
- Manning’s wife is very skilled in making seasoned boiled eggs.
マニングの妻は味付け玉子が得意です。 - She often eats prosciutto, or Italian ham.
彼女はイタリアの生ハム、プロシュートをよく食べます。 - She likes it when the butter is warm, so it spreads smoothly across her toast.
Kara and Manning share how they each like their eggs prepared. Manning’s wife is the daughter of a souzaiya-san, and so has developed a lot of skill in cooking.
Manning’s wife is particularly good at making seasoned boiled eggs. She boils the eggs for seven minutes, then removes them and dips them in soy sauce. Finally, she marinates the egg, resulting in an egg that Manning describes as having a delicious, gel-like texture on the inside.
Kara is very particular about how she prepares her eggs and her breakfast in general. She likes warm butter to spread over two pieces of toast, then she likes using two pieces of prosciutto, or Italian ham, along with rich scrambled eggs.
Kara then takes it all together to make an “eggy-prosciutto” sandwich. Both Kara and Manning agree that warm butter is the best because it can easily spread, unlike cold, blocky butter.
Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)
1) Weigh in(意見を述べる)
“weigh in”は「意見を述べる」を意味し、特に会話やディスカッションの中で、自分の見解やアイデアを共有するときに使います。意見を強く主張するわけではなく、「その話題についてちょっと加わって意見を述べる」といった自然なニュアンスです。例えば、ディスカッション中、同僚に「この問題について意見をいただけますか?」と聞く場合、“Could you weigh in on this issue?”と言い、特定のテーマに詳しい人や関心のある人に意見を述べてもらう場面でよく使われます。
- Feel free to weigh in if you have any suggestions.
- Our boss wants everyone to weigh in on the project idea.
- My family weighed in about where to go for vacation.
2) Not do justice(〜が十分に伝わらない)
“not do justice”は、「~の良さや価値を十分に表現できていない」や「~の本来の良さが伝わっていない」という意味で使われる表現です。特に写真や言葉、映像などが「実際の体験や見た目ほど素晴らしさを伝えられていない」場合にぴったりです。例えば、富士山の写真を撮ったけど「写真だと本当の美しさが伝わらない」「実物のほうがもっと良い」と表現したいときに、“This picture doesn’t do it justice.”と言います。日常会話では“it”を省いてシンプルに、“This picture doesn’t do justice.”と言うこともよくあります。
- The picture doesn’t do it justice. The sunset was way more beautiful in person.
(写真では伝わりません。あの夕焼けは実物の方がずっと美しかったです) - This video doesn’t do justice to how beautiful the Grand Canyon really is.
(このビデオでは、グランドキャニオンの実際の美しさを十分に伝えることができません) - Words alone don’t do justice to how much fun we had on the trip.
3) On the dot(ちょうど〜時に)
“on the dot”は、時計の針がちょうどの時間を示す点、すなわち「ドット」にぴったり合っているイメージから生まれ、「ちょうど〜時に」や「ぴったり」、「時間通りに」を意味します。特定の時間に正確に何かが起こることを表す表現です。日本語の「〜時ちょうど」に近いニュアンスで、時刻に正確であることを強調したいときに使います。例えば、「彼はいつも職場に8時ぴったりに到着します」は“He always arrives at work at 8 on the dot.”と言います。
- The meeting started at 10 on the dot.
(会議は10時に予定通りに始まりました) - We need to leave at 5:30 on the dot to catch the bus.
(バスに間に合うように、5時30分ちょうどに出発する必要があります) - The show begins at 7 on the dot, so don’t be late.
4) Clog up(詰まる)
“clog up”は、「詰まる」や「塞がる」を意味し、特に何かが詰まって動きや流れが悪くなる状態を表す表現です。排水溝や道路などが詰まって機能しなくなる様子をイメージするのがわかりやすいでしょう。例えば、「シンクが詰まっている」は“The sink is clogged up.”と言います。この表現は物理的にも比喩的にも使うことができます。
- The toilet is clogged up.
- It looks like there’s a lot of hair clogging up the shower drain.
- I put too many apps on my phone and clogged up the storage.
5) Spread(塗る)
“spread”は状況に応じて様々な意味を持ちますが、今日の会話ではバターやジャムなどをパンに塗ることを意味します。特にナイフなどを使って食べ物の表面に何かを均一に伸ばすときに使われ、例えば、「パンにバターを塗る」は “spread the butter on the bread”と言います。パンとバター以外にも、食材や調味料を表面に均等に広げたり塗ったりするときに使えます。
- Can you spread the peanut butter on this bread?
- She spread a bit of cheese on each cracker.
- Please spread the tomato sauce over the pizza dough.
- Precise・・・正確な
- Marinade・・・マリネ液
- Knotty・・・噛みごたえがある
- Grossest・・・すごく気持ち悪い
- Bliss・・・至福
- Healing・・・癒し
- Scrape・・・こする
- Good cook・・・料理上手
- Tea ceremony・・・茶道
- To perfection・・・完璧に
- Wheat toast・・・小麦のパン
- Egg-prosciutto・・・卵とプロシュート