
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2024.11.29





【Kara】Kind of as a similar question, do you have a certain character that really resonated with you? One of my students asked me recently, like, who is my favorite character of all time—and I actually had to sit down and think about it for a second. That was kind of a deeper question than I was anticipating.

【Manning】That’s a tough one but recently I’ve been really getting in—or I love Sherlock Holmes.

【Kara】Oh, that’s a good one.

【Manning】And the reason I identify with him is…when I’m—when I meet some Japanese student for the first time, I’m trying to diagnose what their weakness—what areas they need to improve, and their strengths…


【Manning】…and how can I create a lesson plan that will help them with whatever their issue is. And yeah repetition, yeah. But I’m a huge believer in immersion.


【Manning】Immersion is just—I feel like that is the most powerful thing that you can provide someone with. So I do a lot of roleplays.

【Kara】Yeah, me too.

【Manning】Yeah, roleplay is—I think it’s one of the best ways. If you practice being in a—kind of a little bit of a stressful situation. I don’t like to make my lessons stressful but I—I like to make people feel a little bit uncomfortable.

【Kara】Yeah, you have to be pushed to learn anything.

【Manning】Right. So I think immersion’s so key. So Sherlock Holmes, yeah. That’s the character for me because he kind of tries to find these very subtle clues. And that’s what I’m doing with my students as well. How about you? Character?

【Kara】That’s…ooh! I could name about 100 anime characters who I love dearly and (laughs) relate to so much. But I honestly—I think in total, my answer might be Winnie the Pooh. I know that’s going to sound a little basic. And I know in Japan it’s Pooh-san.


【Kara】So I learned that very quickly. I just think there’s something so sweet and simple about his way of communication. Especially when I was learning kind of like I said about that teacher—when I was learning how to talk to people from all different backgrounds, all different ability levels, talk like Pooh. He talks simple. He talks sweet. He keeps everything short and sweet and simple.

【Kara】And I realize that is such a powerful tool for communication. Pooh doesn’t say too much. And honestly, he’s usually pretty confused about everything which, same. But, yeah. He always talks to everyone in the show very equally. And he never changes how he speaks to who he’s speaking. Which I—I don’t know. There’s a lot of very good lessons within Winnie the Pooh.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What fictional character has Manning been recently identifying with, and why?
  2. What teaching technique does Manning occasionally use with students?
  3. What is Kara’s favorite fictional character, and why does she like that character?



  1. Manning has identified recently with Sherlock Holmes because Holmes has to look for subtle clues to solve crimes, and Manning has to look for subtle clues in his students’ performance to identify areas that they need improvement in.
  2. He uses roleplay with students to help them practice their English in potentially difficult or stressful hypothetical situations.
  3. Her favorite fictional character is Winnie the Pooh, whom she likes because of his simple, clear speech and how that inspires her to speak clearly to people of all backgrounds.



Kara and Manning share some of their favorite fictional characters of all time. Manning is undecided, but recently has been strongly identifying with Sherlock Holmes.
ケーラとマニングは、一番好きなキャラクターについて話します。 マニングは好きなキャラクターを特に定めていませんが、最近はシャーロック・ホームズに強く感情移入しています。

Manning’s identification with Sherlock Holmes comes from Holmes’s ability to find subtle clues to solving the mysteries of his stories. Manning sees this as a useful skill when working with his students, as he needs to identify subtle indicators in his students to learn what areas his students need improvement on.
マニングはシャーロック・ホームズに感情移入してしまう理由として、物語の中で事件を解決する時に、些細な手がかりを見落とさない能力があるからだと言います。 マニングは、生徒を教える時にもホームズの能力は役立つと考えています。彼は生徒の些細な言動を見逃さずに、改善点を見極める必要があるからです。

When instructing his students, Manning likes to use roleplay scenarios to give them practice with English in hypothetically stressful situations. He believes that immersing his students in English study is the best way to teach them the language.
マニングは生徒を指導する際、敢えてストレスフルなシチュエーションを用意し、その中で役割を与え、ロールプレイングで英語の練習をさせるのが好きです。 そうやってどっぷりと英語漬けにすることが、最も上達する教え方だと彼は思っています。

Kara has many favorite fictional characters, with many coming from anime. However, her top favorite is Winnie the Pooh. Her love of Pooh comes from his style of communication, which is often simple, short, and clear. She finds inspiration from this in her own work as a teacher and speech therapist.
ケーラには好きなキャラクターがたくさんいますが、多くはアニメのキャラクターです。 その中で、彼女の一番のお気に入りのキャラクターは「くまのプーさん」です。 彼女はプーさんがシンプルで、わかりやすい話し方をするため、とても好きだそうです。 ケーラは教師として、または言語療法士として仕事をする上で、プーさんのコミュニケーション能力にとても感銘を受けています。


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Resonate with someone(人の心に響く)

“resonate with someone”は、ある事柄や考え、感情が他の人に共感されたり、深く理解されたりすることを意味します。特に、それが誰かの心や考えに響き、強く受け入れられる感覚を表しており、単なる同意ではなくもっと深いレベルで感情や価値観が一致していることを示します。例えば、「彼女のスピーチは私の心に響きました」は“Her speech resonated with me.”と言います。

  • This movie resonated with me.
  • The speaker’s message resonated with the audience.
  • My teacher’s advice about working hard resonated with me.

2) Immersion(浸かる)

“immersion”は「没頭」や「浸かること」を意味し、ある活動や環境に深く入り込み、その体験や学びに集中することを表します。特に語学や文化の学習で使われることが多く、その環境にどっぷり浸かるというニュアンスがあります。例えば、「言語を学ぶ最良の方法は完全に浸かることです」は“The best way to learn a language is through immersion.”と言い、日常的に言語に触れることで効率的に学べることを指しています。動詞として使う場合、“immerse oneself in~”と表現します。

  • I think immersion is the most effective way to learn English.
  • My school offers an immersion program for learning Korean.
  • I like to immerse myself in a good book on the weekends.

3) Subtle(微妙な)

“subtle”は「微妙な」や「控えめな」、「目立たない」といった意味で、何かがとても小さな違いだったり、些細で見つけにくいニュアンスを持っていることを表します。直接的でわかりやすいものではなく、気付くのに少し注意が必要なものに使われます。例えば、「この2つの表現には微妙な違いがあります」は“There is a subtle difference between these two expressions.”と言い、二つの表現の意味は似ているけれども、ニュアンスが微妙に違うことを意味します。

  • I like the design of that shirt because it’s subtle.
  • He made a subtle change to improve the recipe.
  • Her reaction was subtle, but I could tell she was happy.

4) Dearly(心から)

“dearly”は「心から」や「非常に」を意味し、強い愛情や深い思いを込めて使われます。感情を強調する副詞で、特に「愛する」気持ちや「懐かしく思う」気持ちを表現する際に使われることが多いです。例えば、「私は家族を心から愛しています」は“I love my family dearly.”と言い、深い愛情を示しています。

  • I miss my friends abroad dearly.
  • Tom misses his grandma dearly.
  • Thank you so much. I dearly appreciate your help.

5) Short and sweet(簡潔な、要領を得た)

“short and sweet”は「短くて分かりやすい」や「簡潔で魅力的」といった意味で、短いけれども要点がしっかり伝わり、心地よい印象を与えることを表します。この表現は、長々と説明することなく、スムーズで良い印象を残すものに対してよく使われます。例えば、「彼のスピーチは短くて分かりやすかった」は“His speech was short and sweet.”と言い、長すぎず、ポイントがしっかり伝わって好印象だったことを示します。

  • His presentation was short and sweet.
  • Let’s keep this meeting short and sweet.
  • The instructions were short and sweet, making them easy to follow.



  • Diagnose・・・診断する、突き止める
  • Key・・・重要なカギ


  • Get in・・・ハマってる
  • Of all time・・・史上~の








  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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