
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2024.10.18





【Kara】Did you have a favorite teacher or a specific person in the school who impacted you the most?

【Manning】Absolutely. So, my favorite teacher of all time was Bill Markey. And Bill was a college professor at UMass Amherst. He was my French teacher originally. And he was this 5 foot, 5 (inches) small guy, bald with a huge bushy mustache. He looked French but Markey is actually an Irish name. But that’s…


【Manning】neither here nor there. But anyway, he taught me that studying a language could be really fun. And I…I took French from him. And he was just—he would challenge me. He would say, like…we would go to French restaurants and we’d say, “Okay, order in French.” Or he—we would meet French people or another French teacher and he would challenge me to have a conversation with that person in French.

【Manning】And just, like the poor Hapa Buddies or poor Japanese folks when they, you know, encounter native speed—I was so lost when I went to Paris. I was like, “Oh my God.” And some—I actually had—somebody in Paris say, “Just speak English. We cannot understand your French.” And I was like, “Oh God!

【Kara】Oh, not that! (laughs)

【Manning】But—but Bill was great. He would challenge me to try—at the end of my studying with Bill, I was dreaming in French.


【Manning】And he used to invite me to his—he had, like a desk in—in an area where all the language teachers were. And one of the—the head of the department was kind of an angry man. And we would laugh and talk. And it was a little bit loud. We would get loud. And so he would say, “Qui a peur du loup méchant?” which means “Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?”


【Manning】Because that guy was a really big guy. And his language was German. He didn’t understand a word of French so he’d say, “Qui a peur du loup méchant?” (laughs)


【Manning】So it was kind of funny. How about you?


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What subject did Manning’s favorite college professor teach?
  2. What happened after Manning completed his studies under his favorite professor?
  3. What language did the department head at Manning’s college teach?



  1. His favorite college professor taught French.
  2. He began dreaming in French.
  3. The department head taught German.



Manning shares some stories about his time in college studying the French language. His favorite professor in college was a man named Bill Markey, who was his French instructor.

What Manning enjoyed most about Bill was how often he would challenge Manning to practice French in natural settings. For example, Bill would take his students to French restaurants and tell them to order their food in French.

Manning also had the opportunity to visit Paris to practice his French abilities. However, French people told him to just speak English, since they couldn’t understand his French.

At Manning’s college, while he was a student, he and his French teacher Bill would sometimes meet at Bill’s desk outside of class. During those sessions, the department head, an imposing, somewhat angry man who spoke German, would walk by. Bill would say “Qui a peur du loup méchant?” which means “Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?” as a joke to Manning, since the department head couldn’t understand French.
マニングは大学在学中に時々、授業外にフランス語教授のビルに呼ばれて、彼のデスクで話していました。そんな時、ドイツ語の教授で少し怒りっぽい学部長が、いつもデスクのそばを通りかかっていました。ビルはマニングに、学部長にわからないようにフランス語で「Qui a peur du loup méchant?(狼なんて怖くない)」と冗談を言ったそうです。


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Of all time(これまでの中で一番)

“of all time”は、「これまでの中で一番」や「史上最高の」を意味し、最も優れたものや最高のものを表現するときに使われます。特にスポーツ、映画、音楽などの分野の人や業績に対して、非常に高い評価を与えるときに使われており、日常会話でも誰かや何かを称賛したいときによく使われます。例えば、「ビートルズは史上最高のバンドの一つだ」は、“The Beatles are one of the greatest bands of all time.”と言います。

  • Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time.
  • Mr. Jones is my favorite teacher of all time.
  • That movie is one of the best of all time.

2) Neither here nor there(それは重要ではない)

“neither here nor there”は、「それは重要ではない」や「その点は関係ない」、「本題と関係がない」を意味する表現です。特に、誰かが話している内容や指摘が本題から逸れている場合に使われ、スムーズに話を本題に戻すためのフレーズです。例えば、ある問題が発生しその解決法について話している時に、「彼女の対処の仕方は気に入らないけど、それは今関係ないよ。今は解決策を見つけないといけない」は “I don’t like how she handled it, but that’s neither here nor there. We need to figure out the solution now.”と言います。軽い口調で使われることが多く、相手の言っていることが間違っているわけではないけれど、今はその話は重要ではない、という意味合いを含みます。

  • Whether or not he agrees with the plan is neither here nor there. We’re going ahead with it.
  • I didn’t like the actor in that scene, but that’s neither here nor there. The movie itself was excellent.
  • You might not agree with his methods, but that’s neither here nor there. The point is, the project was successful.

3) Challenge someone(チャレンジする、試練を与える)

“challenge someone”は、誰かに対して試練を与える、あるいは競争や対決を促すという意味で使われるフレーズです。「誰かに真っ向から挑戦する」というニュアンスを持ち、相手を能力や考えが試される状況に置くことを表します。例えば、マニングは“He would challenge me.”と言っていますが、これはフランス語の授業で教授にいろいろと挑戦させられたことを意味します。

ちなみに日本語では「私は〜にチャレンジする」という言い方をすると思いますが、そのまま直訳して“I will challenge to ~.”と言うのは違和感があります。例えば、「私はマラソンにチャレンジします」と言いたい場合は、 “I will challenge to marathon.”ではなく、 “I will challenge myself to run a marathon.”と言います。つまり “challenge oneself”の形式で使うのが自然です。

  • I challenged my friend to a game of tennis.
  • The teacher challenged the students to solve a difficult math problem.
  • I want to challenge myself to learn a new language this year.

4) Poor(かわいそう)

“poor”は、本来「貧しい」を意味しますが、文脈によって「かわいそう」や「気の毒」といったニュアンスでも用いられます。特に、他人の不幸や困難に対して同情を表現する際に使われることが多いです。例えば、「道でかわいそうな犬を見かけて、助けたいと思った」は “I saw a poor dog on the street, and I wanted to help it.”と言います。

  • Poor John. He worked so hard but didn’t get the promotion.
  • Peter got fired right before Christmas. Poor guy.
  • My poor grandma fell over and hurt her back.

5) The head of(責任者)

“the head of”は、「〜のトップ」や「〜の責任者」を意味します。会社、チーム、学校などのトップに立つ人を指す表現です。“head”自体が「頭」を意味することから、特定のグループや部門のリーダーとして、最も重要な役割を果たす人やそのポジションを表現するのに使われます。例えば、「彼女はマーケティング部の責任者です」は“She is the head of the marketing department.”といいます。

  • Jason is the head of the finance department.
  • As the head of marketing, she decides the ad campaigns.
  • Stacey is the head of the PTA.



  • Bald・・・はげ


  • Bushy mustache・・・もじゃもじゃの立派な口ひげ
  • Oh God!・・・ショックだった








  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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