
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2024.09.20





【Kara】Manning, tell me. What was an embarrassing thing that happened to you recently? Any stories?

【Manning】This is so embarrassing. My wife is a yoga teacher and we sometimes hold yoga classes in my dining room. We clear out the dining table. And my wife spends average 3 to 4 months in Japan during shōgatsu timeframe. And then once she comes back, she has live classes and everybody—all her Japanese clients come to the house.

【Manning】So Naomi-san is one of her clients and I hadn’t seen her in four months. And she let her hair grow. So I said, 「おー、ナオミさんの毛が伸びた。うん、似合ってるわ」or「似合うね」or something like that. I said, “Your hair—you let your…” Well, I— “you let your fur grow. It looks really nice.” And my wife said,「マニング、毛が動物のために言うよ。ナオミさんは動物じゃない」

【Kara】(laughs) Yes, yes.

【Manning】“Naomi is a person. With humans we say「髪の毛」.”


【Manning】I was—and everybody burst out laughing when I said it「ナオミさんの毛が」. I was so embarrassed. But…mistakes are good, right? Because…

【Kara】They’re good.

【Manning】…I will never, ever forget to use「髪の毛」ever again. How about you?

【Kara】(laughs) Thankfully it’s someone you know and—who already knows you.


【Kara】That could’ve been a disaster.

【Manning】She took it very well and she laughed along. Just…I mean, it was really funny. How about you Kara? Embarrassing moment?

【Kara】I am currently starting a new job. Today was my second day so I feel like I’m making mistakes all the time. I feel like I’m calling everyone by the wrong name. And today I had a full conversation for about five to seven minutes as if I had never met this person in my life. And they were like, “I know you. I did your interview.”


【Kara】I was like, “You don’t say! Couldn’t have given me a sign earlier in this conversation that I was out in left field?” (laughs)


【Kara】So I am embracing the mistakes because I know I’m meeting so many new people. I’m learning a whole new system. I’m getting used to a new job. So I’m trying to give myself a little bit of grace. But…it’s embarrassing on the drive home. (laughs)

【Manning】Sometimes we have senior moments, too. Like I’m a bit older than you guys. And, like you said, with names sometimes I just completely draw a blank. And now I’ve just remembered—it’s in there. It just takes a while to get it.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. When speaking Japanese to one of his wife’s yoga clients, what did Manning accidentally call the client’s hair?
  2. What happened in a conversation Kara had at work?
  3. What happens during the “senior moments” Manning mentions?



  1. He mistakenly used the Japanese word for “fur” to describe one of his wife’s client’s hair.
  2. She was speaking with someone as if that was the first time they met, when in reality this was the person who interviewed Kara for her new position.
  3. He says when he has these moments, he has trouble recalling a piece of information from his memory, even though he knows it’s in his memory somewhere.



Kara and Manning share some embarrassing moments they experienced recently from their lives. Manning’s moment involves a mistake he made when speaking Japanese.

Manning’s wife is a yoga instructor and sometimes they clear out their dining room in their home to host in-person yoga lessons. One of their clients was a Japanese woman who had let her hair grow out since the last time Manning saw her.

Manning mistakenly used the Japanese word for “fur” to describe her hair, which made for a funny moment for everyone around him. Though Manning was embarrassed, he will never again forget the Japanese word for “hair.”

Kara’s embarrassing moment was related to the new job she started, where she entered a conversation with someone she thought she was meeting for the first time. It turned out to be the person who had interviewed her for the position, which Kara was embarrassed by once she realized. Relatedly, Manning says he sometimes experiences “senior moments” where he can’t recall a piece of information he knows he has in his memory.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Let one’s hair grow(髪を伸ばす)

“let one’s hair grow”は「髪を伸ばす」という意味で、髪を切らずに自然に伸ばすことを指します。例えば、「私は髪を伸ばしています」は“I’m letting my hair grow.”、「今年は髪を伸ばします」は“I’m letting my hair grow this year.”のように言い、新しいスタイルやイメージを目指している場合に使われることが多いです。ちなみに、日常会話では“let one’s hair grow out”のように表現することも一般的です。

  • I’m going to let my hair grow for a while.
  • I’m trying to let my hair grow past my shoulders.
  • Have you ever let your hair grow out?

2) Burst out laughing(爆笑する)

“burst out laughing”は、「突然笑い出す」や「爆笑する」を意味し、何かが非常に面白くて、抑えきれずに突然笑い出す様子を表すフレーズです。例えば、友達から送られてきたLINEの動画があまりにも面白くて、電車の中で思わず大笑いしてしまった場合、“I burst out laughing on the train.”と言います。

その他、「突然泣き出す」は“burst out crying”、「歓声を上げる」は“burst out cheering”と言います。“burst out”は突然何かを勢いよく始めることを表し、特に、感情や行動が一気にあふれ出すような瞬間に使われる表現です。

  • I burst out laughing when I saw the video.
  • Everyone burst out laughing at the joke.
  • He burst out crying when he heard the sad news.

3) Out in left field(おかしい、変)

“out in left field”は、何かが予想外であったり、常識から外れていたりすることを表し、「おかしい」や「風変わり」の意味を持ちます。ある意見や考えが、他の人が考えていることや予想していることとは大きく異なる場合や、「ちょっと変だ」と感じるような状況で使われることがあります。例えば、「彼の提案はちょっと変だった」は“His suggestion was out in left field.”と言います。誰かの発言や行動が少しおかしく感じられるときに、カジュアルな会話で使われる表現です。

  • Her idea seemed out in left field, but it worked.
  • That comment was totally out in left field.
  • She’s a nice person, but sometimes her behavior is a bit out in left field.

4) Have a senior moment(ど忘れする)

スマホや鍵をどこに置いたか忘れたり、車をどこに停めたか忘れたり、何かをするつもりで部屋に入ってきたけどその目的を忘れてしまうなど、何かをど忘れしてしまったことを英語では“I had a senior moment.”と表現します。

“senior”は「高齢者」、“moment”は「瞬間」を意味することから“have a senior moment”で「高齢者に起こる一時的な物忘れ」となり、ど忘れしたことを冗談ぽく言うユーモラスな表現としてネイティブの間ではよく使われています。30〜40代の人たちが物忘れをした時に「年をとってきたよ」と冗談まじりで使うことが多く、この表現にネガティブなニュアンスは特にありません。

  • I’m having a senior moment. I can’t remember why I came to the kitchen.
  • I had a senior moment today. I couldn’t remember where I parked my car.
  • What was the name of that restaurant? Ugh, I’m having a senior moment.

5) Draw a blank(思い出せない)

“draw a blank” は「思い出せない」を意味し、何かを思い出そうとしても完全に思い出せなかったり、答えが出なかったりすることを表します。 このフレーズは、突然記憶が抜け落ちたり、知識や情報が呼び起こせなくなる時に使われます。“I can’t remember.”のより口語的な言い方として使うことができ、例えば、友人におすすめのカフェの名前を伝えようとした時に、“What was the name of the cafe? I’m drawing a blank.(あのカフェの名前は何だっけ?思い出せない)”と言うことができます。

  • What’s his name? I’m drawing a blank.
  • I tried to remember her name, but I drew a blank.
  • I’m drawing a blank on the password to my email account.



  • Hold・・・開催する
  • Timeframe・・・時期、期間
  • Fur・・・毛
  • Disaster・・・大惨事
  • Embrace・・・受け入れる
  • Grace・・・寛大さ、優しさ


  • Clear out・・・片づける、掃除する
  • Take something (very) well・・・~を良い方に解釈する
  • Laugh along・・・一緒に笑う








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