
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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【Jun】So the other day, I was shopping at the grocery store, and I was with Ruka. I think we’re just picking up a couple of things for the house. But you know what it’s like going shopping with Ruka. That kid is like restless.

【Akina】All over the place.

【Jun】He is all over the place. So all I had was, like, maybe 3 or 4 things, and we were getting in line, and one, the line was, like, super long. Two, there was only one lane open. And three, they had no self-checkout. It was like one of those, like, kind of old school places, right? So then it’s like one thing if there’s like only one lane open. But this worker that was checking everybody out, was extremely slow. Super slow worker. Just really getting on my nerves because I have Ruka on one side that’s like, about to like, take off like any second. I’m like, trying to hold on to him. I got the groceries in one hand. And then this guy, he’s, like, working…Kind of look at the tag a little bit, put it down.

【Akina】Can you work any slower?

【Jun】Like, everything is like in super slow motion. So I realized that…I think, you know, when you become a parent, one, your patience really starts running thin, right? Like, you don’t have patience for a lot of things.


【Jun】I just don’t have patience for like, slow workers at the grocery store anymore.

【Akina】No sense of urgency.

【Jun】No sense of urgency. And the line just keeps getting longer and longer and I swear…

【Akina】They don’t care.

【Jun】It’s not they don’t care. They work even slower when the line gets longer. I don’t know if you notice that ever man. I was jus t like, come on. And this guy was like, literally driving me up the wall, and I just couldn’t handle it anymore. But, do you have any pet peeves like that?

【Akina】I guess I do. I like, really hate when I have to repeat myself.

【Jun】Ah, repeat yourself.

【Akina】Like you know, at my hospital, like I do a lot of training. So I train, because we have, like, a training program. So I train a lot of residents and, like, new pharmacists, but, like, in the beginning, I go through, like, so many things, and I like, talk a lot, and then I expect them to, like, write notes. And so, like, later on, when something happens, like, they kind of remember what happened and they know what to do.


【Akina】Yeah. It’s always like, I like, talk a lot. And I tell them, “Okay, if this happens and you need to do this.” And then like when it actually happens, maybe like a few days later, they’re like, “Oh my gosh, what do I do?” And I was like, “I just told you like three days ago.” And I have to repeat myself. If you could just remember it or like written it down, and I wouldn’t have to like, talk again.

【Jun】I would not want to be working with you, I swear. I would be so scared. Yeah, but you need somebody like you to make sure that…

【Akina】I don’t like to repeat myself.

【Jun】Yeah, I got you. But you have kids now, though. I mean, you know, our son, Ruka, who is two years old, you have to literally repeat yourself, like a hundred times before he gets it.

【Akina】Maybe that’s why I, like, have even less patience. Because I’m at home and I have to, like, repeat myself all the time. So when I’m at work, I’m like, I just can’t do it.

【Jun】Just don’t got patience. Yeah, exactly. Maybe it’s the kids, that’s, that’s what it is. I feel like now that we have two kids running around, my patience is really starting to run thin. I just don’t have that patience that I used to have with people anymore.

【Akina】You only have so much in your bucket. You use it all on your kids. And then when you go to work, it’s like, I don’t have it anymore.

【Jun】Exactly. So seriously.


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