
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2024.08.30





【Kara】Can you tell the difference between other New England accents? Because they are similar…

【Manning】Yes, absolutely. So Maine is completely different. And it’s…


【Manning】…so for example, they would say—the famous sentence is, “You cahn’t get thay-ah from hee-yah.”


【Manning】So it’s…in Boston, it’s “they-uh.” But in Maine it’s “thay-ah.”

【Kara】Yes, they add that “Y” vowel sound.

【Manning】Right, right. And if you listen to Stephen King…anything. Bag of Bones, one of his novels that he reads by—you know, I love to listen to his books. He does a great Maine accent because he’s from Maine.

【Kara】(laughs) Yeah, yeah.

【Manning】So, up north it’s different. I think Rhode Island is even different still. But I don’t know what the difference is.

【Kara】Rhode Island—as someone who lived in Rhode Island for five years…they have a lot of expressions.


【Kara】They call a water fountain a “bubbler.”

【Manning】“Bubblah.” Yeah, bubblah. Yup. That’s true in Boston too. And liquor store is a “packie…”


【Manning】…or a “packie store.”


【Manning】“Hey, let’s go to the packie and get some bee-uhs.”

【Kara】Yes, exactly! Exactly. I call it a “lickah stow-uh.” (laughs)

【Manning】Lickah stow-uh.

【Kara】Lickah stow-uh. (laughs) Which sounds ridiculous when I say it out loud to someone who’s not from here. (laughs)

【Manning】So, did people make fun of you when you first went to Rhode Island and you—and you were not afraid to speak, finally, after the year?

【Kara】After a while…also because I studied speech therapy and I study accents so specifically…

【Manning】Oh, cool.

【Kara】…I was so nervous. And I find that when I talk to my parents, to my friends, or from people back home, my accent comes right back out.

【Manning】Comes back?

【Kara】Yes. I am the worst when I’m talking to my mom. My mom has a bit of a Jersey accent and I often—I found myself tawkin like dis awl da time. Like, what am I tawkin about? I never tawk like this. Like, who am I tawkin to?

【Manning】Okay. I need to hear the word “d-i-r-t-y.”

【Kara】Okay. “Dirty.”

【Manning】Okay, but how do you say it…

【Kara】I don’t say it “dutty.” A lot of New Jersey people will say, “Oh, it’s dutty.”


【Kara】It’s—it’s “dirty.” I have that word.

【Manning】Okay. My grandfather used to say, “Don’t touch that! That’s doity.”

【Kara】“Doity, doity.” (laughs)

【Manning】Yeah. So it was like “O-I.” “Doity.”

【Kara】Yes, exactly. (laughs) Exactly! They add so many vowels.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Which famous author does Manning mention as having a strong Maine accent?
  2. What do people in Rhode Island and Boston call a water fountain?
  3. Kara’s New Jersey accent comes out when she’s talking with a certain member of her family. Who is that person?



  1. Manning says American writer Stephen King has a strong Maine accent.
  2. They call it a “bubbler,” or bubblah.
  3. Kara’s New Jersey accent comes out when she talks with her mother.



Kara and Manning continue their discussion of accents on the East Coast. This time they compare several different types of East Coast accents, that, although similar, are still distinct.

Manning enjoys listening to the American author Stephen King read aloud the novels he wrote. King is from Maine and so reads his novels with a strong Maine accent.

Kara and Manning also note that in addition to accents, the East Coast has many expressions not common in other parts of the U.S. In Rhode Island and Boston, water fountains are called “bubblers” and liquor stores are called “packie” or “packie stores.”
ケーラとマニングはアクセントの違いに加えて、アメリカの他の地域では一般的でない東海岸で使われる表現について話します。 ロードアイランド州やボストンでは、水飲み場のことを 「バブラー」と呼び、酒屋は 「パッキー」や 「パッキーストア」と言うそうです。

Kara has noticed that her New Jersey accent comes out strongly when she’s talking with her mother. She is particularly conscious of her accent because she studied speech therapy and accents in school, and is sometimes nervous around others who don’t share her Jersey accent.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Tell the difference(違いが分かる)

“tell the difference”は「違いが分かる」を意味する日常表現です。2つ以上のものの違いを認識できるかどうかを表す時に使われ、特に、味、見た目、質感、音など、何かを比較して違いを見分けるときによく使われます。例えば、「この二つのコーヒーの違いが分かりますか?」は“Can you tell the difference between these two coffees?”、「違いが分かります」は “I can tell the difference.”、「違いが分かりません」は“I can’t tell the difference.”と表します。

  • Can you tell the difference between cheap wine and expensive wine?
  • I can tell the difference between British English and Australian English.
  • I can’t tell the difference. They look the same to me.

2) That’s true in(〜でも同じ)

“that’s true in ~”は、別の場所や状況においても同じことが当てはまることを伝えるために使われ、「~でもそれは当てはまる」や「~でも同じことが言える」を意味します。例えば、最近ニューヨークで日本食レストランが増えてきた、と友人から聞いた時に、“That’s true in LA too. Japanese restaurants are everywhere.(それはLAでも同じだよ。日本食レストランはどこにでもあるからね)”と表現し、相手が述べたことが他の場所や状況でも当てはまることを補足できます。

  • I heard housing prices are skyrocketing in New York. That’s true in California too.
  • That’s true in my neighborhood. Everyone is really friendly and knows each other.
  • That’s true in the business world. You get what you negotiate for.

3) Make fun of someone(人をからかう)

“make fun of someone”は、誰かをからかったり、馬鹿にすることを意味します。この表現は、軽い冗談で人をからかう場合から、時には悪意を持って人をバカにする場合まで、幅広い状況で使われます。例えば、“My friends make fun of me because I love cheesy movies.(私はくだらない映画が大好きなので、友達にからかわれます)”のように軽いからかいで使うこともできれば、“My son is sad because his friends made fun of his haircut.(私の息子は友達に髪型をからかわれて悲しんでいます)”と相手を傷つけるような行為に使うこともできます。

  • My friends and I always make fun of each other. It’s all in good fun though.
  • She’s down on herself because her classmates made fun of her accent.
  • It’s not good to make fun of people’s failures and mistakes.

4) Back home(故郷)

“back home”は故郷や生まれ育った場所を意味します。例えば、「今週末、故郷へ帰ります」は“I’m going back home this weekend.”、「今でも故郷の友人と連絡を取り合っています」は“I still keep in touch with my friends back home.”と言います。

  • I miss the food from back home.
  • Many of my friends back home never left the city.
  • Most of the stores back home are mom-and-pop shops.

5) (Be) the worst when(〜の時が最悪)

“(Be) the worst when”は、特定の状況や条件において、何かが最も悪い状態になることを強調する表現です。人を主語にして“someone is the worst when”と言えば、その状況や条件がその人の最も悪い面を引き出すことを強調するニュアンスがあります。例えば、「ジョンはお腹が空いていると最悪です」は“John is the worst when he’s hungry.”といい、お腹が空いている時に不機嫌になったり、イライラする様子を表します。

  • Tom is the worst when he gets drunk. He gets belligerent and obnoxious.
  • Sarah is the worst when she’s under pressure. She panics and makes a lot of mistakes.
  • I’m the worst when it’s hot and humid. I can’t get myself to do anything.



  • ridiculous・・・バカげている


  • vowel sound・・・母音
  • water fountain・・・水飲み場
  • liquor store・・・酒屋
  • speech therapy・・・スピーチセラピー(言語聴覚療法)








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