
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2024.07.26





【Raya】I guess growing up, what did you do for a summer—like, for summer breaks for, you know—I guess in Chicago, like what did you guys do?

【Nathan】Yeah so—so my dad’s a teacher. So he would have some talk. So that’s when we would…that’s when we would, like travel.


【Nathan】We never flew because flying seven people was just, like outrageously expensive.


【Nathan】But we would—we would do a lot of driving. So we have a lot of family in, like North Carolina and Florida. So we would do, like the nonstop—like 22-hour trips to Jacksonville.


【Nathan】So I feel like if you haven’t done that once, you’re not living.

【Raya】No, you are absolutely right. I agree, I agree. I’ve done it twice. Yeah, I agree with you!

【Nathan】And what’s your—what’s your longest trip you’ve done?

【Raya】We went from D.C. to California to pick up my friend’s brother’s car because he really—he was in the military and he’s like, “Can you take my car back home?” (laughs) So her mom’s like, “Hey, can you go pick up the car.” And she’s like, you know, “I’ll make sure you guys…” you know, “I’ll pay for all the food and travel. But, like can you go get his car from California?” And we’re like, “Sure, I guess.” I forgot how many hours it was—I mean, how many days—but it was—it was a great ride.


【Raya】It was—it was fun. We…we stopped at really interesting places.

【Nathan】I was going to ask, did you, like hit some hot spots on the way?

【Raya】So we…surprisingly, no. My friend wanted to, like drive a lot. And then we randomly stopped at a Native American…I guess reservoir*. It was interesting. I liked it. And they gave—we had food there at one of their, like things. I forgot where it was. But it was very—it wasn’t a big one. But we had food there, met some people. Great amazing people. And then we, like left to go somewhere else.


【Raya】And yeah. We just went all over. Like, we went—but we didn’t do actually, like take pictures of anything. I wish we did, but…

【Nathan】So you didn’t, like hit any national parks or anything other than that?

【Raya】No! I wish we did. But, like the mission was literally just to get the car. (laughs) So…

【Nathan】Like…you can’t pull over and look at the Grand Canyon? Like that seems like a wasted opportunity.

【Raya】That’s what I…right! Right. I was like, “We did this road trip,” and I was like, “We stopped at nowhere to get actual pictures of anything.” Like, “You know, we’re just trying to get there quickly.” I mean, I had fun once we got—we got to San Francisco. And it was fun. But it was just like—I wanted—I wanted the whole experience of the road trip.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What states does Nathan have a lot of family in?
  2. What was the longest road trip Raya ever took?
  3. What was one stop Raya and her friend made on their longest road trip?



  1. He has lots of family in North Carolina and Florida.
  2. Her longest road trip was a journey from Washington D.C. to California.
  3. They made a stop at a Native American reserve.



Nathan and Raya discuss some of the road trips they’ve taken over their lives. While Nathan lived in Chicago, his family often took road trips to visit their family members living in North Carolina and Florida.

Nathan’s family took some road trips from where they lived down to Jacksonville, Florida, trips usually around that took 22 hours to make. Raya’s longest road trip was from Washington D.C. to California.

The reason for that trip was that Raya’s friend’s brother was in the military and wanted to move his car from California back home to D.C. So Raya’s friend’s mom provided her and her friends with the money needed to make the trip so they could pick her friend’s brother’s car up.

Along the way, Raya and her friends made a stop at a Native American reserve. But other than that, they mostly avoided stops and drove straight from D.C. to California.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Outrageous(とんでもない、ひどい)

“outrageous”は、「とんでもない」や「ひどい」などを意味する形容詞です。特に、非常識なことや異常な状況、行動、価格などを指すときに使われ、普通ではありえないほど驚くべきことや、非常に不公平で納得できないことを強調します。例えば、テーマパークへ行ってペットボトルの水が1000円した場合、 “1,000 yen for a bottle of water? That’s outrageous!(ペットボトルの水が1本が1,000円?とんでもない!)”のように表現します。ちなみに、今日の会話で使われた“outrageously”は“outrageous”の副詞です。

  • The gas prices in LA are outrageous.
  • Tom’s rude behavior at the restaurant was outrageous.
  • It’s outrageous that the company let him go after he worked there for 20 years.

2) Ride(旅、経験)

本来“ride”は「乗り物」を意味する単語ですが、日常会話では「旅」や「経験」を表す比喩的な意味でも使われています。特に人生の旅や経験そのものを表し、“journey”や “experience”の代わりに使える口語的な言い方です。遊園地の乗り物のように人生には起伏があるため、“ride”を使って人生経験を表すことが多いです。例えば、“It’s been an amazing ride.”は「素晴らしい旅だった」、“enjoy the ride”は「人生を楽しむこと」を意味し、日常会話ではこの組み合わせで使われることが多いです。

  • My time abroad was quite a ride. I learned so much and met so many people.
  • My Europe trip was an unforgettable ride.
  • It’s been one heck of a ride, and I loved every minute of it.

3) Hit somewhere(〜へ行く)

“hit”は「〜へ行く」を意味し、海や公園、フィットネスジムやショッピングモールなど日常的によく行く場所に対して使われます。例えば、「今日は海へ行こう」は“Let’s hit the beach today.”と言います。ただし、「スターバックスへ行こう」を“Let’s hit Starbucks.”と言うのは違和感があり、一般的には具体的なお店の名前に対しては使えないので、使い方に気をつけましょう。

  • Let’s hit the gym after work today.
  • Mike and I are going to hit the mall this afternoon.
  • We should hit the road early tomorrow to avoid traffic.

4) Hot spot(人気のある場所)

“hot spot”は、人気がある場所や注目されている場所を意味します。“popular spot”とほぼ同じ意味ですがよりカジュアルな響きがあります。例えば、海外旅行中、地元の人に「この辺で人気のある場所はどこですか?」と聞く場合、“Where are the hot spots around here?”と言うことができます。

  • My city has a few hot spots for tourists to visit.
  • The new food court by the train station is becoming a hot spot for foodies.
  • If you have any recs for hot spots in Tokyo, please let me know.

5) Pull over(車を停める)

“pull over”は運転中に使われる表現で、「車を路肩に寄せる」や「車を停める」を意味します。一般的に、車を一時的に路肩や安全な場所に停める行為を指します。例えば、車酔いをして車を停めて欲しいと友達にお願いする場合、“Can you pull over? I don’t feel good.(車停めてくれる?気持ち悪いんだ)”と言います。その他、警察に止められることを“get pulled over”と表し、「今日警察に止められました」は “I got pulled over today.”と言います。

  • Can we pull over at the next rest stop? I need to use the restroom.
  • Let’s pull over and check the directions on Google Maps.
  • I got pulled over for speeding yesterday.



  • Military・・・軍
  • Reservoir・・・貯水池
  • Mission・・・目的


  • Summer break・・・夏休み
  • National park・・・国立公園
  • Wasted opportunity・・・見逃したチャンス
  • Road trip・・・ドライブ旅行





  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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