
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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【Jun】I think that’s what the hard part is right now he’s learning how to walk. He’s not quite there yet. You know, he’s a little bit wobbly still. So you have to almost be there by his side because you know, he’ll fall. Or, if he’s crawling, he’s like trying to crawl on the wall. Always goes like the most dangerous part of the house.

【Akina】The sharp part.

【Jun】Yeah, I know. So while you go over there, you got Ruka, that’s like now crying for attention because he wants you to be there with him.


【Jun】I don’t know what to do about this situation. It sometimes it could, like, really drive you crazy.

【Akina】I think because Ruka is like a big crybaby.

【Jun】Yeah, he is.

【Akina】So like, if you like, even for, like, one second, or like, focusing more on Maika, then like, Ruka gets mad. And then now, like, the loud one is like, really like loud. And then you’re still, like, trying to monitor the baby, and it’s just like chaos.

【Jun】Chaos. You got two babies crying at the same time. And you know, Ruka is getting to the point now where you can reason with him, right?


【Jun】He understands what you’re saying. You’re almost like negotiating with him to, like, get him to do something. But he throws his fits. He wants to have it his way. He wants to do things when he wants to do it. He doesn’t still get that. You have to wait sometimes to do things. So you have to sit down and talk to him. And he’s whining and crying and throwing a fit.

【Akina】And now he knows like, what to say when he doesn’t want to do something.


【Akina】So I’ll be like, “Okay Ruka, you have to go to the potty,” and he’s like, “No, I don’t want to potty.” And he’s like very clear about what he doesn’t want to do.

【Jun】That just happened this morning. Like, “No, I don’t want to, mama.” The way he says it too. And he like starts to rolling on the ground.

【Akina】He’s expressive.

【Jun】Yeah. So you have that and then you have Maika who still, you know, can’t talk yet. He might understand what we’re saying, but it’s almost like a switch as a parent that you have where you’re trying to reason with this like kid that is not logical, maybe a little bit, but like, you know, it takes a lot of patience and then suddenly you have to go over and now take care of this like little baby. And for me, I think that’s what’s like, really tough is like making that switch going from Ruka to Maika to Ruka to Maika, because you’re almost like a different person when you’re between these two kids.

【Akina】I know. I think I end up talking to Maika like, I talk to Ruka. He doesn’t understand me.

【Jun】But maybe that’s the way to go. You just talk to your kid like an adult, because maybe Maika will get it as he gets older.


【Jun】We’ve got a lot ahead of us. And you just got to remember, we’re on the same team.


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