
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2024.07.19





【Raya】Do you have any things that you have—like, that you want to do for summer?

【Nathan】Yeah, we were—we were just chatting about this before we came on. It’s…

【Raya】Uh huh.

【Nathan】It’s supposed to be, like I think 89 degrees here in Dallas…


【Nathan】…this week. Yeah, so it’s—summer is upon us. We’ll say that.


【Nathan】So…I feel like Game of Thrones, “Summer is here.”

【Raya】Oh absolutely. (laughs)

【Nathan】But anyway…so I have to say, I hate summer. So…


【Nathan】…winter is by far my favorite season.


【Nathan】So, like…


【Nathan】…once it gets hot, I’m just like, “Please no.” You know, like…

【Raya】“Please don’t do this to me. Give me a fan. Give me AC.” (laughs)

【Nathan】Okay, so we can do—we can sleep in an ice bath, right? That’s what we can do.

【Raya】Yes, yes.

【Nathan】So yeah. So my ice cream addiction will kick up even worse than it already is.

【Raya】Absolutely. Same, same.

【Nathan】I think it’s totally legitimate.

【Raya】Yes, absolutely.

【Nathan】So my air conditioning bill will get extremely high. So—because especially here in Texas, you know, for most of the summer—for basically all of the summer, you’re over 100 degrees.

【Raya】Oh, absolutely.

【Nathan】There’s portions of the summer, you’re over 110. So, like you’re—you’re AC is just like—it doesn’t stop. So I think last year—I think we—I forgot how many days. It was over a month—where the temperature even at night never went below 85. So…


【Nathan】…just—yeah. So it’s just like—it’s just always hot. Your AC is just always running and there’s just no way around it. So there’s—because it’s so hot, there’s just honestly not a lot to do. Like, basically everything just involves, like getting into the pool as fast as you can.

【Raya】Yeah, that sounds like it.

【Nathan】Yeah. So like, I know that some people will do, like some, like festivals or stuff like that. But it’s like—in my opinion, like—we’re just—we’re like in dangerous territory at that point. So like…I’m just like…

【Raya】You can’t wear enough sunscreen to save your skin.


【Raya】Stay indoors. (laughs) Yes.

【Nathan】And I’m—I’m burning when I’m wearing 100 SPF so like, you know, I’m—I’m hopeless. (laughs)

【Raya】No, no! (laughs)


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What is Nathan’s favorite season?
  2. How hot is Texas in Fahrenheit degrees for most of summer, according to Nathan?
  3. What do most Texans do during the summer to stay cool?



  1. His favorite season is winter.
  2. Nathan says that Texas is often over 100 degrees during summer.
  3. Nathan says most Texans run their air conditioning and get into pools during hot summer days.



Nathan shares some of his experience living in Texas during its very hot summer seasons. Nathan hates summer, with winter being his favorite season of the year.

Nathan says that once summer comes to Texas, his addiction to ice cream intensifies. He also runs his air conditioning often, resulting in higher air conditioning bills.

From Nathan’s experience, Texas often rises over 100 degrees in the summer, and sometimes even over 110. He even recalls a year when the night temperatures never dropped below 85.

This intense heat in Texan summers makes it very hard to do anything other than jump in the pool or sit at home in air conditioning during the hot periods. Nathan says he still burns in the sun even with 100 SPF sunscreen.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Supposed to(〜するはずである)

“supposed to”は状況に応じて様々な意味を持ちますが、今日の会話では、何かが期待されていたり、予定されていることを意味します。例えば、「今夜は雨が降るらしいです」は“It’s supposed to rain tonight.”、「ミーティングは11時にスタートするはずです」は“The meeting is supposed to start at 11.”と表現します。また、過去の話をする場合は、期待していたことや予定していたことが実際にそうでなかったり、起こらなかったりするニュアンスが含まれます。例えば、“The meeting was supposed to start at 11.”と言うだけで、ミーティングは11時にスタートする予定だったけれど、時間通りに始まらなかったことを表せます。

  • It’s supposed to hit over a hundred degrees this weekend.
  • Tom is supposed to drop by around noon today.
  • The BBQ party was supposed to be today, but it got canceled.

2) By far(断トツに、はるかに)

“by far”は「断トツに」や「はるかに」を意味し、比較級や最上級を強調するために使われます。一般的には、他と比べて際立っていたり、圧倒的であることを示します。例えば、「このハンバーガー屋はLAで断トツにおいしい」は“This hamburger shop is by far the best in LA.”と言い、そのハンバーガーが圧倒的に一番美味しいことを表しています。

  • Japan is by far my favorite country in the world.
  • He is by far the best baseball player I’ve ever seen.
  • This is by far the best okonomiyaki I’ve ever had.

3) Kick up(ある状態が強まる)

“kick up”は状況に応じて様々な意味を持ちますが、今日の会話では、ある状態や状況が強まったり、悪化したり、または活発になることを表現します。特に、何かが既に存在する状態からさらに激しくなる場合に使います。例えば、今日の会話でネイサンは、 “My ice cream addiction will kick up even worse than it already is.” と言っていますが、これは「アイスクリーム依存が今よりもさらに悪化するだろう」ということを強調しています。

  • My allergies kick up during the spring season.
  • The party really kicked up once the music came on.
  • My workload usually kicks up before the holidays.

4) There is no way around it(それを避ける方法はない)

“There is no way around it.”は「それを避ける方法はない」や「それを回避する手段はない」を意味する日常表現です。特に、ある問題や状況に対処するには、直接向き合うしかないことを強調します。例えば、罰金を払わないといけない場合、 “You have to pay the fine. There’s no way around it.”「罰金を払う必要があります。それを避ける方法はありません」と言います。ちなみに、“it”の代わりに避けられない対象を入れることができます。

  • You need a visa or a green card to live in the U.S. There’s no way around it.
  • We have to pay taxes. There’s no way around it.
  • There is no way around riding a packed train during rush hour.

5) Sunscreen(日焼け止め)

“sunscreen”は日焼け止めを意味します。日焼け止めは英語で “sunblock”とも言います。“sunblock”は物理的なバリアを提供するのに対し、“sunscreen”は化学的な成分を使って紫外線を吸収して肌を守る効果があります。しかし、日常会話ではどちらも使われ、特に厳密な区別をして使うことは少ないです。

  • Don’t forget to put on sunscreen before you go out.
  • I forgot to put on sunblock, and I got burned.
  • I always put on sunscreen before I go outside.



  • Same・・・同感
  • Fan・・・扇風機
  • AC・・・エアコン
  • Legitimate・・・ちゃんとした


  • (Be) Upon someone・・・〜がやって来る
  • Ice bath・・・氷を入れたバスタブ
  • Air conditioning bill・・・エアコン代
  • Dangerous territory・・・危険なレベルの行為





  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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