
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2024.07.12





【Nathan】I heard that you are a nanny. Is that true?

【Raya】Yes, yes. I nanny and I’ve been nannying for, like 11+ years.


【Raya】I do—yeah. I do enjoy it and I’ve…yeah, I’ve been doing it forever so, like…

【Nathan】That—that sounds like a little bit tentative so, like…

【Raya】It is only because I’ve been doing it for so long and everyone’s like, “You’re not tired yet?” I was like, “I mean, there’s days when I’m like, ‘man.’ And then others when I’m like, ‘This is great!’”


【Raya】I’ve worked with all types of children of, like—I think the oldest I’ve worked with is probably, like…maybe like 11 or 12 is the oldest I’ve worked with. I usually like to work with younger kids. They’re easier to, like talk to. I like to have fun so I’m like—I like to act with them. I like to play pretend and…they’re just more gentle. You know, once you get to a certain age, everyone’s not gentle anymore. (laughs) So I—little kids are easier for me to handle.

【Raya】But nannying essentially is just watching, you know—taking care of a kid from—from their actual homes. So—and you do it kind of…mostly everyday, if not everyday, you just have, like a very set schedule. And most of the time I—like, also like to call it like a “mommy helper” because generally you are there to kind of help the mom out.

【Raya】I’ve worked with families where, like both parents where, like both parents work from home, but, like they just did not have—like they needed those hours to work and they can’t obviously watch their children. And so I’ve been doing that.

【Raya】So, you know, even with the parents home, I’ll just be watching the kids. You know, we’ll go do activities. I love arts and crafts. And that’s, like one of our basic, like…a typical day for me would be, like arts and crafts, make them breakfast, play outside—basically, tire them out, have nap time. And while they’re napping, I do what I need to do. Like, I’m like, “Okay, I can decompress for, like an hour.”

【Raya】And then I can go wash things and, like wash clothes or, like do other things. So nannying doesn’t always have to consist of, like helping around the house. But if you are there all day, that’s usually—you know, whatever they—the person asks of you, that’s usually what they ask you to do. Like, “Hey, the kids are, like out for a little bit. Can you do this while you’re here?” Yeah, I love—I love doing it. I’ve done it forever and like I’ve said, I’ve worked with all ages.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What is the oldest age of children Raya has worked with as a nanny?
  2. What phrase does Raya use to describe being a nanny?
  3. What activities does Raya usually do with the children she’s watching over?



  1. The oldest age she’s worked with as a nanny was with children around the age of 11 or 12.
  2. She describes nannies as “mommy helpers.”
    彼女はナニーを 「ママ・ヘルパー 」だと表現しました。
  3. She and the children she watches over usually begin with breakfast, then arts and crafts, playing outside, then napping.



Raya shares with Nathan her experiences working as a nanny. She’s been working as a nanny now for over 11 years.
ラヤはネイサンにナニーの体験談を話します。 彼女は11年以上ナニーとして働いています。

Raya has nannied for children as old as 11 or 12 years old, though she finds that younger children are gentler than older children. People sometimes ask her how she’s been able to nanny for so long, and she feels some days are easier than others.

She describes nannies as “mommy helpers,” assisting the parents of children with everyday tasks like cleaning, or activities such as exercise when parents are busy with work. Raya usually has the children she’s nannying follow a schedule.

That schedule usually begins with breakfast in the morning followed by arts and crafts. After that, Raya tries to exercise the children by playing with them outside in order to tire them out and help them nap later in the day.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Nanny(ナニー)

“nanny”は「乳母」や「保育士」を意味し、家庭内での子供の世話を専門とする人を表します。一般的には、親が仕事や他の用事で家にいない間に子供の世話を引き受ける役割を持ちます。例えば、「私たちはナニーを雇いました」は“We hired a nanny.”のように表現します。“nanny”の役割は子供の面倒を見ることですが、家庭の状況によっては家事の手伝いや料理などをすることもあります。ちなみに、家に住み込みで働くナニーは“live-in nanny”と言います。

  • We hired a nanny to look after our kids.
  • Our nanny prepares meals, helps with homework, and takes the kids to their activities.
  • Our kids have grown very attached to their nanny.

2) Forever(すごく長い時間)

“forever”は直訳すると「永遠に」になりますが、日常会話では「すごく長い時間」や「すごく長い間」を表す口語表現として使われます。例えば今日の会話でラヤは、これまでどれくらいナニーをしてきたかを説明する時に、“I’ve been doing it forever.”と言いました。ここでは、「すごく長い間ナニーをしてきた」を意味します。その他、とても久しぶりに会う友達に、“I haven’t seen you in forever.”と言うと、「すごく長いこと会ってない」ことを強調する言い方になります。

  • I haven’t been to Japan in forever. I want to go back soon.
  • This presentation is taking forever to complete.
  • It feels like we’ve been waiting forever for the bus.

3) A set schedule(決まったスケジュール)

“a set schedule”は、「決まったスケジュール」を意味し、予め決められたスケジュールに従って行動したり、特定の時間や日程に従って行われる計画を表します。例えば、「私は月曜日から金曜日まで、午前9時から午後5時までの決まったスケジュールで働いています」は“I work a set schedule from 9AM-5PM, Monday through Friday.”と言います。

  • I have a set schedule at work.
  • I follow a set schedule for my workouts to stay in shape.
  • Our family has a set schedule for meals and bedtime.

4) Tire someone out(〜を疲れさせる)

“tire someone out”は「誰かを疲れさせる」ことを意味します。特に、特定の活動や出来事が誰かを疲れさせるときに使われることが多いです。例えば、「子供たちを公園に連れて行って疲れさせないといけない」は“I have to take the kids to the park and tire them out.”のように表現します。

  • Playing with the kids all day really tired me out.
  • Let’s take the kids out and tire them out.
  • Socializing with so many people at the party last night really tired me out.

5) Decompress(リラックスする)

本来、“decompress”は「圧力を減らす」を意味しますが、日常会話では「リラックスする」や「ストレスを解消する」の意味として使われます。例えば、「長い1日のあとは、ヨガをしてリラックスするのが好きです」は “After a long day, I like to decompress by doing yoga.”と表現します。

  • Going for a run in the evening helps me decompress.
  • Listening to calming music helps me decompress before going to bed.
  • Taking a short trip to the countryside is a great way to decompress.



  • Tentative・・・一時的な
  • Gentle・・・優しい
  • Essentially・・・基本的に


  • Play pretend・・・ごっこ遊び
  • Work from home・・・在宅勤務
  • Arts and crafts・・・図工
  • Nap time・・・昼寝時間
  • Consist of・・・〜で構成されている
  • Help around the house・・・家事の手伝い





  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Ai より:


    I’m afraid this script is wrong
    The same as #492

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