
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2024.06.28





【Raya】Yeah I was just about to ask. So were there any challenges that, you know…I guess being homeschooled, were there any challenges? And what—what kind of benefits were—did you have, you know, as well—from working—you know, from being homeschooled?

【Nathan】Yeah, yeah. I mean—so, I think the hardest thing for me which would probably—would’ve just been hard no matter what—was math. (laughs)

【Raya】Mm hm. Oh yeah. Math…hoo! (laughs)

【Nathan】Math sucks.

【Raya】Yes, yes, yes!

【Nathan】So yeah. I think…and, yeah. There were definitely many, many tears shed over pre-algebra. So that was—that was where my—my brain shut off I think—was somewhere around pre-algebra.


【Nathan】But no—I mean, I think for—I think for me…so for—I think every person has a different experience.

【Raya】Mm hm.

【Nathan】So for me, I think, you know, my mom did a really, really good job of trying to give us a lot of social opportunities.

【Raya】I like that.

【Nathan】So, yeah. We were involved in, like the homeschool groups. And then, you know, we were doing stuff with church and, you know…

【Raya】Mm hm.

【Nathan】…other groups and stuff like that. So, you know, I was socializing, you know, most days of the week.


【Nathan】Which was good. I think I—I learned when I went away for college that I am highly social and I probably could have benefitted from a little bit more.

【Raya】Oh, okay.

【Nathan】Whereas my twin brother is extraordinarily introverted and probably wanted even—wanted even less than what we got. So.

【Raya】Like, “I’m good. I’m good. You can stop there.” (laughs)

【Nathan】(laughs) Yeah, exactly. So he’s like—he’s always the one who’s like…hops in. He’s like, “Hi.” And then you’re like, “Where did—where did Ian go? I don’t know.”

【Raya】He’s in the corner eating snacks. That’s what he wants. (laughs)

【Nathan】I can talk enough for both of us, so it’s okay.

【Raya】There you go. (laughs) I like that.

【Nathan】Yeah. But you know, I think, you know, it worked well because—for us, because, you know, I was able to, you know, do everything that I needed to do.

【Raya】Mm hm.

【Nathan】But then, you know, also was able to focus on, you know, spend even extra time on focusing on the things that interested me. You know, like reading and writing and that’s still stuff that I enjoy today. And…you know, and it allowed me the opportunities—like because even in the homeschool schools, you know, my classes were very small.


【Nathan】And so I formed really close relationships with my teachers and stuff like that. So, you know, some of them I’m still friends with today and…

【Raya】Aw, that’s beautiful. I like that.

【Nathan】Yeah, it’s—it’s…yeah. It is—for—for me, it worked out really well and I’m really happy I did it.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What subject in school did Nathan struggle with when he was in homeschool?
  2. Who was more introverted: Nathan or his twin brother?
  3. What did Nathan like about homeschool?



  1. He struggled with pre-algebra and math in general.
  2. Nathan’s twin brother, Ian, was more introverted.
  3. It allowed him to accomplish what he needed to for his education while letting him focus on things he enjoyed, such as reading and writing.



Nathan shares more about his homeschool experience, this time focusing on the challenges it posed. The biggest challenge he faced with was studying math.

Nathan in particular struggled with pre-algebra, though math in general was difficult for him. Still, he thinks that the challenges a person faces in homeschool will vary person-to-person.
ネイサンは数学全般が苦手でしたが、特に代数学で苦労したと言います。 ですが、ネイサンはホームスクールでの苦労は、人それぞれ違うと思っています。

Nathan’s mom was good about giving her children opportunities to socialize both in and outside of homeschool. Nathan found that he was highly social and thinks he might have preferred even more socializing in homeschool. By contrast, his brother Ian was very introverted.
ネイサンの母親はホームスクールの環境の中でも、子供たちに多くの社交の機会を与えるようにしていました。 ネイサンは非常に社交的で、ホームスクールの中でもっと多くの社交の場があってもよかったと言います。対照的に、双子のイアンはとても内向的だったと話します。

In general, Nathan believed homeschooling worked for him. It allowed him to develop close relationships with his teachers, learn what he needed to for a good education, while also giving him opportunities to study subjects he cared about, such as reading and writing.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) No matter what(何があっても)

“no matter what”は状況や条件が違っても、ある特定の行動や結果が変わらないことを強調する表現で、「何があっても」や「どんなことがあっても」を意味します。この表現は、意志の強さや決意を示すときによく使われます。例えば、「何があってもこのプロジェクトを終わらせる」は“I will finish this project no matter what.”と言います。

  • I will always support my kids no matter what.
  • No matter what others say, always believe in yourself.
  • I will be at your performance no matter what.

2) Tears shed over(〜に涙を流す)

“tears shed over”は、特定の出来事や状況に対して泣いたり涙を流すことを意味します。悲しみや喜び、感動など、さまざまな感情に対して涙が流れる様子を表すために使います。例えば、子供の時から飼っていた猫が息を引き取った時に、“There were many tears shed over the loss of our cat.(猫を亡くして、たくさんの涙を流しました)”と表現します。

この表現は、人を主語にして“shed tears”のように表現することもでき、例えば、 「彼女は結婚式で喜びの涙を流しました」は“She shed tears of joy at the wedding.”のように表現します。

  • Tears of joy were shed over the birth of their first child.
  • The farewell party had many tears shed over departing friends.
  • Jack shed tears when he heard the sad news.

3) Go away for(〜のために出かける)

“go away for”は、「~のために出かける」 を意味し、特定の目的や期間のために自宅や通常の場所から離れることを示します。例えば、旅行のために週末出かける場合、“I’m going away for the weekend.”と言います。今日の会話でネイサンは、“I went away for college.”と言っていますが、ここでは、大学進学のために実家を出たことを意味します。

  • I’m going away for a few days to recharge my batteries.
  • She’s going away for the summer to study abroad.
  • After I graduated from high school, I went away for college.

4) Whereas(~である一方で)

“whereas”は「~である一方で」「~に対して」を意味し、対比関係を示す接続詞です。日本語では「反面」という言葉に相当します。例えば、「彼女はコーヒーが好きですが、彼は紅茶が好きです」は“She likes coffee, whereas he prefers tea.”と表現し、二つの事柄を対比させる状況で使われます。個人的な感覚から言うと、“whereas”は多少フォーマルな響きがあり、日常会話では“while”の方がよりカジュアルな言い方として使われるように思います。

  • My wife enjoys reading, whereas I prefer playing sports.
  • My son is good at math, whereas my daughter is good at foreign languages.
  • My brother is an introvert, whereas I’m an extrovert.

5) There you go(その通り)

“There you go.”は状況に応じて様々な意味を持ちますが、今日の会話では、相手の発言に「その通り」や「そうそう」と同感したり同意したりする際の相槌として使われました。特に、話をわかりやすくするために何か良い事例を挙げた相手に対して使ったり、自分が言おうとしていたことを相手が先に言ったり、自分より明確に表現したりした際の「そう、それが言いたかったの」の意味として使われることもあります。

例えば、英語のプレゼンが思い通りに行かず落ち込んでいた友達が開き直って、 “I’m going to use this as a learning experience and do better next time.(これを教訓にして、次はもっとうまくやろうと思ってるよ)”と言った時に、“There you go!(その通り)”と返答できます。

  • There you go. I completely agree with you.
  • There you go. You can’t let negative comments bring you down.
  • There you go. That’s the spirit.



  • Benefit・・・メリット
  • Suck・・・最低、最悪
  • Extraordinarily・・・極端に


  • One’s brain shut off・・・脳が受けつけない
  • Social opportunity・・・社会的なチャンス
  • Hop in・・・ひょいと
  • Form a relationship with・・・人間関係を築く





  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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