
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2024.06.21





【Raya】I guess—can you describe, like a typical day for you of homeschooling? Like, what was that like for you?

【Nathan】Yeah, so my mom is an extremely, like regimented, intense person.


【Nathan】So…so—which is—which honestly was good. That worked well for us.

【Raya】Yes, yes.

【Nathan】So she, like did not let us sleep in. Like, she would get us up at, like 5:30. She’d say, like, “All the other kids are getting up right now so you have to get up too.”

【Raya】Fair enough. Okay. (laughs)

【Nathan】Come downstairs—we couldn’t come downstairs in our pajamas. We had to be, like showered and ready to go. So she—she tried to run it, like as close to a school day as possible.

【Raya】I like that.

【Nathan】So we’d have, like lunch breaks when the other kids at school were having lunch breaks.

【Raya】Mm hm.

【Nathan】And, you know, different things like that. So it was…it was not…


【Nathan】…that’s—that’s what she did.

【Raya】I like that, though, because it’s a little bit different. Like you said, not everyone does that. My niece is also homeschooled, so I like hearing your version of it too because I’m like—I always ask her what a typical day is for her and it’s just like, “I’m just reading a lot.” And I’m like, “Oh…” (laughs)

【Nathan】(laughs) Yeah.

【Raya】So she’s like, “My mom makes me read a lot of stuff.” I’m like, “Oh, okay. I’m sorry.” (laughs) Yeah.

【Nathan】So—yeah, yeah. No, I read a lot as well. But I guess that was more of an early reading thing.

【Raya】Yeah, yeah, yeah. (laughs) Okay.

【Nathan】Yeah, so there—there were different versions of it. Like—so when I was younger, you know, and my mom was able to teach more of the subject she did everything. And then as we got older and the things got a little bit more advanced…we started substituting a little bit with, like some video lessons and that sort of thing.


【Nathan】And then as I was getting into high school, we joined, like a local homeschool school.

【Raya】Oh, cool.

【Nathan】So it’s like—like a one-day-a-week thing where we would go and that’s where I learned Spanish. And then also had, like a public speaking class there.

【Raya】Mm hm.

【Nathan】You know, things, like that would be hard to replicate, you know.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. How does Nathan describe his mother’s personality?
  2. How did Raya’s niece describe a typical day of homeschooling for her?
  3. As Nathan grew older and the material he was studying became more advanced, what did his mom supplement her instruction with?



  1. He describes her as an intense and regimented person, who instilled a certain discipline in her children during their homeschooling.
  2. Raya’s niece said her homeschooling was mostly reading.
  3. She supplemented her own teaching with video lessons and enrolled Nathan in a one-day-a-week homeschool “school” where he would attend classes like public speaking and Spanish.



Nathan shared more about his experience growing up as a homeschool student. His mother was an intense and regimented person, which translated well into giving him a certain level of discipline in the homeschool environment.

For example, Nathan’s mother sought to replicate in their homeschool the same schedule students at traditional schools had. This included waking up at 5:30 in the morning and having lunch breaks at the same times traditional students did.

Raya was curious about Nathan’s experience because her niece is currently being homeschooled. However, whenever Raya asks her niece what homeschooling is like, her niece just replies that she spends most of her day reading.

In Nathan’s experience, his mother taught most of the lessons when he was very young, at a time when the lessons were fairly simple. As they grew more advanced, she supplemented her lessons with video lessons and taking classes at a homeschool “school,” where Nathan studied Spanish and public speaking.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Regimented(厳格に管理された)

“regimented”は何かが非常に厳格に管理されていることを意味します。“regimented”は本来、厳格な組織と規律を持つ軍隊を指す名詞、”regiment(連隊)” に由来します。例えば、 非常に規則正しい生活を送っている人がいた場合、“He lives a regimented lifestyle.”と言い、毎日決まった時間に起床し、決まった時間に食事を取り、決まった時間に運動するようなライフスタイルを表します。

  • I went to a private school that followed a regimented schedule.
  • I’ve been sticking to a regimented daily routine for the past five years.
  • My trainer created a regimented training program for me.

2) Sleep in(遅くまで寝ている、ゆっくり寝る)

“sleep in”は通常の起床時間よりも遅く起きることを意味します。特に、休日や祝日など、仕事などがない日にゆっくり寝た場合、 “I didn’t have work today, so I slept in.(今日は仕事がなかったのでゆっくり寝ました)”と表現します。状況に応じては、「寝坊する」の意味としても使われ、例えば、「寝坊して仕事に遅刻しました」は“I was late to work because I slept in.のように表します。

  • I like to sleep in on my days off.
  • I slept in until 8 o’clock this morning.
  • I slept in and missed my flight.

3) Fair enough(いいよ、なるほど)

“fair enough”は相手の発言に納得する時に使われる相槌表現で、「なるほどね」や「そっか」を意味します。最初は納得していなかったことに対して、相手の説明や言い分を聞いて納得するニュアンスがあります。ただし、相手の考えに100%納得しているわけではなく、相手の説明を聞いた上で、相手の考えを受け入れる、という意味合いになります。例えば、会社を辞めると言い出した友人に最初は納得がいかなかったけれども、理由を聞いて納得した時に、“Fair enough. You should follow your heart.(なるほどね。自分の心に正直であるべきだと思うよ)”という具合に表現することができます。

  • Fair enough. I see where you’re coming from.
  • I see things differently, but fair enough. Let’s go with your idea.
  • If you want to work alone on this project, fair enough.

4) Run something(運営する、管理する)

“run something”は、何かを管理したり、運営したり、実行したりすることを意味します。特に、ビジネスやプロジェクト、イベントや計画などに対して使われることが多いです。例えば、「私はカフェを運営しています」は“I run a cafe.”と言います。

  • Steve runs an online English school.
  • Stacey runs an after-school program for her students.
  • Jesse is in charge of running the event.

5) Break(休憩、休暇)

“break”は休憩や休暇を取ることを意味します。例えば、「休憩しよう」は“Let’s take a break.”、「彼は今、昼休み中です」は“He is on lunch break.”、「私の息子は夏休みに入りました」は“My son started his summer break.”と言います。

  • Let’s take a break after we finish this workout.
  • When does your daughter’s summer break start?
  • Let’s take a 15-minute coffee break.



  • Niece・・・姪
  • Subject・・・科目
  • Advanced・・・高度な、上級の
  • Replicate・・・再現する


    • A typical day・・・典型的な一日
    • That sort of thing・・・〜のようなこと





  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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