
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2024.05.31





【Raya】When people visit D.C., they’re like, “Oh, well I went to the museums.” And they do, like the typical stuff. And I think I’m—because I’ve lived here for so long, those are great too.

【Raya】Also the nightlife is really fun. Like, you can find, like arcades. You can find a lot of speakeasies, which are just hidden bars. Those are fun. The secret bars are so much fun. We went to one that was in the back of a deli.

【Nathan】No way!

【Raya】And you’d think it’s just a regular… (laughs) Yeah, you thought it was just a regular deli but it’s—it’s a speakeasy where you go have drinks with your friends and go dance. So much fun.

【Nathan】Is—is the deli, like a legitimate business or is it—or is it a separate business, or is it combined?

【Raya】No! I think it’s part…see, that’s weird. See—I don’t know. I need to find that out because most—some of them seem separate. But then some of them might be going along with it. So it just depends on the location because that one was definitely inside the deli. And I was wondering if, like they work together.

【Raya】And then there’s ones that are, like in a random alley. There’s one—there’s a—there’s a secret bread shop that has amazing bread that’s also, like just a secret…I guess a speakeasy of types. But you just go get bread and, like fancy pastries. (laughs) It’s supposed to be like…yes. And like I said, they have a lot of random stuff in D.C.

【Nathan】What I’m realizing is that I did my D.C. trip totally wrong.


【Nathan】So that’s what I’m…

【Raya】When you go next time, you have to let me know because there’s, like so many awesome things you can see in D.C. Yeah so.

【Nathan】On, like a semi-related note, I’m actually going to New York City on Tuesday.

【Raya】Oh, nice!

【Nathan】So I might have to ask you for some recommendations.

【Raya】Oh yeah because…New York, you can just walk for hours anywhere and you can find a lot of also great, hidden gems all over New York. So that’s my favorite part—is walking the city. Same thing I do in D.C.—is walking all over the place. So, yeah it’s fun.

【Nathan】Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I’ve been once but it’s—it was, like a very quick visit. So—but yeah.


【Nathan】I’ll hit you up for some recs.

【Raya】Thank you, thank you. (laughs)


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What does Raya like in D.C. besides the museums?
  2. What two types of stores did Raya find a speakeasy bar connected to in D.C.?
  3. What is Raya’s favorite part of visiting New York?



  1. She enjoys D.C.’s nightlife.
  2. She found two speakeasies, one connected to a deli and the other to a bakery and pastry shop.
  3. Raya’s favorite part of visiting New York is being able to walk the city and see the sights as she does.



Raya shares more about her experience living in D.C., focusing this time on the things she enjoys doing while there. While she appreciates and enjoys the historical sites of D.C. and its many museums, Raya particularly enjoys D.C.’s nightlife.

D.C.’s nightlife includes places like arcades and speakeasies, a type of hidden or secret bar that has its origins in the Prohibition era of American history. Raya is particularly fond of speakeasies and she and her friends even found one in the back of a deli.

Raya wasn’t sure if the speakeasies she’s been to, one of which was connected to a deli, were part of the same business or separate businesses. But the atmospheres of speakeasies are fun for her, and being so close to a deli or a bakery allows someone going to a speakeasy to also get bread or fancy pastries.

Nathan is going to New York City. Having experienced living in New York City, Raya says her favorite part of that lifestyle was simply walking through the city and seeing the sights.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Speakeasy(隠れ家バー)

“speakeasy”は「隠れ家バー」を意味します。“speakeasy”は1920年代の禁酒法時代のアメリカで、隠れて酒を飲むための秘密の酒場を指しました。“speak”は「話す」、“easy”は「静かに」を意味することから、当時の人たちは警官の注意を引かないように、バーにいる時は、“speak easy(静かに話す)”必要があったことからこの言葉が生まれたと言われています。


  • My friends and I went to a speakeasy last weekend.
  • You need a password to get into that speakeasy.
  • I went to a pretty cool speakeasy in a bookshop.

2) Legitimate(合法の、ちゃんとした)

“legitimate”は「合法の」を意味する単語で、法律や規則に則っていることや公正であることを指します。例えば、きちんと税金を納め、労働法や規制をしっかりと守っている合法的なビジネスを“a legitimate business”と言います。

ちなみに、日常会話では“legit”のように略して言うことが多く、「ちゃんとした」や「信用できる」の意味として使われます。例えば、「まともな仕事です」は“It’s a legit job.”、「彼は信用できる」は“He is legit.”と表現します。その他、“legit”は「最高!」や「いいね!」の意味として使われるスラングでもあり、「このお店は最高だ!」は “This restaurant is legit!”と言うことができます。

  • It looks sketchy from the outside, but it’s a legitimate business.
  • Before you put in your credit card information, make sure it’s a legitimate site.
  • This English learning app is legit.

3) Hidden gem(あまり知られていない素敵な場所)

直訳で「隠された宝石」となるこの表現は、あまり知られていないお店やレストラン、限られた人しか知らない絶景スポットなどを表し、「隠れ家」や「穴場」を意味します。例えば、東京の街を散策中に脇道に入って雰囲気の良いカフェを見つけた時に、“This cafe is a hidden gem.(このカフェは穴場だね)”と言うことができます。

  • Tokyo is full of hidden gems.
  • I came across a hidden gem tucked away in an alley.
  • I love looking for hidden gems when I’m traveling.

4) All over(至る所に)

“all over” は、さまざまな状況で使われる表現で、「どこにでも」「至る所に」「あちこちに」という意味です。例えば、「東京にはコンビニが至る所にある」は“There are convenience stores all over Tokyo.”、「そのニュースはネット中に広まっていた」は“That news was all over the internet.”と表現します。

  • I looked all over the house, but I couldn’t find your phone.
  • People from all over the world attended the event.
  • The person sitting next to me spilled wine all over my shirt.

5) Recs(おすすめ)

“recs”は“reccomendations”の略で、「おすすめ」を意味する口語表現です。特に友達とのカジュアルな会話やネットで使われることが多く、誰かが何かについて提案やアドバイスを求めるときによく使われます。例えば、「何かおすすめの映画はある?」は“Do you have any movie recs?”、「レストランのおすすめを教えてくれない?」は“Can you give me some restaurant recs?”と言います。ただし、「私は〜をおすすめします」を“ I rec ~.”と表現すると違和感があり、基本的には、複数形の“recommendations”の略としてのみ使われます。

  • Can you give me some recs for good podcasts to listen to?
  • Thanks for the book recs. They all sound really interesting.
  • I’m planning on visiting LA next month. Do you have any restaurant recs?



  • Nightlife・・・夜の街
  • Arcade・・・ゲームセンター
  • Deli・・・お惣菜やさん
  • Alley・・・路地


  • Fancy pastry・・・絶品のペイストリー
  • On a (semi-)related note・・・ちなみに
  • Quick visit・・・駆け足で訪問する





  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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