
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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1. 妹が妊娠!(0:06)

【Jun】So, Yoko. You are very close to having a baby.

【Yoko】Oh man, six months in.

【Jun】Six months in. So are you in your second or third trimester right now?

【Yoko】We’re entering the third trimester.

【Jun】We’re just getting in. Because you’re about three months away from having your first kid.


【Jun】That’s so crazy.

【Yoko】It’s actually happening!

【Jun】I can’t believe you’re having a kid man. So how are you feeling about it right now?

【Yoko】Feel really good.

【Jun】Feeling pretty good?

【Yoko】Yeah. Jun’s kids will have cousins now, you guys.

【Jun】My kids are going to have cousins. And I will be an uncle.

【Yoko】You’ll be an uncle. And we just found out that we’re having a girl.

【Jun】And how are you feeling about that?

【Yoko】Yeah, really excited.

【Jun】Really excited? Because I know, like at the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter if it’s a boy or a girl.

【Yoko】That’s true.

【Jun】But deep down inside, what were you feeling like? Were you like, really kind of rooting for the girl or did it matter to, like, where were you at with that?

【Yoko】Here’s the thing. Everyone has their theories, right? According to the theories, I thought it was going to be a boy. No morning sickness, the way the belly sticking out, the way my nose is shaped.

【Jun】Everything that you can imagine. So yeah, your gender reveal party was crazy because I was sitting with a couple of people at our table, and they’re like two people, they were like, “Look at the way she’s walking. That’s a boy, for sure.” And the other is like, “No, no no. Look at her stomach and how wide it is. That’s definitely a girl.”

【Yoko】It was more interesting to hear people’s theories and why they thought what it was.

【Jun】We know who’s really happy, though. Dad.

【Yoko】Grandpa, Billy.

2. フレーズの解説 (01:52)

1) Have a baby

日常会話で「出産する」を表す最もナチュラルでよく使われる言い方が“have a baby”です。状況によっては「赤ちゃんがいる」という意味にもなりますが、一般的には「出産する」の意味で使われます。例えば、「来月、妹に子供が産まれます」は“My sister is having a baby next month.”、「妹に子供が生まれるなんて信じられない」は “I can’t believe my sister is having a baby.”と言います。

2) I’m pregnant.

「妊娠中」と言いたい場合は、“I’m pregnant.”と言います。“pregnant”は「妊娠中」を意味する最もストレートな言い方で、例えば、「妹は妊娠しています」は“My sister is pregnant.”と言います。

3) Expecting

日常会話で結構よく使われるのが“expecting”です。“expecting”は「期待する」や「予期する」を意味することから、妊娠していることを“I’m expecitng.(私は妊娠しています)”のように表現することができます。相手の出産予定日を聞きたい時は、“When are you expecting?(出産予定日はいつですか?)”、「第一子が今年の夏に生まれる予定です」は“We’re expecting our first child this summer.”のように表現します。

4) Bun in the oven

妊娠中であることを表すちょっと変わった言い方に、“bun in the oven”という表現があります。直訳すると「オーブンの中にパンがある」となり、“oven”がお腹、“bun”が赤ちゃんを指し、妊娠していることを表すユーモアのある言い方です。例えば、「私は妊娠しています」は“I have a bun in the oven.”と言います。

ちなみに、妊娠初期は“first trimester”、妊娠中期は“second trimester”、妊娠後期は“third trimester”といい、英語では“trimester”を使って妊娠期間を表現します。


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