
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

Hapa Eikaiwa on FacebookHapa Eikaiwa on TwitterHapa Eikaiwa on YouTubeHapa 英会話 Instagram



Released: 2023.11.24





【Robert】I tend to use—actually YouTube for news, ironically.


【Robert】YouTube has integrated, like news corporations and, like they have breaking news on YouTube now.

【Kimi】Mm hm.

【Robert】So they have, like on front page, you can see, like new latest stories and a bunch of other stuff. So I use YouTube, strangely enough, to, like video—like, because it reminisces me of, like watching news on the television. So like, that’s what I kind of use YouTube for.

【Kimi】Oh, okay. Cool.

【Robert】What do you use for the news?

【Kimi】I don’t like turning on the TV for the news.

【Robert】Mm hm.

【Kimi】I don’t really watch TV. So everything that I…I get from Instagram or Facebook for the news. I don’t have a Twitter. But Instagram I feel like you’re—it’s a little bit less negative versus how, back in the day, it’s when you used to watch the news on TV. And on Instagram they—I guess it depends on what kind of news—what kind of profiles you follow.

【Robert】Mm hm.

【Kimi】But I tend to follow more of the news that matter most, whether—what’s going on in the world and the positives…type of news.

【Robert】Oh, that’s really interesting because, like most of my social media services don’t actually, like plug me with news. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because, like…just what I do. Like I do, like real estate photography and, like photography for Instagram.

【Kimi】Mm hm.

【Robert】So I’ve only got, like pictures and like…


【Robert】… “Oh look. We went to this place.” But I don’t really get the news.

【Kimi】Yeah, well you get to choose if you want to follow…



【Robert】Oh, I didn’t know that.

【Kimi】Yeah if you want to follow…mm hm. No, if you want to follow, like—like…Fox News or if you want to follow NBC…

【Robert】I didn’t know they had a Fox News channel.


【Robert】No, not at all.

【Kimi】CNN…on Instagram?


【Kimi】Oh. Okay well now you know. There you go.

【Robert】Now I know. Maybe—I like—you know, in all my news watching, CNN was my favorite. I did like CNN.

【Kimi】Okay. You can follow—I follow CNN actually on Instagram.

【Robert】I used—in high school I used to be a journalist. So I was really plugged into, like news and, like outlets like that. I was a photo editor for my…editorial.

【Kimi】Oh cool.


【Kimi】You should check it out.

【Robert】I will. I will. I mean I used to be really plugged in so I guess that’s why I’ve taken, like a little back step because when you’re plugged into everything—there’s so much going on in the world.


【Robert】Every moment. So.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What platform does Robert use to consume news?
  2. What platforms does Kimi get her news from?
  3. Robert mentions something he did in high school. What was that?



  1. He uses YouTube, which has integrated other news organizations into its video feeds.
  2. She gets her news from Facebook and Instagram.
  3. He used to be a photo editor and journalist for his high school’s editorial team.



Kimi and Robert continue their conversation about social media, this time specifically focusing on where they get their news from. Robert mainly gets his news from YouTube.

Robert likes YouTube because it has integrated many major news outlets into its video feeds. So he can go to YouTube’s front page and it will give him links to videos about the latest or most important news stories.

Kimi likes getting her news from Facebook and Instagram, which allows her to choose to follow more positive news stories than might be offered on television. Robert didn’t know that Instagram could be used for news, and Kimi shares with him that he can follow news profiles on Instagram of his choosing.

Robert’s favorite news source was CNN and Kimi informs him that CNN has a profile that can be followed on Instagram. In high school, Robert used to be a photo editor and journalist for his high school’s editorial team and so he used to be very connected to the news. Nowadays, he has taken a step back and unplugged a bit from the news cycles in the media.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Breaking news(最新ニュース、速報)

breaking newsは「最新ニュース」を意味する表現です。特に、起こったばかりの最新で最も重要なニュースを表します。例えば、テレビでニュース番組を見ているときに“Breaking news”と表示されている場合は、今起きたばかりの最新ニュースが放送されていることになります。breakingはnewsと組み合わせると「最新ニュース」を意味する表現となりますが、breakingだけでは「最新」という意味はありません。

  • When I turned on the TV, there was breaking news about a big typhoon coming.
  • Did you see the breaking news about the Isreal-Hamas War?
  • Whenever there’s breaking news, I get an alert on my phone.

2) Latest(最新の)

latestは「最新の」を意味する単語です。特に最も新しい物や最近のものを表します。例えば、「最新のテクノロジー」は“latest technology”、「最新のアルバム」は“latest album”のように表します。先ほど、 「最新ニュース」は“breaking news”と説明しましたが、“latest news”と表現することもできます。但し、“breaking news”は「速報」の意味として使われ、重要で予想外の出来事が起きたことを示すのに対し、“latest news”は一般的に最新の情報であることを意味します。

  • I’m debating whether or not to buy the latest iPhone.
  • My sister always keeps up with the latest fashion trends.
  • You can buy his latest album on his website.

3) Reminisce(思い出にふける)

reminisceは、過去に起こったことについて話したり考えたりして、思い出を振り返ることを表します。特に過去の出来事や経験について懐かしく語るニュアンスがあります。例えば、高校時代について懐かしく語った場合、“I reminisced about my high school days.(高校時代の思い出に浸りました)”と言います。

  • We spent the whole night reminiscing about our childhood.
  • My friend and I looked through old photos and reminisced about our college days.
  • Whenever I talk to my uncle, he always reminisces about the good old days.

4) Back in the day(昔は)

back in the dayは昔話をする時や思い出話を懐かしんで話すときに使われる表現で、「昔は」や「当時は」を意味します。例えば、高校時代にいつもバスケの練習にしていたことを懐かしく語る場合は、“Back in the day, I used to practice basketball all the time.(昔はバスケットボールの練習ばかりしていました)と表現し、一般的に文頭か文末で使われます。

  • Back in the day, no one had cell phones.
  • Back in the day, we didn’t have Google Maps, so we had to use real maps to find our way.
  • Back in the day, I had to go to the library to research information for school projects.

5) Plug into(関与する、浸かる)

本来、plug intoは電気器具などのプラグを差し込むことを意味しますが、日常会話では比喩的に使われ、何かに関与したり、浸かったりすることを意味します。特に特定の活動やグループ、状況に関わったり、参加することを意味し、例えば、「彼女は地元のコミュニティーに参加している」は“She is plugged into her local community.”と言います。今日の会話でロバートは、“I was really plugged into the news”と言っていますが、ここでは「ニュースにどっぷり浸かっている」ことを意味します。

  • I’m plugged into various online communities.
  • As a writer, it’s essential to plug into your creativity and let the ideas flow.
  • As a teacher, she tries to create lessons that allow her students to plug into their interests.



  • Ironically・・・皮肉にも
  • Integrate・・・ 統合する
  • Matter・・・大事な


  • Real estate・・・不動産
  • Back step・・・距離を置いてる


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BYB English Center

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