テーマ: 近況報告
【Jun】Hey, Micchan!
【みっちゃん】Hi, Jun-san.
【Jun】What’s going on?
【みっちゃん】How are you?
【Jun】I’m doing well. What are you doing in LA?
【みっちゃん】I just attended a wedding.
【Jun】Oh, where in LA?
【みっちゃん】In Huntington Beach.
【Jun】How was it?
【みっちゃん】It was amazing. It was beautiful.
【Jun】So, you didn’t get married, right?
【みっちゃん】No. No, it was my friend’s wedding.
【Jun】It was your friend’s wedding. Gotcha. And how you been?
【みっちゃん】I’ve been well. I’m superb, actually. How have you been?
【Jun】I’ve been pretty good. You know, it’s been pretty tough balancing the kid life and the working life and all that stuff, but I got two kids.
【みっちゃん】Congratulations on your second baby.
【Jun】I know. Thank you very much. The last time I talked to you, I only had one. And now I got two little monsters. Big, little sumo wrestlers. Huge.
【みっちゃん】Bothe babies are big?
【Jun】Big, big kids. But I’m doing well. And you, anything that you want to share?
【みっちゃん】I actually just flew in today from Alabama. Well, technically not Alabama. New Orleans, Louisiana.