
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2023.09.29





【Kimi】What ethnicity do you identify yourself with?

【Robert】I actually identify as more African-American or, you know, colloquially people say “black,” but I like to say “African-American.” It’s what I was taught, you know, in my household. So my mother, you know, being African-American, she taught us that even—even if you’re half of—I’m half Vietnamese—even if you’re half of whatever, people still identify you as African-American. They can’t see past what you—your parents look like.
I—I really…you know, my dad, being Vietnamese—and he did teach me a few things like how to cook. I cook very well because of him. And learned a bunch of recipes from my grandmother.
But they didn’t really want me to, like learn about my Vietnamese heritage. And it—I tried to learn Vietnamese a few times. That language is really hard. And I still try to pay, like homage to my cousins and my uncles and aunts. You know, they’re all Vietnamese so…


【Robert】…I really love them and they take care of me. But I still have to identify, even with my family, as—as African-American. It sucks. But I really want to also say, “I’m Vietnamese” as well.

【Kimi】Okay. Do you practice anything in your family that’s more, like, you would say the Vietnamese side or—besides the—I know you said cooking.

【Robert】Mm hm.

【Kimi】Is there anything else like music, or…?

【Robert】Yeah. When I was really young I would spend a lot of time with my cousins and uncles. We watched, like Vietnamese TV shows…


【Robert】…like operas and—and like, the singing and the competitions. All of these I remember. I was taking care of my cousins. My cousins were just born, so I’m actually the eldest in—of my generation too for my family.

【Kimi】Mm hm.

【Robert】So I take care of my cousins—not only my sister, but like, my entire family.

【Kimi】Mm hm.

【Robert】I was…I have a lot of expectation, even from my grandma. So she’s like, “Oh you need to do this. Be their buddy.” It was really tough. But I—I loved all of them. And so, you know I took part. I engrossed myself in the culture. But since my dad didn’t really want to reintegrate me into the, like current Vietnamese culture, he—I never got that reintegration. So.

【Kimi】Okay. Is that something you would like to do in the future to your future kids, for example? Or…

【Robert】Yeah, I would definitely teach them that they’re—they’re not just only one—you know, it’s not just black or white. You know, it’s not—you’re not just one or the other. It’s okay to have dual ethnicities. It’s okay to be in two…have two heritages. You know.

【Kimi】Mm hm.

【Robert】And I’ll definitely impart them as much as I was given to them because, you know, it’s only right of me.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What two heritages does Robert have?
  2. What did Robert watch with his cousins?
  3. What does Robert want to do when he has a family of his own?



  1. He has both African-American and Vietnamese heritages.
  2. He used to watch Vietnamese TV shows, such as operas and singing competition shows.
  3. He wants to teach his children about both their African-American and Vietnamese heritages.



Robert shares about the two heritages that make up his identity. His mother is African-American and his father is Vietnamese, so he has these two backgrounds from his parents.

Robert has generally identified more as African-American than Vietnamese because his mother taught him that it would be hard for people to see past his African-American identity. But he still engages with his Vietnamese side often in his life.

While Robert found the Vietnamese language difficult to learn, his father taught him how to cook and he was often a mentor to his younger siblings and cousins. Together, they’d watch Vietnamese TV shows like operas or singing competitions.

Robert’s father didn’t fully integrate him into his own Vietnamese culture. And so, when Robert has a family of his own, he intends to teach them about both their African-American and Vietnamese heritages.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Ethnicity(民族性)

ethnicityとは、人の文化的や社会的アイデンティティのことで、人種や国籍、宗教や言語、出身国や文化的伝統などに基づいています。raceとethnicityはよく混同されますが、raceは肌や髪の色や性質などの身体的特徴に結びついていて、「人種」を意味します。例えば、日本で生まれ育ち、日本の国籍を持ち、日本語を喋り、日本の文化を理解し、日本の伝統を祝う文化的特徴を持った白人がいるとします。この場合、その人のrace(人種)はwhite(白人)ですが、ethnicity(民族性)は Japanese(日本人)になるでしょう。

  • I enjoy learning about different ethnicities.
  • Many of my friends have mixed ethnicities and backgrounds.
  • The cultural festival served a variety of dishes that represented different ethnicities from around the world.

2) Colloquial(口語の)

colloquialは「口語の」を意味し、カジュアルな会話で人が話すときによく使う、日常的でインフォーマルな言葉遣いを意味します。友人や家族とおしゃべりをするときに使うような言葉や表現で、例えば、「口語表現」はcolloquial expressionと言います。今日の会話でロバートが言ったcolloquiallyは、colloquialの副詞です。

  • I like learning colloquial English expressions.
  • I enjoy listening to this podcast because it teaches me colloquial English.
  • “Point fingers” is a colloquial expression that means to blame someone.
    (「Point fingers」は誰かを非難することを意味する口語表現です)

3) Heritage(遺産、伝統)

heritageは世代を超えて受け継がれてきたものを意味し、「遺産」を意味します。伝統や習慣、食べ物や服など、人のバックグラウンドにとって重要なものが含まれます。例えば、「世界遺産」は“world heritage”と表します。その他、この表現は民族的な背景や文化的なバックグラウンドを表す時にも使われ、「私の家系は日本人です」は“My family heritage is Japanese.”と言います。

  • What is your favorite World Heritage Site?
  • In class today, we all shared our cultural heritages.
  • Japan is a fascinating country that has a rich cultural heritage.

4) Pay homage to(〜に敬意を表す)

homageは「敬意」を意味することから、pay homage toは、すごく尊敬する人や物に敬意を表すことを意味します。例えば、お墓参りに行って先祖に敬意を表したり、記念碑の前で戦争で戦った人たちに敬意を表すような状況でpay homage toが使われます。

  • I went to the grave and paid homage to my ancestors.
  • People from all over the world came to pay homage to the artist.
  • The singer made this song to pay homage to Michael Jackson.

5) Suck(ひどい、残念だ)

suckは「ひどい」や「残念だ」を意味する口語的な表現です。例えば、「このレストランはひどい」は“This restaurant sucks.”と言います。また、誰かに不運な出来事や悪いことが起こった時に同情を表す表現としても使われ、「それは残念だね」は“That sucks.”と言います。

ただし、友人のペットや誰かが亡くなった場合など深刻なシーンでの使用は非常に失礼にあたるので避けましょう。その場合は、“I’m very sorry.”や“I’m sorry to hear that.”を使うようにしましょう。

  • The food was delicious, but the service sucked.
  • You have to work this weekend? That sucks.
  • It sucks that you can’t go to the concert with us this weekend.



  • Practice・・・習慣的な慣例
  • Engross・・・どっぷり浸かる
  • Reintegrate・・・再び溶け込ます
  • Impart・・・伝える


  • A bunch of・・・たくさんの
  • Dual ethnicities・・・二重民族


今回のエピソードで登場している二人のスピーカーは、南ロサンゼルスのサウスベイ地区・トーランス市にある全クラス個人レッスン制の英会話スクール、BYB English Centerで活躍している講師です。BYB English Centerの詳細はこちらから。
BYB English Center

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  1. Kancho より:

    “what you—your parents look like”は”what you-your appearance looks like”の間違いではないでしょうか。

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