
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2022.10.07





【Micah】All right, so when is it okay to introduce your boyfriend or girlfriend to your family do you think?

【Kara】This is a hard one. (laughs)


【Kara】I currently live at home. So I’m moving to Japan soon, so I figured I would save money and with the pandemic, I just ended up staying home.

【Micah】Mm hm.

【Kara】So for me, I feel like it has to happen a little bit quicker, especially if the person is coming to pick me up or we’re meeting at my house.

【Micah】Mm hm.

【Kara】Like, you kind of have to know. Yeah, I feel like I’ve also met significant others’ parents quite early just because at the time, they were living at home as well. Yeah, so I would say it’s obviously different for everyone. But for me, it’s always been kind of fast.


【Kara】But it’s complicated when you meet someone’s family, right? Because then you think, like, “Oh, are we more serious because I’m meeting your family?”

【Micah】Right. Well I think there’s, like two different interpretations of this question. You have like, the sort of—I think what you’re starting to talk about—is just this sort of natural…


【Micah】…exposure to the family. Like, your boyfriend’s come to pick you up or something. And you’re like, “Hey, this is my boyfriend.” “Oh hi, nice to meet you.” “Okay, anyway, we’re going. See you.”

【Kara】Yeah, yeah.

【Micah】Like it’s not—it doesn’t necessarily, you know, need to be, like a formal thing.

【Kara】Mm hm.

【Micah】You know? I think in most cases, and my—probably most of my cases as well, it happens like this. When the worlds kind of naturally cross or they collide…


【Micah】…that’s when it happens. There’s no, like…I mean some, like—it is case by case. There are probably some people that do prefer to have a more formal introduction. They bring their boyfriend or girlfriend to their house and they’re like, “Okay, this is my boyfriend.” “Nice to meet you.” And all that stuff. And they have a conversation or something like that. But I don’t know. That—that feels more like high school prom.

【Kara】Yeah. That doesn’t…that’s never happened that way for me.

【Micah】Mm hm.

【Kara】It’s such a complicated question. I actually was really embarrassed. I brought my—I was dating a guy at the time from New Zealand…

【Micah】Mm hm.

【Kara】…who was living in America. And he was coming to pick me up. So naturally I was like, “Oh, my dad’s home. Just introduce yourself.”


【Kara】And my dad I guess was anticipating this and memorized about 300 facts about New Zealand and just started rattling them off.

【Micah】Nice. (laughs) Nice dad move. Dad flex.

【Kara】Yeah. (laughs) It was totally a dad moment. But he was so proud of himself too. And the poor guy I was dating was like, “What, really?” Like, he didn’t know any of it either. So now I’m slightly paranoid, but…


【Kara】…I appreciate the thought and effort my dad put in. I thought it was cute.

【Micah】Right. That’s kind of cute.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. In her story, what country did Kara’s boyfriend at the time come from?
  2. Why did Kara introduce her significant others to her family fairly early on in their dating?
  3. What did Kara’s father do in the story she described?



  1. She introduced her family to her boyfriend at the time, who was living in the United States but came from New Zealand.
  2. She introduced her significant others to her family early because she was living at home and her family naturally saw her significant others when they came to pick her up.
  3. Her father memorized trivia about New Zealand to recite when he met her boyfriend from New Zealand.



Kara and Micah discuss when someone should introduce their significant other to their family. Kara usually introduces her significant others to her family fairly early in the dating process as she currently lives with her family.

Micah thinks there are two ways to interpret introducing a significant other to one’s family. One is that such introductions are formal, and the other is that such introductions naturally occur when one’s family encounters a significant other as they are dating, such as when the boyfriend picks up the girlfriend.

Micah also finds the more formal way of introducing a significant other to one’s family a bit antiquated in modern times. He feels such introductions are more what one would expect before a high school prom.

Kara told a story of a time when she introduced her significant other to her family. Her date at the time was from New Zealand and in anticipation of the meeting, her father memorized lots of trivia about New Zealand. Once they met, Kara’s father began reciting the trivia to her significant other, which somewhat embarrassed Kara.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Significant other(恋人・配偶者)

significant otherは「大切な人」を表す表現ですが、家族や親友のことではなく恋愛関係における大切な人、つまり結婚をしていない場合は彼氏や彼女などの「恋人」、夫婦関係の場合は夫や妻などの「配偶者」を意味します。特に性別問わず表現したい時に使える便利な表現で、例えば「パーティーには恋人や配偶者の参加も大歓迎です」と参加者に伝える場合、“You are more than welcome to bring your significant other to the party.”と言うことができます。

  • Please let me know if your significant other will attend the event.
  • Is your significant other going to join us tonight?
  • I went on a trip with my best friends and their significant others.

2) Serious(真面目なお付き合い)

seriousはbe in a serious relationshipの略で、結婚前提の真面目なお付き合いや長期間の交際を表現する時に使われます。例えば、「彼らは結婚を前提に真面目に付き合っています」は“They are in a serious relationship.”、もしくはシンプルに“They are serious.”と表現します。二人の関係が徐々に真剣になってきた場合は、getting seriousを使って“They are getting serious.”と表現します。

  • Are they just casually dating or are they serious?
  • I’m looking for a serious relationship.
  • I heard things are getting pretty serious between Jack and Stacy.

3) In most cases(大抵の場合)

in most casesは「大抵の」や「ほとんどの」を意味する口語表現です。usuallyよりは高い頻度、alwaysよりは若干低い頻度を表す状況で使われます。most timesや most of the timeと同じ意味合いを持ち、また頻度も同程度なので置き換えて使うことができます。この表現は一般的に文頭と文末で使われます。

  • In most cases, I tip 20% at restaurants.
  • If you have the receipt, you’ll get a refund or store credit in most cases.
  • In most cases, Japanese students start learning English in middle school.

4) Rattle off(スラスラと言う)

rattleは本来、「ガタガタ音を立てる」ことを意味し、連続したノックやタッピングの音を速く出す意味合いがあります。そこから、rattle offは何かをスラスラと言う意味合いを持ち、特に暗記している物や考えなくても言えるものに対して使われます。例えば、山手線の駅名と順番を暗記している人がスラスラと言い始めた場合、 “She rattled off the train stops on the Yamanote Line.”と言います。

  • He rattled off the names of all the prefectures in Japan.
  • He knew all the temples in Kyoto and started rattling them off.
  • She rattled off random statistics that I couldn’t understand.

5) Paranoid(考えすぎる、心配する)

paranoidは、「パラノイア(偏執病)」を語源とする単語で、本来、激しい被害妄想を抱えた状態を指しますが、日常会話ではもう少し軽い意味合いで、不安や心配を抱えて考えすぎてしまうニュアンスとして使われます。ネガティブな方向に考えすぎてしまうニュアンスがあり、特に心配する理由もないのにその心配事で頭がいっぱいになる状態を表します。例えば、旅行先のホテルの予約をし、予約確認メールが届いたにもかかわらず、ホテルの予約がちゃんと取れているか心配でたまらないような状況で、“I’m paranoid that the hotel is not booked.”と言うことができます。

  • I’m paranoid that our flight is going to get cancelled.
  • Before I go on trips, I’m always paranoid that I’m forgetting something.
  • I can’t eat anything raw. I’m paranoid that I’m going to get food poisoning.



  • Anticipating・・・予測する
  • Proud of onself・・・誇らしげ
  • Poor guy・・・かわいそうな人


  • End up・・・結局
  • Pick someone up・・・(車で)迎えに行く
  • At the time・・・当時は



Micah先生のPodcast: Kyotopia Podcastはこちら





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