
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.10.22





【Olivia】Yeah, I feel like you covered all the bases. Like, that was pretty much a perfect answer. So I guess I don’t have a lot to add, ‘cause (because) you’ve—like I said, you’ve covered all the bases.
But, I mean, I agree that it definitely broadens your horizons and it shows you, like…even though, you know, someone is a completely different, like nationality or ethnicity or, like, you know—completely different background from you, like you still share that same humanity.
And I think people when you’re traveling abroad, they’re always much kinder than you expect them to be. So, like your story with the woman in Turkey, I mean, like that’s crazy. And you—like you said, you can’t picture that happening in America, like anywhere.

【John】No. (laughs)

【Olivia】Any city. (laughs) Which is unfortunate.

【John】Mm hm.

【Olivia】But yeah. I’ve found that even with a language barrier, like people are still so willing to try to help you and, like when they see that you are a foreigner or a tourist that they are trying to, like help you have the best time possible and they hope that you enjoy your time in their country. So, yeah. I think people are always just so welcoming.
And I know this varies by country too. Like, I’ve had—I’ve heard some bad stories from friends who’ve traveled to, like Europe, like especially France. They say people are kind of snobby and don’t want to, like interact with Americans in particular.
But for me, like I’ve traveled to Canada, Ecuador, Peru, and Japan. Japan I’ve been to multiple times, obviously. But every country I’ve been to, people were always, like so nice and so generous and welcoming and also another thing I’ve learned—it’s more about myself than the people that I interacted with.
But I’ve found that I’m more adaptable than I think. Like, when I studied abroad in Peru, that was the first time I had been away from home for that long or like, been out of Ohio for that long. So it was, like really scary at first. And I was traveling alone and I was at the Lima airport, which was just so, like hectic and crazy and kind of disorganized.
And in that moment—first of all, I realized, “Oh my God, my Spanish is not as good as I thought it was.” And I was, like in tears—like, running around trying to find out, like where to check my luggage, what flight I was supposed to go to, what gate. And so I was, like on the verge of having a mental breakdown in this busy airport.
And then this lady who was working at the airport came over and helped me in English. And she was like, you know, “Where do you need to go? I can help you.” So I was like, “Thank you! You’re my savior!” (laughs) But…

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What country did Olivia’s friends mention having bad experiences in?
  2. Which country has Olivia visited multiple times?
  3. Who came to help Olivia while she was struggling to navigate the airport in Lima, Peru?



  1. They mentioned having bad experiences in France, with locals acting snobbishly towards Americans.
  2. She has visited Japan multiple times.
  3. An airport employee that spoke English came to help Olivia.



Olivia tells John about some of the lessons she has learned through her travels around the world. She agrees with John that traveling can broaden one’s horizons and show the common humanity all people from all countries share.

Olivia has found that even with language barriers, most people in the countries she has visited have been kind and willing to help her. That said, she knows it varies from country to country, with some of her friends having reported bad experiences in France, for example.

Olivia has traveled to Canada, Ecuador, Peru, and Japan, having visited Japan multiple times. But Peru was the first time Olivia had left her home state of Ohio, let alone her home country of the United States.

When she first landed in Peru, Olivia struggled to navigate the airport in Lima, Peru. However, a member of the airport staff that spoke English came over to Olivia and helped her find where she needed to go.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Cover all the bases(万全の準備)

cover all the basesは全てを考慮したり、万全の準備をしたりすることを意味します。元々は、野球で全てのベースを守ること、つまりカバーすることを表し、守備が堅いことを意味します。抜け目のない計画を立てたり、問題が起こらないようにあらゆる状況を想定して準備を整えるような意味合いで使われることが多いです。

  • I think we covered all the bases. We should be ready for the event tonight.
  • This is a very serious issue. Make sure we cover all the bases.
  • Before we get started on this project, let’s be sure to cover all the bases.

2) Broaden one’s horizon(視野を広げる)

broadenは「広げる」、horizonは「地平線」を意味することから、broaden one’s horizonは視野を広げることを意味します。例えば、海外での経験が自分の考え方やものの見方を広げた場合、“My experience abroad broadened my horizon.”のように表します。

  • Studying abroad broadens your horizon.
  • Living in a foreign country is a lot of fun and it broadens your horizon.
  • I got to work with people from all over the world and it broadened my horizon.

3) Snobby(横柄な)

snobby は人を見下したり、横柄な態度を取ることを表します。地位的に自分の方が相手より上だと思っている人や上から目線で話す人、偉そうな人や気取り屋をa snobと言い、形容詞にするとsnobbyになります。ちなみに、「ワイン通を気取っている人」をa wine snobと言います。

  • I thought John’s new girlfriend was a bit snobby.
  • He’s such a snob. He thinks he’s better than everyone.
  • I’m not a wine snob or anything like that, but this red wine is really good.

4) On the verge of(~寸前)

on the verge ofは「今にも~しそう」や「~寸前」を意味し、今にも何かが起きようとしている様子を表します。例えば、「泣きそうになる」はon the verge of tears、「諦めそうになる」はon the verge of giving upという具合で使われます。

  • I was on the verge of giving up. Thanks for pushing me.
  • We were on the verge of going bankrupt, but somehow survived.
  • One more out to go. They are on the verge of winning their first championship ever.

5) Mental breakdown(ノイローゼ、重度のストレス)

mentalは「精神の」、breakdownは「破綻」を意味することから、mental breakdownは「ノイローゼ」や「精神的に病む」といった意味をなします。あまりのストレスやショック、不安や悲しみで精神的にバランスが崩れることを表します。mental breakdownをnervous breakdownと表してもOKです。

  • I was on the verge of having a mental breakdown.
  • Last month, I had a mental breakdown from the stress at work.
  • I was really homesick and had a nervous breakdown.



  • Ethnictiy・・・ 民族性
  • Humanity・・・人間性
  • Picture something・・・ 〜を想像する
  • Welcoming・・・歓迎する
  • Vary・・・ 〜による
  • Adaptable・・・順応できる
  • Hectic・・・ 忙しい


  • Language barrier・・・言葉の壁
  • Willing to・・・進んで~する
  • First of all・・・まず
  • Run around・・・走り回る












  1. mariko より:

    This episode reminds me when I traveled to Vietnam. Roads were surprisingly busy with motorcycles. A local old women took our hands and helped us across the road. 地元の人の温かさに触れられるのは、旅の醍醐味のひとつですね。今回もすてきなエピソードでした。

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