
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.10.15





【Olivia】All right, John, what have you learned from traveling or living in another country?

【John】What I’ve learned is how—is the humanity of people, basically. How people actually are versus how they’re…how to put it? How they’re portrayed in the world. By us being from America—I’m from Midwest, too. I’m from Chicago.

【Olivia】Oh nice.

【John】By us being from America, we’re always—how to put it? We’re always—it’s always put to us that, you know, “This is the best country in the world. We have the best quality of life. We have the best at everything. Everyone wants to come here. We are the best, period. Everything in America is the best.”
But when you go to a different country, you experience humanity and society at its best. It’s not about material things, you know? It’s not about, “Okay, I have the best car,” or “I have the most expensive house,” or “I have the best, you know, clothes,” and stuff like that. Here it’s about actually treating people like people.
Like, my first time to Turkey—was about 20 years ago, almost? Yeah, about 20 years ago. Yeah, 1999, about a little over 20 years ago.

【Olivia】Mm hm.

【John】And it blew me away because me and my friend were…we were going to Ankara. We just got off the bus. It was, like 12 – 1:00 in the morning. And another Turkish woman and her daughter just got off the bus.
So we were sitting there waiting. Our bus—our next bus left around 45 minutes. And we didn’t notice it but I guess the Turkish mother saw us and told her daughter to come over and ask us, “did we need a place to stay?” And that just blew me away. It’s like, literally, they don’t know us from anything.


【John】And she came over and was like, “My mother wanted to know: are you guys okay and did you need somewhere to stay?” You know? And that just blew me away.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Where in the United States is John from?
  2. What year did John first visit Turkey?
  3. In John’s story, what did the daughter say to John and his friend?



  1. John is from Chicago.
  2. He first visited Turkey in 1999.
  3. She said that her mother wanted to know if the two of them needed a place to stay overnight.



John and Olivia talk about what they have learned from their travels. John specifically says that travel taught him about the humanity and kindness of other people.

John grew up in Chicago, and like most Americans, he grew up hearing about how America was the greatest country on Earth. However, on his first trip to Turkey, he discovered a culture that behaves very differently than in America.

John first visited Turkey in 1999, and at one point in the trip, he and his friend were traveling to the city of Ankara. While getting off their bus at a bus stop at 1:00 in the morning, John and his friend noticed a Turkish mother and her daughter getting off their same bus.

The daughter then approached John and his friend and said, “My mother would like to know if you two needed a place to stay overnight.” This surprised John because in America, it is very rare for anyone to offer a stranger a place to stay overnight.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) How to put it?(どう言ったらいいのかな)

ここで使われるputは「言葉で表現する」を意味することから、“How to put it?”は「どう言ったらいいのかな」を意味します。説明しにくいことや失礼に当たるかもしれないことを伝える時に使われるフレーズで、適切な表現の仕方を考えているニュアンスがあります。この表現は、“How should I put it?”や“How shall I put it?”、“How can I put it?”のように様々なパターンで表すことができます。

  • My homestay family was – how to put it? – interesting and unique.
  • He’s a nice guy but, – how should I put it?- too nice. He’s a bit of a pushover.
  • Takoyaki is – how can I put it? – a Japanese snack that’s in the shape of little round balls with octopus in it.
    (たこ焼きは…うーん、どう言ったらいいのかな、 たこが入った小さな丸いボールの形をした日本のスナックです)

2) Period(以上)

periodは「一定の期間」や句読点のピリオドでご存知の方が多いと思いますが、日常会話では自分の意見や気持ちを強調する時や決意が固いことを表す意味として使われます。periodは一般的に文末で使われ、自分の意見や決意を述べた後にperiodと言うと、「これ以上言うことはない」という意味合いになります。例えば、二次会への参加をしつこく誘ってくる友達に、“I don’t want to go, period.”と言うと、議論の余地がなく絶対に行きたくない意思が相手に伝わります。

  • We’re not canceling the event no matter what, period.
  • Sushi in Japan is the best, period.
  • He has to take responsibility for his actions, period.

3) At its best(最高の状態)

at its best は何かが最高の状態であることを意味します。例えば、今日の会話でジョンは“You experience humanity and society at its best.”と言いましたが、これは海外旅行をしているときは人間性や社会性の高さを実感できることを表しています。人に対して使う場合はat one’s best と言い、友人が最高なパフォーマンスをした場合は“He was at his best tonight.”と言うことができます。

  • What a game. That was baseball at its best.
  • He’s at his best when he’s under pressure.
  • This is traditional Japanese food at its best.

4) Material things(物質的なもの)

material は「物質の」を意味することから、洋服やアクセサリー、ブランド品や高級車など、購入して手に入れることができる物質的なものをmaterial thingsと言います。thingsの代わりにstuffやitemsを使うこともできます。ちなみに、“a materialistic person”は「物質主義者」や「物欲の多い人」といった意味になります。

  • All she cares about is material things.
  • I’m not interested in material things. I prefer spending money on experience.
  • He’s a materialistic person that cares a lot about what others think about him.

5) Blow someone away(感動する)

直訳で「誰かを吹き飛ばす」となるこの表現は、誰かを感動させることを意味し、心が吹き飛ぶくらい圧倒され、感動するニュアンスがあります。例えば、パフォーマンスを見てとても感動した場合は、“The performance blew me away.”と言います。自分を主語にする場合は、awayの後にbyをつけて“I was blown away by the performance.”と表現します。

  • When I saw the Grand Canyon for the first time, it blew me away.
  • I was blown away by her ability to dance.
  • You have to watch that documentary. It will blow you away.



  • Humanity・・・ 人間性
  • Versus・・・〜に対して
  • Portrayed・・・ 〜として描かれる


  • Quality of life・・・生活の質
  • Get off・・・降りる
  • Come over・・・こっちに来る












  1. 小林 より:


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