
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.07.16





【Sam】If you had to do all the four years—I’m assuming you did four years—over again…


【Sam】Would you—like what would you do differently?

【Vicki】Yeah. I would say, like my biggest regret is really just that I was so self-conscious, and I didn’t need to be. Like, I spent a lot of time feeling like, “Oh, I’m not smart enough to be here. I don’t belong here.” ‘Cause (because), you know, in high school, you know, it’s kind of like, you’re like a big fish in a little pond, right? I think that’s the phrase. So, I…


【Vicki】…I was, like, you know, top student, “I’m so smart! Hah, hah, hah!” And then I go to Yale and I was like, “You’re the bottom.” Like…


【Vicki】…there’s so many people so much smarter than you. Like, everything you’ve done, they’ve done better. And so, if you—if you’re self-esteem was attached to that, then it’s gone. And so, you know, I thought that I was good at art, and I thought I was good at this. And I was like, “Wow, these artists are amazing. These singers are amazing. Oh my gosh, like I suck at everything now.”
Like I—I had a really, like big self-esteem crisis in my first year. And I got—you know, I got better. Eventually I just accepted it and I was like, “You know, it’s okay if I’m not the best. Whatever. I just want to graduate.” (laughs) Like, you know, and get good grades.
But, I was still very shy. Like, in a group setting, like I wouldn’t talk much. I would talk one on one with my friends, but I was so easily intimidated. And looking back, I’m like, “I wish I’d just shared my opinion more.” Like, why didn’t I just say how I was feeling instead of, you know, being so quiet ‘cause I was afraid of saying something stupid. You know?
So, that was—and people probably didn’t even realize that about me ‘cause I was just like, you know, happy, smiling, quiet. But deep down I was, like just really self-conscious and, like I really regret that I, you know, didn’t, you know, come out of my shell when I was in college.


【Vicki】When I graduated and went to Japan, I changed a lot. I grew up, you know, and I—I got a lot more confident. But when I was in college, I did not feel confident at all. And part of it maybe was the fact that I was at Yale, but I was also immature and maybe there’s no way to really fix that. But it’s like, man, it’s like, I could’ve…I don’t know. I feel like there’s so much more I would’ve done.


【Vicki】So much more I would’ve said. So much deeper friendships I could’ve made. You know, if I had just been more open about myself and—and…


【Vicki】…and not been so afraid of, you know, looking a certain way. You know, it’s like, “Man, why was I like that?” But I understand why I was like that. But that’s probably the—the biggest regret that I have—is like, I wish I’d been more confident.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Why did Vicki experience a “self-esteem crisis” in her first year at Yale?
  2. What does Vicki wish she’d done more of in college?
  3. When did Vicki begin growing in her confidence?



  1. She felt that everyone around her was smarter than her and that she didn’t belong at Yale.
  2. She wishes she’d had the confidence to express her opinions more frequently.
  3. She began growing in confidence after she moved to Japan.



Vicki shares what she would do differently if she was given the chance to relive her college. Overall, Vicki wishes she was more confident in herself and less self-conscious.

In her first year at Yale, Vicki felt as though she wasn’t smart enough to be there and didn’t belong. This was because she was so impressed by the skill of the artists and singers around her at Yale.

In high school, Vicki was a top student and thought of herself as one of the smartest at her school. But upon arriving at Yale, she realized there were many people smarter than her. Though she eventually accepted herself and her place at Yale, she wishes she hadn’t been so timid and afraid to express her opinions around others.

Vicki’s confidence grew when she went to Japan after college. But she looks back on her time at Yale and wonders why she was so self-conscious while there.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Do over(やり直す)

do overは何かをやり直すことを意味する日常表現です。do againと意味は似ていますが、do overにはより良くするためにやり直したり改善するニュアンスが含まれます。報告書の誤りを書き直したり、練習中に失敗をやり直すような状況で使われます。

  • There are too many mistakes. Do it over.
  • You just have to keep doing it over and over again until you get used to it.
  • If I could do it all over again, I’d travel more in my twenties.

2) Not ____ enough(十分に〜でない)

直訳で「十分に〜でない」となるこの表現は、日本語に訳しづらい日常表現の一つです。例えば、セミナー会場を探している時に紹介された部屋が小さすぎると思った時、多くのネイティブは“This room is too small.”と言う代わりに“This room is not big enough.”と言うでしょう。その他、「お肉に十分が火が通っていない」は“This meat is not cooked enough.”、「スープがぬるい」は“This soup is not hot enough.”のように表現します。この表現は、基本的に“not + 形容詞 + enough”の形式で表します。

  • That box is not big enough. Do you have a bigger one?
  • I can’t reach it. I’m not tall enough.
  • This extension cord isn’t long enough. What should we do?

3) Big fish in a small pond(お山の大将、井の中の蛙)


  • Going to college made me realize I was just a big fish in a small pond in high school.
  • He talks big, but he’s just a big fish in a small pond.
  • When I was living in the countryside, I felt like I was a big fish in a small pond.

4) Deep down(心の底では)

deep downは表に見せることのない本心を表し、「心の底では」や「内心は」を意味します。日常会話では、deep down insideやdeep down in my heartのように表すこともよくあります。

  • I think deep down, she knows what she did was wrong.
  • He doesn’t say much, but deep down, he really cares about you.
  • I know he comes off arrogant, but deep down, he’s a good person.

5) Come out of one’s shell(真の自分をさらけ出す)

shellは「殻」、come out ofは「〜から出る」を意味することから、come out of one’s shellは「真の自分をさらけ出す」ことを意味します。特に内気でシャイな人が社交的になったり、自己表現をしながら積極的に人と話すようになる状況で使われることが多く、「打ち解ける」や「心を開く」ことを意味します。

  • It took me a while to come out of my shell.
  • I’m sure he’ll eventually come out of his shell.
  • It looks like Lisa really came out of her shell. She’s really friendly and talkative now.



  • Self-conscious・・・自意識過剰
  • Self-esteem・・・自尊心
  • Suck・・・ダメ、下手
  • Crisis・・・危機
  • Intimidated・・・怖気づく
  • Immature・・・未熟


  • I’m assuming・・・〜だよね
  • Group setting・・・集団の中
  • (not) At all・・・全く~でない









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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