
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.12.25





【Chris】How do you celebrate Christmas? Like, what does Christmas mean to you?

【Mary】That is a weird question for me because I think every year of my life, I’m living somewhere different and doing something different.

【Chris】Mm hm.

【Mary】But, like before having kids, my husband and I lived in Korea for a few years and Christmas was really different there. So, we had like a teeny tiny tree.


【Mary】And we bought each other, like some cookies but it really was not anything—you can’t even feel the Christmas spirit. It’s like a fake—a fake Christmassy thing going on there.

【Chris】I see.

【Mary】But back in the U.S., I’m—you know, I’m with family more when—not every year, but we try to get together.


【Mary】And…and then now, having a kid, suddenly like, the—the feeling of magic that I felt faded every year. Suddenly, like boom! It is amazing!


【Mary】I am so excited to share it with you.

【Chris】Yeah, yeah.

【Mary】So, this year is gonna (going to) be different than other years, but it’s gonna be great. (laughs) What about you?

【Chris】Totally. I totally get that. It’s—it’s really wonderful to have kids because—I don’t have kids, but even with my nieces and nephews, when I get to witness them being so excited, yeah.

【Mary】Yeah, seeing it through their eyes.

【Chris】It really does reignite something. Yeah, yeah.


【Chris】Yeah. So every Christmas, yeah—I go back home to family. At this point I don’t think that’s going to happen this year for the sake of safety.

【Mary】Mm hm.

【Chris】So, I guess I’ll be here and I’ll figure out some sort of Christmassy meal. Maybe I should try to order a small turkey now for myself. (laughs)


【Chris】I also—my first job and my schooling at university was an opera singer. So, I trained to be an opera singer.

【Mary】Ah, huh.

【Chris】So, because of that, yeah—I sang in choirs a lot and it meant that I have been singing in church choirs for, like 15 years now.


【Chris】So, although I’m not Christian, I really enjoy partaking in that tradition, which is, like a lot of Christmas carols. They have a Christmas carol service usually around December 2nd or so—like, 4 weeks before Christmas.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. In what country did Mary and her husband live before having children?
  2. How does Mary feel about Christmas after having a child?
  3. What musical training has Chris received?



  1. They both lived in Korea before having children.
  2. Now that she has a child, she finds Christmas really exciting.
  3. Chris trained to be an opera singer.



Mary and Chris share their feelings towards the Christmas holiday season. Though Chris is Canadian and Mary is American, both share a joy for Christmas and its associated traditions.

Before having children, Mary and her husband lived in Korea. There, they never fully embraced the Christmas season because it felt less authentic than it did in the United States.

But after having children, Mary rediscovered the joy of Christmas and is now excited for this upcoming Christmas. Chris, though not a practicing Christian religiously, still loves the Christmas season.

Chris studied and was trained in opera singing. Through that, he has come to love the Christmas season for its beautiful choir music and his ability to participate in Christmas carols.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Teeny(とても小さい)

teeny はsmallやlittleを強調した表現で、「とても小さい」や「ちっちゃな」を意味します。日常会話では「すごくちっちゃい」をteeny-tinyと表現することがよくあります。その他、「ちょっぴり」をteeny bitと表現することもあります。

  • Look at these teeny-tiny shoes. They’re so cute.
  • I lived in a teeny-tiny apartment in Japan.
  • That looks good. Can I get a teeny bit?

2) Christmas spirit(クリスマス気分)

spiritは気分や精神を意味することから、Christmas spirit は「クリスマス気分」を表します。この表現は、クリスマスソングを聞いてテンションが上がったり、イルミネーションを見てハッピーな気分になったりと、気持ちがクリスマスモードに入るときに使われます。
同様の意味で、日常会話ではholiday spiritと表現することもあります。厳密にはholiday spiritは「休日気分」と言う意味になりますが、クリスマスシーズンに使われるのが一般的です。

  • ちなみに「上機嫌である」や「元気である」はin good spiritsと言います。
  • This song always puts me in the Christmas spirit.
  • I don’t know why but I just can’t get in the holiday spirit this year.
  • There’s a lot that happened this year but I’m in good spirits.

3) Christmassy(クリスマスらしい)

名詞の語尾に y を加えると、「〜ぽい」や「〜らしい」、「〜のような」といった意味になることから、Christmassyは「クリスマスらしい」を意味します。例えば、「水っぽい」はwatery、「冬らしい」はwintry、「海っぽい」は beachyのように表します。

  • Wow, look at all the Christmas lights and decorations. It’s so Christmassy.
  • It’s really starting to feel wintry these days.
  • This fried chicken is so garlicky. I love it!

4) For the sake of(〜のために)

for the sake of は「〜のために」や「〜の目的で」を意味する表現です。sakeは人や物事のために何かをすることを意味し、benefitと似た意味合いがあります。今日の会話でクリスは「I don’t think that’s going to happen this year for the sake of safety.」と言いましたが、これは「今年は安全のために実家へ戻ることはないだろう」と言う意味になります。

  • You should stop smoking for the sake of your health.
  • It’s important to wear a mask for the sake of your safety and the safety of others.
  • I decided to move to the countryside for the sake of my kids.

5) Partake in(〜に参加する)

partake in はイベントやセミナー、ミーティングなど、何かしらの行事に参加することを意味します。joinやparticipateの代わりに使える表現ですが、少しフォーマルな響きがあります。

  • Would you like to partake in this game? It’s a lot of fun.
  • Just to be safe, I decided not to partake in my company’s year-end party this year.
  • Are you sure you don’t want to partake in the New Year’s Eve festivities?



  • Faded・・・消える
  • Niece and nephew・・・甥や姪
  • Choir・・・聖歌隊


  • I totally get that・・・激しく同感だ
  • Christmas carols・・・クリスマスキャロル



Mary L









  1. 私はそれが好きです。非常に素晴らしい

  2. 植野八智与  より:

    なんとなく、、faded は、“色あせた“とか、“消えかかっていた“という意味の方がしっくりくるような気がします。。

    • Jun より:



  3. 私たちはあなたのブログが絶対に好きで、あなたの記事のほとんどすべてを読みます

  4. Akira53 より:

    Can you tell me the difference between -y and -ish ?

    • Jun より:

      Hey Akira,

      I don’t think there is an official rule but from my understanding, “-ish” is commonly used when we refer to numbers, times and quantities. We generally add “-ish” to adjective, adverbs and prepositions. Hope that helps!

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