
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.12.18





【Mary】So, yeah. I feel like 2020 has just taught me a lot and changed me. And I’m a different person now. What about you?

【Chris】Yeah, I couldn’t agree more. I think the biggest thing it’s—it’s taught me is more patience; patience with everything. You know, everything takes longer day-to-day coming…

【Mary】Like, what kind of things?

【Chris】…even just, like washing your hands for 20 seconds.


【Chris】Like, 20 seconds? Do you remember, like in April, that was, like fun and interesting in a weird way?

【Mary】(laughs) Yeah.

【Chris】It’s like, “Wow, 20 seconds is a long time.” But now many months later, it’s really hard to dedicate those 20 seconds in our brains to do that.

【Mary】How many hours have I washed my hands this year?

【Chris】Yeah, what’s the cumulative count? Yeah, and again, just patience with “Hey, what—how long will this last? What’s next?”


【Chris】And all I can do is just be here and now. So, it’s a real test of mindfulness.

【Mary】Patience with the unknowing of the future.

【Chris】Yeah, yeah.

【Mary】I’m a real planner…

【Chris】Me too.

【Mary】…and that is hard for me to take. (laughs)

【Chris】Me too. Yeah, yeah.


【Chris】So now I have these plan—it’s not just Plan B, but it’s like up to Plan X and I’m ready to figure out which of those plans to implement.


【Chris】The first time I actually get a clue about the future. But it’s so hard right now to just be sort of…yeah, ambivalent and waiting…


【Chris】…for some sort of evidence.

【Mary】Are you still making plans or are you like me and you’ve just given up on the planning and waiting around?

【Chris】I feel like I had that phase in June where I took care of all the possibilities and…

【Mary】A long time ago.

【Chris】Yeah, and now it’s, like diminishing returns. If I keep trying to make plans then…

【Mary】Then it’s just anxiety. (laughs)

【Chris】It is.

【Mary】At that point.

【Chris】It does reinforce anxiety. Yeah, yeah.


【Chris】So just trying to just—yeah, like you said, chill out.

【Mary】Yeah, for sure. I think of the stoic mantra a lot; “the obstacle is the way.”


【Mary】And this is a huge obstacle, but after it’s over we’ll have realized that we’re hopefully better for it and it is the way toward the thing that we actually should be doing.

【Chris】I’m really hoping for that too.

【Mary】Yeah, so that’s how I’m thinking about it and just trying not to waste my time, napping too much…


【Mary】…and maybe be productive with my new free time. Whatever that looks like yet.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What virtue does Chris believe 2020 has taught him most?
  2. What new habit have both Chris and Mary developed since the start of the coronavirus pandemic?
  3. What saying does Mary often think of during these times?



  1. He feels 2020 has taught him patience and to be more patient with life’s difficulties.
  2. Both have now gotten used to washing their hands for 20 seconds at a time.
  3. She often recalls a stoic mantra that says, “the obstacle is the way.”



Mary and Chris continue their reflections on 2020. This time, they think back on the things they have learned from the radical lifestyle changes that this year has brought.

Chris feels that above all, 2020 has taught him patience and how to be more patient with life’s problems. This applies to washing his hands for 20 seconds at a time, something both he and Mary do in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Both Mary and Chris are planners and enjoy planning their approaches to situations ahead of time. 2020 however has taught Chris to have many backup plans, whereas Mary now relies less on plans altogether.

Mary often recalls a mantra from the stoic philosophy that says, “the obstacle is the way.” She hopes that though 2020 has brought tremendous challenges and difficulties, such problem will open the way to positive changes overall.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) I couldn’t agree more (全く同感)

直訳で「これ以上同感できない」となるこの表現は、相手の意見や考えに強く同意したり、大賛成であることを表します。「I completely agree with you.」と同じ意味を持ち、相手と100%考えが同じであることを強調したい時に使います。本来は「I couldn’t agree with you more.」ですが、日常会話ではwith you を省いてシンプルに「I couldn’t agree more.」 と言います。

  • I couldn’t agree more. You’re absolutely right.
  • I couldn’t agree more. Making English speaking friends is one of the best ways to learn English.
  • I couldn’t agree more. In the end, you have to follow your heart.

2) Last(〜が続く)

last と聞くと真っ先に「最後」を思い浮かべる人も多いと思いますが、動詞では「〜が続く」といった意味があり、一般的に時間の長さを強調するときに使われます。例えば、「イベントは2時間続いた」は「The event lasted two hours.」と表現します。continue と意味は似ていますが、lastには「一定期間続く」というニュアンスがあるのに対し、continueには「絶え間なく続く」というニュアンスが含まれます。

  • The meeting today lasted over 3 hours. It was really long.
  • All good things come to an end. Nothing lasts forever.
  • My phone battery lasts about 10 hours.

3) Plan B(代替案)

当初の計画やプランが上手く行かなかったときのために、バックアップとして予め用意されている代替案を英語では「Plan B」と表します。「第二の手段」として覚えるとわかりやすいでしょう。planは計画、案、手段、対策など状況に応じて様々な意味で使われる非常に便利な単語です。

  • We should come up with plan B just to be safe.
  • It looks like it’s going to rain tomorrow. Let’s go with plan B.
  • What if it doesn’t work out? Do you have a plan B?

4) Wait around(ブラブラしながら待つ)

Wait around は「ぶらぶらしながら待つ」を意味する表現です。例えば、ショッピング中の友人に「僕はこの辺でブラブラして待っているよ」と伝えるときは「I’ll just wait around here.」と表現します。この表現には「何もしないでただ待つ」というニュアンスが含まれます。

  • Take your time. I’ll just wait around over there.
  • You guys can go ahead. I’ll wait around for him.
  • I waited around all day for the plumber to come but he never showed up.

5) Chill out(落ち着く)

chill out は、「落ち着く」や「のんびりする」を意味するフレーズです。例えば、「家でのんびりしています」は「I’m chilling out at home.」と言います。また、興奮している人やテンパっている人、激怒している人などに対して「Chill out!」と言うと、「落ち着いて!」という意味になります。

  • I’m exhausted. I’m going to go home and chill out.
  • Chill out. Don’t raise your voice.
  • Let’s chill out by the pool for a few hours.



  • Dedicate・・・費やす
  • Cumulative・・・累積する
  • Implement・・・実行する
  • Ambivalent・・・踏ん切りがつかず
  • Obstacle・・・困難


  • Diminishing returns・・・収穫逓減
  • Stoic mantra・・・ストア哲学
  • Waste one’s time・・・時間を無駄にする



Mary L






  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. banana より:


    All good things come to an end.

    の例文では、主語は複数形なのに対し、to の目的語は単数になっていますよね。

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