
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.10.23





【Danielle】So, living in Japan, how do you usually make friends?

【Christian】That’s a good question. You know, it can be tough to meet people in Japan, especially when you’re working full time. Really, looking back, I’ve met all my friends through a lot of different means. But usually there’s always a catalyst of some sort that brings us together. It’s never like, you know, we just naturally meet up on the street and our eyes meet and we’re just best friends.
It’s always, you know…the good thing about where I live now is—I studied abroad as well near Aichi. So, I have a lot of friends already from my study abroad days where, you know, I would be—English language with them. They would come in to learn English and we would speak, you know, there. I would meet people at the gym when I was a student there.
So now, I have those connections already established and because of that, like I meet friends through friends, you know? So we’ll go out and they’ll bring a friend or…

【Danielle】Uh huh.

【Christian】…something like that. And then I’ll become friends with that person and then it kind of spreads out naturally, you know, through connections that way. Because I think if you don’t know somebody people can be kind of shy in Japan sometimes, especially to foreigners.

【Danielle】Mm hm.

【Christian】So it can be hard for them to make a first step. So, yeah. What about you? How’s your experience with making friends in Japan?

【Danielle】In Japan, I met, like most of my friends and acquaintances through my job. So…yeah. So, yeah basically just, like work, honestly. Do you tend to make friends through work as well, or…?

【Christian】Well, it depends on your work, you know? I was an English teacher before this, so a lot of Americans from all over America were with me and I had a lot of friends there. And then I’ve transferred now to a Japanese company for the past year and I’d say I probably have, like one…two friends out of the whole company.


【Christian】But it’s—it’s mainly older people too, so it’s not like we have a lot in common, I guess.

【Danielle】Yeah, yeah.

【Christian】Yeah. What was your job before, if you don’t mind me asking?

【Danielle】In Japan, I worked, kind of like, I guess you could say like a tarento, like TV stuff.


【Danielle】Like, I was on TV programs and, like I did modeling and stuff.

【Christian】Oh, I see.

【Danielle】So, like through that work like I met a lot of…there were, like a lot of—there’s a lot of other foreigners who do that kind of work, too. Like, I met a lot of American girls…

【Christian】Mm hm.

【Danielle】…who are also, like modeling and stuff and we became good friends. And I also met a lot of Japanese girls who did that kind of thing as well and I became good friends with them. So.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. When Christian was studying abroad, how did he make new friends?
  2. What was Christian’s previous job?
  3. How did Danielle meet people in Japan?



  1. He met friends at the gym and when speaking English with locals.
  2. He was previously an English teacher.
  3. She met people through her work.



Danielle and Christian share their experiences making friends in Japan. Work and school were ways through which both met new people and made new friends.

Christian studied abroad in Aichi, Japan. There he made many friends through school, working out at the gym, and speaking English with locals.

Prior to his current company, Christian worked as an English teacher in Japan. In that work, he made friends with other Americans he met working that same job.

Danielle also met a lot of friends through her work, both Japanese and American.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Means(手段)

meansは「手段」や「方法」を意味する単語です。例えば、「交通手段」は means of transportation、「コミュニケーションの手段」は means of communicationのように表します。meansは複数形に見えますが、単数形として使います。

  • What is your means of transportation to work?
  • Social media is an important means of communication.
  • English is just a means to an end, not the end itself.

2) Meet friends through friends(友達を通して友達と出会う)

友達の紹介で誰かと会うことをmeet friends through friendsと言います。例えば、「友達を通して彼女に出会いました」と言いたい場合は「I met my girlfriend through my friend.」と言う具合に使います。

  • その他、「友達の友達」はa friend of a friendと言います。
  • When I was living abroad, I met friends through friends.
  • I met my wife through my friend. He introduced me to her at a party a few years ago.
  • I know who Peter is. He is a friend of a friend.

3) Spread out(広がる)

spread out は「広げる」や「広がる」を意味する表現で、spread と似たような意味を持ちますが、より口語的な響きがあります。毛布や新聞を広げたり、人が散らばったり、ウイルスが世界中に広がったりするような状況で使われます。

  • Let’s spread out this mat and put it on the ground.
  • Everything is so spread out in L.A., you need a car to get around.
  • Why are you guys so close to each other? Spread out a little.

4) Acquaintance(知り合い)

acquaintance は「知り合い」を意味する単語です。friendほど親しい間柄ではない人を指し、一般的には面識がある人に対して使われます。

  • I ran into my old acquaintance at the train station today.
  • I wouldn’t call her a friend. She’s more of an acquaintance.
  • I have a few acquaintances that live in New York.

5) If you don’t mind me asking(よろしければ、差し支えなければ)

If you don’t mind me asking は、遠慮がちに相手に質問をするときに使われるクッションフレーズです。一般的に文頭もしくは文末で使われ、例えば「差し支えなければご職業を教えてください」と尋ねる場合は「If you don’t mind me asking, what do you do?」、または「What do you do, if you don’t mind me asking?」のどちらでもOKです。ちなみに、if you don’t mind my askingと表現することもありますが、個人的な経験からmeを使う方がより一般的だと思います。

  • If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you?
  • How much did you pay for that, if you don’t mind me asking?
  • What brought you to Japan, if you don’t mind me asking?



  • Catalyst・・・きっかけ
  • Transfer・・・転職する


  • Looking back・・・振り返ると
  • Have a lot in common・・・共通点が多い







アメリカのジョージア州出身。Georgia Southern大学で国際貿易と日本語を学ぶ。現在は、日本の企業で働く傍ら、カフェトークで英語講師として活躍中。日本語が堪能。


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