
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.09.25





【Danielle】Do you have any slang in English that really annoys you?

【Christian】Well, I wouldn’t say slang, maybe, but recently there’s, like this trending phrase that’s, like, “for me, it’s the so-and-so,” you know, 「なんとか」. It’s kind of trending. It kind of bothers me. So like, basically what it means is like, you know, “For me, it’s the…” something is either good or bad, you know? So like, “For me, Robert Downey Jr. was the best part of The Avengers.” “For me, it was the, you know, dairy that, you know, ruined my night.” “Something-something for me.”
And it’s been trending all over Twitter and it’s quite annoying to me. I just—I don’t really get the—the meaning behind it or why it’s popular. So, yes. It’s kind of annoying. Have you heard of this?

【Danielle】Yeah, I don’t have Twitter, so like, I have no idea what goes on on that side of the internet. But…

【Christian】Oh, okay.

【Danielle】So, no. But was this, like really recent? Or was it like, a few months ago?

【Christian】Yeah, I think it’s pretty recent. Like, I saw a few videos online of, like couples doing it to each other.

【Danielle】Mm hm.

【Christian】Like, what they don’t like about each other, which is pretty toxic. Like, “for me, it’s the way you talk,” or, “for me, it’s the way you eat.”

【Danielle】Yeah, that’s crazy.

【Christian】And they were just, like going back and forth, and I was like, “This is not healthy at all.” Yeah, so.

【Danielle】Yeah, I don’t know. Twitter is…I don’t know.

【Christian】Yeah, it’s an interesting place.

【Danielle】Mm hm.

【Christian】But do you have any words or phrases that annoy you?

【Danielle】Well, for me…

【Christian】(laughs) Okay, I see what you did there.

【Danielle】I think it’s one of the most common that especially…Japanese English learners will know about. It’s the saying, “like,” and, “you know.”

【Christian】Mm hm.

【Danielle】Like…oh, I just did it. For example, when you’re in just having a conversation, it’s a filler word. You say, “Oh…like…” And then, like, “You know?” You know?

【Christian】Mm hm.

【Danielle】So, I’m guilty of using “like,” a lot of the time. Very often.

【Christian】Mm hm.

【Danielle】But even so, like I still don’t like it when people, including myself, use it very often.

【Christian】I’m definitely guilty myself of using, “you know,” a lot. And it’s very subconscious too. So I’ll be talking to somebody, and they’d be like, you know, “Stop saying, ‘you know.’” And, “I’m saying, ‘you know?’” “Yes, so many times.” And then I think about it, and, “Oh, I’ve said, ‘you know,’ like twenty times in the past five minutes.” It’s like—it’s pretty bad. Yeah, so.

【Danielle】I’m not sure if we’ll be able to go back from that.

【Christian】I’m not sure we can, yeah. It’s so—like, without thinking, I just use, “like” and, “you know” now. So, I’m cursed.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What trending phrase does Christian dislike?
  2. What two words or phrases does Danielle dislike hearing from other people?
  3. What has Christian found to be a subconscious aspect of his own English speech?



  1. He dislikes the “for me, it’s the (something)” phrase he has seen trending on Twitter.
    彼はツイッターで流行っている“for me, it’s the ~”というフレーズが好きではありません。
  2. She dislikes hearing the filler words “like” and “you know.”
    彼女は “like “や “you know “のようなつなぎ言葉を聞くのが好きではありません。
  3. He feels that filler words such as “like” and “you know” are things he says without even realizing he’s saying them.
    彼は”like “や “you know “などのつなぎ言葉は、自分が使っていることにさえ気づかずに言ってしまっているものであると感じています。



Christian and Danielle discuss words or phrases in English that annoy them. Christian begins by sharing a phrase that has been trending on the internet that annoys him.

Christian has seen trending on Twitter the phrase “for me, it’s…” followed by something either good or bad in someone or something else. He has seen couples use the phrase with one another to point out the things about each other that they don’t like, which he finds toxic and unhealthy.
クリスチャンは、 “for me, it’s~”の後に誰かや何かについての良い点や悪い点を付け足すフレーズがツイッターで流行っているのを見かけます。彼は、恋人同士が互いの好きではない部分を相手に指摘するためにこのフレーズを使用しているのを目にしたことがあり、彼はそれはあまり好ましくなく不健全であると感じています。

Danielle dislikes hearing filler words or phrases such as “like” or “you know.” She admits however that she is guilty herself of using those words and phrases too often.
ダニエルは“like” や “you know.” などのつなぎ言葉やフレーズを聞くのが好きではありません。しかし彼女は、彼女自身もかなり頻繁にこれらの単語やフレーズを使ってしまっていることを認めます。

Christian also admits he uses filler phrases too often, particularly “you know.” He believes it is a subconscious aspect of his English speech, being something he doesn’t realize he says as often as he does.
クリスチャンもつなぎ言葉、特に “you know “をとても頻繁に使っていることを認めます。これは彼の英語の話し方の潜在的な側面であり、自分ではどれほど頻繁に使っているかに気づいていないものだと彼は考えています。


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) So-and-so(誰それ)

So-and-so は「誰それ」を意味する表現で、名前をはっきり示さずに人や物を指す時に使われます。一般的には人やお店の名前に対して使われ、不特定な名前やあえて名前を出したくない場合、もしくは単に名前を忘れた時に使われます。

  • Let’s say, so-and-so was good looking but had a bad personality.
  • He said he met so-and-so at the party last night and apparently they hit it off.
  • I don’t want to mention his name but Mr. so-and-so is such a jerk.

2) Ruin(台無しにする)


  • The coronavirus really ruined everything this year.
  • It was pouring the entire week and it ruined our trip.
  • That’s disgusting! That ruined my appetite.

3) Meaning behind(〜の裏にある意味)

Behind は「後ろ」や「裏」を意味することから、 meaning behind は「〜の裏にある意味」を表します。「人の言葉の裏にある意味」は meaning behind someone’s words、「夢に潜む意味」はmeaning behind dreams、「映画の裏にある意味」はmeaning behind a movieのように表します。

  • What do you think the meaning behind this movie is?
  • I believe that there is a meaning behind every dream.
  • That is a cryptic message. I wonder what the meaning behind it is.

4) I see what you did there(あなたのやったことはわかりました)

この表現は、相手が駄洒落や言葉遊びをしたことに「気づいたよ!」と言う時に使われます。例えば、今日の会話でクリスチャンがダニエルに対して「I see what you did there.」と言いましたが、これはダニエルが意図的にクリスチャンがイラっとするフレーズを会話で使い、クリスチャンはそれがジョークだと気づいたことを表します。

  • また、逆に自分がダジャレや言葉遊びをして、相手に「今のダジャレ分かった?」と尋ねるときは「You see what I did there?」 と言うこともよくあります。
  • I see what you did there. That was a witty remark.
  • Ichiro hit a home run? Ah, I see what you did there.
  • Did you see what I did there? I know it’s a terrible dad joke but I couldn’t help it.

5) I’m guilty of(やってはいけないことをする)

Guiltyを「有罪の」や「罪を犯した」の意味で覚えている人も多いと思いますが、日常会話ではもっと軽い意味合いで用いられ、be guilty ofはやってはいけないとわかっていてもついやってしまう行為や悪い癖を表す際に使われます。暴飲暴食は体によくないと分かっているのについついやってしまったり、ダメなことだとわかっているのに物事を先延ばしにしてしまうような行為が、その例です。

  • I’m guilty of slacking off. Sometimes I just don’t feel like studying English.
  • I’m guilty of taking things for granted too. We have to be grateful for everything.
  • I’m guilty of eating late at night. Sometimes I just crave a nice bowl of ramen before I sleep.



  • Annoy・・・イライラする
  • Trending・・・流行っている
  • Bother someone・・・誰かをイラッとさせる
  • Toxic・・・不健全
  • Subconscious・・・無意識に
  • Cursed・・・呪われている


  • For me・・・私的には
  • What goes on・・・何が起きているか
  • Go back and forth・・・言い合う
  • Filler word・・・会話中の間を埋める表現







アメリカのジョージア州出身。Georgia Southern大学で国際貿易と日本語を学ぶ。現在は、日本の企業で働く傍ら、カフェトークで英語講師として活躍中。日本語が堪能。





  1. 大塚絹代 より:

    PodcastPlusを視聴するたびに湧き上がる感動に感謝します。視聴者への優しさ、視聴者中心に限りない努力がなされ要望や意見が結果となり実現される。要望に応じて解決される日々を目の当たりに出来ています。私のモチベーションは上がりっぱなしです。私の頭は下がりっぱなしです。Thank you very much.

  2. まちこ より:


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