
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.01.17





【Kai】So “following your passion,” do you believe that that’s good advice, or not so good advice?

【Deanna】Um, from my personal experience…


【Deanna】…I think…I’m very biased but…


【Deanna】…I think it’s good advice, because I actually, like…personally, I followed my own passion and I was going to…I was going to grad school

【Kai】Oh, okay.

【Deanna】…for speech language pathology…why are you so shocked?

【Kai】Because I was doing the same thing.


【Kai】Yeah. (laughs)


【Kai】In, uh in Hawaii. But…

【Deanna】Really? Okay.


【Deanna】Well, cool. Oh. Wait, did you stop? Or…

【Kai】I stopped, yeah. (laughs)

【Deanna】Oh, I did too!



【Kai】Do you know why? ‘Cause I ended up moving to Japan. (laughs)

【Deanna】Wait, this is…okay…okay this is crazy.


【Deanna】Um, anyways, like, yeah. So, I actually stopped grad school because I wanted to move to Japan and I wanted to teach English. Um, and, like, it’s the best decision I ever made.

【Kai】That’s great. Yeah.

【Deanna】Yeah. And I feel like if I didn’t follow my passion and just, like continued with school, then, like, I would’ve been stuck doing something that, like I kind of like, you know?

【Kai】Right, right, right.

【Deanna】I’m so shocked. (laughs)

【Kai】It’s definitely, like along that line of, you know, thinking.


【Kai】I followed my passion…

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Kai】…and, you know, I’m a little bit older than you are, so.

【Deanna】Wait, tell me what happened. Like…

【Kai】Well, I was going to grad school, for—I just did it for a semester.



【Deanna】Wait…okay, me too.

【Kai】And then I was like, “Okay, this is not something that’s for me.”

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Kai】This feeling…


【Kai】…inside that I was like, “What am I going to do? Like, “If I quit this school,” like…

【Deanna】Uh huh.

【Kai】I also invested, you know, in tuition

【Deanna】Right, right.

【Kai】…and, you know, all the books and, like, my time in that, right? And it was kind of, like an internal debate on what I wanted to do. And so I ended up just, like quitting and I—I moved to Japan.


【Kai】My mother’s from there.

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Kai】So I didn’t have to really worry about, like…like getting a visa. I decided…


【Kai】…I’m just going there, and I did some teaching and, you know, I did it for about three years.


【Kai】And it was probably one of the best times of my life, so.

【Deanna】Oh my gosh! That’s crazy.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Why did Kai quit graduate school in Hawaii?
  2. What subject were both Kai and Deanna studying in graduate school?
  3. What do both Kai and Deanna believe about the saying “follow your passion?”



  1. He quit because he wanted to live in Japan and teach English there.
  2. They were both studying speech language pathology in graduate school.
  3. Both believe it to be wise advice, and cite their own life experiences as testament to it.



Deanna and Kai discuss whether or not the phrase “follow your passion” is wise advice. Deanna begins by agreeing with the phrase and how following her own passion has helped her in her life.

Surprisingly, Deanna and Kai’s stories about following their own passions are very similar. Both briefly attended graduate school, studying the subject of speech language pathology. But both felt a desire to move to Japan to teach English.

Deanna herself felt during graduate school that although she somewhat enjoyed her studies, she was more interested in a life teaching English in Japan. Kai felt the same, adding that his mother was Japanese, a fact that made transitioning his life to Japan easier for him.

Both Deanna and Kai agree that quitting their graduate studies to pursue living and teaching in Japan was one of the best life decisions they had ever made. Had they continued in graduate school, they may have gone down paths they were less passionate about, and therefore less happy in.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Biased (偏見や先入観を抱く、バイアスがかかっている)


  • ネガティブな意味での「偏見」は、“prejudice”が適切です。
  • I might be biased but I think you should study abroad in LA.
  • Of course I’m biased but I thought my son’s speech was the best.
  • He is biased towards MacBooks because he works for Apple.

2) Grad school (大学院)

Grad schoolはgraduate schoolの略で「大学院」を意味し、アメリカ人の日常会話ではgrad schoolと略して言うのが一般的です。

  • Which grad school are you going to?
  • Do you think it’s worth it to go to grad school?
  • I’m going to take time off work and go to grad school.

3) Along those lines(そのようなこと)

Along those linesは「正確には違うかもしれないが、大体そのような感じだ」という意味の口語表現です。Something like thatと言い変えてもOKです。

  • 「同じように考える」はthink along the same linesと言います。
  • I forgot exactly what he said but he said something along those lines.
  • I want a design along those lines for my website.
  • I was thinking along the same lines.

4) Semester (学期)


  • What classes are you taking next semester?
  • Is your school a semester system or quarter system?
  • In Japan, most schools run on a trimester system.

5) Not for me (私には合っていない)

Not for meは「自分には合わない」「自分には向いていない」という意味の表現です。職業や趣味、ライフスタイルや相性などが自分に合わない時は____ is not for meと言います。

  • I decided to move back to the countryside. City life is not for me.
  • Working in front of a computer all day is not for me. I need to interact with people.
  • Skype lessons are convenient but it’s not for everyone. I prefer in person lessons.



  • Speech Language Pathology・・・音声言語病理学
  • Stuck・・・行き詰まる
  • Tuition・・・学費


  • End up・・・結局〜になる
  • Internal debate・・・自分の中で葛藤






  1. life long journey より:

    ,and therefore less happy in.
    thereforeとlessの間に may have been  が省略されているかもとか、倒置が起こっているのかなどいろいろ考えましたが結論が出ませんでした。良ければ解説して頂ければ幸いです。

  2. life long journey より:


    • Jun より:

      life long journey

      こんにちは。フォーマルな文章では基本、前置詞で文章を終わらせない方がいいですが、会話やカジュアルな言い方では特に問題ありません。ここでは、less happy と less happy in どちらを使うこともでき、意味は同じになります。

  3. Maho より:

    Hi June san again,

    Thank you for your reply! I’m extremely happy to get your compliment!
    You mentioned that most people give up their own New year ressolutions by the 2nd of Feb before, but I swear i will continue study English everyday and wanna improve my speaking and listening skill step by step this year!!
    BTW how was your short trip with your wife last weekend?? Are you safe?^^
    I used to go skiing with my family every winter as i was a kid, but thesedays i haven’t at all…When i was listening your story about snow bording, i felt like going to snow mountain and enjoy winter sports again!
    It sounds great to enjoy seasonal sports!
    I am realy looking forward to your interetsing small talks before conversation session everytime on Podcast! Thank you!

    • Jun より:

      Hey Maho,

      I’m happy to hear you’re sticking with your English studies! It sounds like you’re having a lot of fun learning so I’m positive you’ll stick with it until the end. My wife and I had a great snowboarding trip. It was a little icy on the mountain but it was still fun to snowboard. You should get back into skiing again 😉 It’s a lot of fun!

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