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【Tristan】But these are—this is just restaurants. There are a few other places—not a lot—but a few places where you tip. I always tip when I get a haircut.
【Mary】Yeah, that’s true. You should tip. And how much do you tip for a haircut?
【Tristan】It varies. Lots of places—my favorite barber shop ever, all their haircuts were seventeen dollars. And I thought that was…
【Mary】Which is genius.
【Tristan】I thought it was really clever, because it guarantees everybody’s going to just give you twenty (dollars).
【Tristan】So they’ll get a three-dollar tip on every haircut. That works out to just under twenty percent, and three dollars doesn’t feel outrageous but I got my hair cut recently and it was fourteen, and I gave them a four-dollar tip just because it felt right.
【Tristan】There isn’t really a standard. I don’t…
【Mary】Yeah, I tip three to five dollars, but I’m never really getting high-end haircuts. My haircuts are all, you know, under twenty bucks. They’re not…I’m not going to a hundred-dollar hair salon.
【Tristan】Right. For a woman who gets her hair cut and dyed and styled and it costs her a hundred dollars, tipping twenty-five isn’t outrageous. That’s—that’s pretty reasonable.
【Mary】I can’t even imagine doing that. (laughs) But yeah.
【Tristan】Yeah, so I—I tip for haircuts, restaurants of course. Where else do you tip?
【Mary】Bars are confusing. But, you’re definitely supposed to tip there. Like, from my understanding, if you are—if it’s a sort of bar where you have to go up to the bar itself, and you know, get the—the bartender’s attention and get a drink, it’s pretty much a dollar per drink.
【Tristan】That—and that seems reasonable, and if you don’t tip the bartender, you’re probably not going to get service the rest of the night.
【Mary】Right, right.
【Tristan】Which feels like extortion.
【Mary】(laughs) But if it’s a busy bar, and, you know, you’re waiting a long time, and if they remember you gave them a dollar last time, they’ll get you your drink more quickly.
【Tristan】But that’s only if you don’t open a tab.
【Mary】Right. So how does that work with a tab?
【Tristan】Normally, once you order your first drink, the bartender will ask if you wanna (want to) open a tab. Makes it easier for them. They keep your card on file, and every time you order, they just put it on your tab all night.
【Tristan】And I think for the bar, that incentivizes buying more drinks and spending more time there. But for the bartender it makes things a whole lot easier. There’s a lot less cash changing hands at the end of the night. You pay up, and at that point you’re probably calculating what kind of tip to give.
【Mary】Right. As a customer, unless I know I’m only ordering one drink, I usually prefer to open a tab. It’s—it’s just more convenient. You don’t have to think about it. You’ll remember to get your card back at the end of the night hopefully. (laughs)
【Tristan】Mm hm.
【Mary】Um, and then you give a percentage if you are paying on a card at the end.
【Tristan】Right, right.
Questions of the day(今日の質問)
- Besides restaurants, what other two places do Tristan and Mary mention as places to tip at in this episode?
今回のエピソードで、トリスタンとメアリーがレストランの他にチップを渡す場所として挙げた2つの場所はどこですか? - If you give a tip to a bartender at a busy bar, what’s likely to happen according to Mary?
メアリーによれば、忙しいバーでバーテンダーにチップを渡したらどんなことが起こると考えられますか? - When you open a tab at a bar, at what point do you calculate the tip you’ll give?
- Barber shops/hair salons and bars are both kinds of places to tip at mentioned in this episode.
- That bartender will probably remember you, and will get you your drink more quickly.
- You calculate your tip when you pay for everything ordered on your tab.
Mary and Tristan continue their discussion of tipping culture in the United States in this episode. This time, they look at places other than restaurants where tips are expected from customers.
Tristan’s first example is barber shops. His favorite barber shop charges seventeen dollars for a haircut, which in his view ensures that most customers will simply hand in a twenty-dollar bill to cover for the tip.
Mary’s example is bars, although she admits they can be confusing to discern whether or not one should pay a tip. If it’s a bar where a customer has to go up in person to the bartender to order drinks, tips are probably expected.
At bars, one can order items on a tab. This works by having the bartender take your card and record every item you purchase, then once the night is over, you pay for everything at once. At this time, you can calculate your tip. Tristan thinks this makes it much easier on bartenders, as there’s less money changing hands at the end of the day.
Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)
1) Get a haircut(髪を切ってもらう)
「髪を切ってもらう」ことを get a haircutと言い、美容院や理髪店に行って髪を切る時によく使います。自分で自分の髪を切る場合は 「I cut my (own) hair.」と言います。
- Did you get a haircut? You look different.
- Where do you go to get a haircut?
- My hair is growing out. It’s time for me to get a haircut.
2) Outrageous(とんでもない、非常識な)
Outrageousは outrageの形容詞で、人を激怒させることを意味します。 言動や事態があまりに非常識であったり、無礼であったり、理不尽である場合に使用されます。
- That’s outrageous! I can’t believe he did that to you. That’s power harassment.
(とんでもない話だね。彼が君にそんなことをしたなんて信じられない。パワハラだよ。) - She said that to you? That’s an outrageous lie.
- This bottle of wine is a hundred bucks? That’s outrageous! You can get this same bottle at the grocery store for 10 dollars.
3) High-end(最高級の)
high-endは高級志向の商品やサービスを表します。値段が高額であるだけでなく、品質や性能、サービスなども最高級レベルであることを意味します。例えば、高級車は high-end car、高級ホテルは high-end hotel、高級ヘアサロンは high-end hair salonと表現します。
- She lives in a high-end luxury apartment in Beverly Hills.
- Why do you think people pay so much for high-end brands?
- I’ll take you to a high-end hot spring when you come to Japan next time.
4) Tab(お勘定)
レストランではお勘定のことをcheckやbillと言いますが、バーでは一般的にtabと言います。アメリカのバーでは、1杯目の注文時にバーテンダーから 「Do you want to start a tab?」や 「Do you want to keep the tab open?」と尋ねられますが、これは「(支払いを)ツケにしますか?」という意味になります。ツケ払いにしたい場合は Yesと返答し、バーテンダーにクレジットカードを渡し、その後の注文時に 「I have a tab under (名前)」と伝えれば、最後にまとめて清算することになります。もし、注文毎にその場で支払いたい場合は Noと返答します。
- Can I start a tab?
- Can I get Heineken, please? I have a tab under Paul.
- Can you close out my tab?
5) Make _____ easier(楽になる)
手間のかかることや面倒で複雑なことをシンプルにして楽にすることを make_____ easierと言います。複雑な申し込み画面をよりシンプルにして使いやすくしたり、ちょっとしたコツで料理の手間を省くなど、様々な場面で使うことができます。
- This sign up form is too complex. Let’s try to make it easier.
- I’ll show you how to peel garlic. Do this and it’ll make things a lot easier.
- Facebook has made it easier to stay in touch with friends.
- Genius・・・天才
- Clever・・・賢い
- Reasonable・・・妥当
- Extortion・・・ゆすり
- That works out to just under twenty percent・・・ギリギリ20パーセントに届かないくらい
- It feels right・・・正しいと感じる
- I can’t even imagine・・・自分では想像すらできない
Mary L
then you give a percentage if you are paying on a card at the end.
if they remember you gave them a dollar last time, they’ll get you your drink more quickly.
“The price is seventeen dollars. So adding tip I pay twenty dollars “
プレミアムコースのおかげで、ほぼ毎日英語を勉強する習慣ができました。 さいたま市
こんにちは。英訳はそれで間違いではないですが、日常会話では「チップを足して〜ドル払います」という言い方はあまりしないように思います。一般的には、20ドル渡して、「You can keep the change. I don’t need change.(お釣りは必要ないです)」と言います。
最近Selena Gomezのインタビューを聞いて使えるフレーズがないか勉強しています。そこで質問です。自分は男性ですが、英語には女性的な英語などはありますか?
申し訳ありません!Holiday Tippingのことです。
Holiday tippingのことですね。Holiday tippingはベビーシッターさんやお手伝いさんなど、日常の生活を普段ヘルプしてくるような人たちに渡すイメージがあります。正直言いますと、私は holiday tippingはこれまでにしたことがなく、holiday seasonはいつもと変わらず20%のチップを払っています。でも、Sachiさんが書いたようにholiday tippingはあくまでも感謝の気持ちなので決まった額やパーセンテージはないと思います。人によってはクッキーやお菓子などをプレゼントする人もいます。「いつもありがとうね」の気持ちが伝わっていれば十分だと思います!
And I think for the bar, that incentives …….
incentives ⇒ “incentivizes” と言っているように聞こえるのですが。
kumaさんのご指摘通り、「incentivizes」です!先ほど、修正しました。Thank you 🙂