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第189回「I love youの真意2」

Released: 2018.05.11

第189回目のポッドキャストのテーマは「I love youの真意2」です。今日のエピソードではブライアンとエレーナが「I love you」の表現について会話を続けます。恋愛中、一般的に男性と女性はどっちが先に「I love you」を言うのか?また、交際を始めてすぐに「I love you」と言ってしまったり、言い過ぎてしまうと、相手を怖がらせてしまうのかなど、ブライアンとエレーナが様々なことについて議論をします。



会話内容「I love youの真意 2」

【Elaina】But I think, like…


【Elaina】…American women, we especially are very quick to say, “I love this,” “I love you.” We throw it on really quickly.


【Elaina】And I think women are definitely quicker to say I love you in a relationship. Although some women will wait for the man to say it so they don’t scare them off, as they say. Um…how often to say it though, I don’t know. (laughs)


【Elaina】‘Cause (because) I love…I love it when I’m told it. I love saying it when I’m feeling it, and growing up with my parents, they love each other very much and they—I hear them say it all the time. My mom will squeal with happiness, “I love you!” And it’s—I think it’s the cutest thing in the world.

【Brian】Yeah. But, uh I think as for me, I’ve always been the one to say I love you first. I think it’s…I wouldn’t say, um it’s important for the man, but I just felt, for myself, it was important for me to say. Like you said, make the relationship official, I think it’s also a man’s thing to do that.


【Brian】But, um…

【Elaina】And thinking back on it, I think…I think I was always told by somebody that they loved me…


【Elaina】…than me telling them.


【Elaina】And I would say it back if I felt it, um…but, yeah. I don’t actually remember ever being the first to say it.

【Brian】Yeah, yeah.

【Elaina】Although, I say it a lot when I’m in the relationship. (laughs)

【Brian】Right, right. Yeah, I think when you’re in the relationship, uh saying I love you I think a lot of people don’t say it enough. Like after they get in that relationship, I think a lot of people, they don’t say how much they appreciate the other person enough.
And it’s important not just to say I love you, but to say, “I love this,” “I love what you’re doing,” “I love,” like, you know, something specific is important I think. What do you think?

【Elaina】That is true. And…although I have a bit of a differing opinion on that…


【Elaina】…’cause (because) I grew up with my mom and step-dad always saying that to each other, ‘cause they’ve been—they’re actually celebrating their 20-year anniversary this January,


【Elaina】And…I’ve just—I’ve grown up in a house full of love. So now me, in my own home, I’m constantly like, “I love you. I love that you do this. Thank you so much for this.” And…and I guess they kinda (kind of) wore off on me.


【Elaina】And, most importantly, people want to feel loved.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Why does Elaina think some women wait for the man to say I love you first?
  2. When showing a partner your appreciation, what is important for Brian?
  3. What year anniversary will Elaina’s mother and step-father be celebrating this January?



  1. She thinks these women don’t want to “scare off” a man by saying I love you first.
  2. He thinks it’s important to be specific about what you love about your partner.
  3. They’ll be celebrating their 20-year anniversary.



Elaina and Brian continue their discussion of the subjects of relationships and marriage. In this episode they continue discussing the phrase I love you and its importance in relationships.

Elaina says she isn’t sure how often partners should use the phrase I love you to each other. She does think women tend to be quicker to say it than men, but acknowledges some women wait for men to say it first for fear of “scaring off” the men.

Elaina loves saying I love you herself, but recalls in the past that people usually said it to her first. Brian says he usually is the one to say I love you in his relationship, and feels people in other relationships don’t say it enough. He also thinks when people say how much they appreciate their partners, they should be specific about what they appreciate.

Elaina’s mother and step-father will be celebrating their 20-year anniversary this January. Elaina said growing up in a household where everyone told each other how much they loved each other made her more conscious of the value of saying I love you in her own home.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Quick to _____(すぐに〜する・〜が早い)

「すぐに文句を言う」、「すぐに人のせいにする」、「決断が早い」、「諦めが早い」など、「すぐに〜する」ことを quick to_____と言います。 Quick toの後には動詞の原形が続きます。

  • Why are you always quick to blame someone?
    (何でいつもすぐに人のせいにするの? )
  • My boss is quick to make decisions.
  • Kids are amazing. They are quick to learn anything.

2) Scare off(〜を怖がらせて追い払う)

Scare offは、人や動物を怖がらせて追い払うことを意味します。意図的に追い払うだけでなく、意図せず「〜から遠ざける」と言う場合にも使えます。

  • 日常会話では scare awayとも言います。
  • Be quiet! You’re going to scare off the cat.
    (静かにして!猫がびっくりして逃げちゃうよ。 )
  • If the entire event is in English, do you think it’ll scare off the participants?
  • The recent terrorist attacks have scared tourists away.

3) _____ in the world(世界で一番〜)

日本語で「世界一である」や「世界で一番おいしい」と強調するように、英語でも 同じ意味において_____in the worldと言います。

  • These pancakes are the best in the world!
  • He’s the fluffiest and cutest cat in the world.
  • She’s the best English teacher in the world.

4) Think back on(〜を振り返る)

過去の体験や出来事を振り返る時に使われる日常表現が think back onです。 懐かしい思い出を振り返ったり、記憶を呼び起こそうとしたり、何かについて繰り返し考えたりする場合に使われます。

  • Thinking back on it, that moment was the turning point in my life.
  • Try to think back on what happened that day.
  • I keep thinking back on what she said yesterday. I wonder what she meant.

5) Wear off on(~に影響を与える)

誰かと長い時間を共に過ごすことで、その人の考え方や言動などに影響されて同じような考え方や言動になることを wear off onと言います。今日の会話でエレーナは wear off onと言いましたが、 rub off onと表現する方が一般的です。

  • I think her positivity is rubbing off on you.
  • I hope that some of your good luck will rub off on me!
    (あなたの 幸運にあやかれますように。)
  • It seems like your passion for baseball is rubbing off on your kids.



  • Definitely・・・絶対に
  • Squeal・・・満ちた声で
  • Step-dad・・・継父


  • Don’t say enough・・・十分に言わない
  • Appreciate the other person・・・相手の存在が大切
  • Full of love・・・愛に満ちた









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Soma より:


    • Jun より:



  2. Kohdai より:

    Junさん こんにちは!

    質問です。例えばI love youを男の人が父親に対して言うのはアメリカではごく当たり前ですか?パートナーや子供、母親に対して言うのと違い、少し抵抗と言うか恥ずかしさもあるのでしょうか?

    • Jun より:


      NBA playoff, マジで熱いですね!WestとEastは両方ともGame 7! 昨日はハラハラドキドキしながらWarriorsの試合観てました (笑)

      もちろん、家庭にもよりますが、男の人が父親に「I love you」というのは一般的だと思います。中学校〜高校時代は恥ずかったり、反抗期で言わないteenagersが多いですが (笑) その時期を過ぎれば男女問わずI love youは普通に言うと思います!

      今Cavs vs CelticsのGame 7、真っ最中ですね!どっちが勝つんだろう🤔

  3. Ayaka より:





    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。Hapa英会話を楽しんで学習されているようで、嬉しいです!Podcastの全訳はこちらでご提供しています → https://www.hapaeikaiwa-shop.net


  4. MarylandResident より:

    さて、Questions of the day(今日の質問)ですが、質問に話者の名前(Elaina, Brian, 等)がしばしば出てきます。

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。いつもHapa英会話で学習していただき、ありがとうございます。確かに同性の場合、名前の判別が難しいですね。Scriptの吹き出し部分にはスピーカーの名前が書いてあるので、Questions of the dayの質問に答える時に、一度Scriptを見直して、どれが誰のセリフかをチェックすることをオススメします。頑張ってください!

  5. Masami Styles より:

    Hi Jun!
    It’s been a while!
    How have you been?
    I’ve been good.
    As a matter of fact, I was able to meet up with Elaina in Japan when she was traveling.
    It was in May.
    We went to Karaoke together , but at first,
    I got the vibe she didn’t want to go to Karaoke.
    And I convinced her to go to Kataoke,so we ended up going to karaoke just the two of us!!
    I’m sure it’s going to be unforgettable experience to me .
    If Hapa Eikawa didn’t exsist, I couldn’t meet up with her.
    Thanks again.
    Take care snd have a good one!

    • Jun より:

      Hey Masami

      Good to hear from you! I’ve been really good. I’m back in LA now and it’s been nice seeing my family and friends. That’s really cool that you were able to meet Elaina. She’s a really friendly, fun person to be around! I’m sure Elaina enjoyed going to karaoke with you! I bet she’s telling all of her friends back home 🙂 You made it a memorable trip for her!

  6. Masami Styles より:


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