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【Brian】Yeah that’s, uh…I’ve noticed that too, actually, because, um somebody that I’m close to, he…he was in a relationship for nine years.
【Brian】And…and he ended up breaking up with his girlfriend. So it was like, yeah. I mean…you know, it basically varies, and he—he was, uh very against marriage. Like he’s—he’s pretty against marriage, and uh, because he…I know in America, divorce is such a common occurrence.
【Elaina】Oh yeah. (laughs)
【Brian】I think I heard something—yeah, it’s like, what, fifty percent or something?
【Elaina】I think you’re right. I think it’s something like that. I mean, just talking from my family, my mother did get married at nineteen, but she got divorced at 21, and remarried again, and my—my father’s been married three times. (laughs)
【Elaina】And I think my oldest sister’s the only one in the family who has not had a divorce in all honesty. And it used to be seen as really bad, but today it’s just normal.
【Brian】It is.
【Elaina】I think it’s more abnormal to find someone whose parents aren’t divorced. (laughs)
【Elaina】“What do you mean your parents are together? What does that mean?”
【Brian】Yeah, I know. If someone says, like, uh, “Yeah, we’ve been married for ten years,” I’m like, “Whoa, that’s awesome.” Like, you know?
【Brian】“I applaud you. That’s amazing.”
【Brian】But…uh, yeah. I think there’s like you said…there’s a big rift in, uh people’s opinions of that. Yeah. So anyway.
Questions of the day(今日の質問)
- How long had Brian’s friend been in a relationship before he broke up with his girlfriend?
ブライアンの友人は、彼女と何年交際して別れましたか? - Roughly, what percentage of marriages in the United States end up in divorce, according to what Brian and Elaina have heard?
ブライアンとエレーナが聞いたところによると、アメリカにおける離婚率はおよそ何パーセントですか? - How many times has Elaina’s father gotten married?
- Brian’s friend’s relationship lasted nine years before the breakup.
ブライアンの友人は、恋人と9年間交際して別れました。 - They say they’ve heard the percentage is close to fifty.
- He’s gotten married three different times.
Elaina and Brian continue their discussion of the subjects of relationships and marriage. In this episode they discuss the subject of divorce in marriage.
One of Brian’s friends was in a relationship for nine years before breaking up with his girlfriend. Brian said his friend didn’t believe in marriage.
Elaina cites cases from her family that point to the prevalence of divorce. Elaina’s mother remarried, and her father has been married three different times.
Both and Elaina and Brian have heard that the percentage of marriages in the United States that end in divorce is roughly fifty. Elaina thinks it’s almost more abnormal to hear someone say their parents are still married.
Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)
1) Break up(誰かと別れる)
Breakは「壊れる」や「割れる」を意味することから、カップルが別れることを break upと言います。「私たちは別れました」 は 「We broke up.」、「ジョンとジェニーは別れました」は 「John and Jenny broke up.」ですが、「ジョンはジェニーを振った」と言う場合は、 「John broke up with Jenny.」、「彼女に振られました」は 「She broke up with me.」のように、 振られた人はwithの後にフォローします。
- 「誰かを振る」のより口語的な表現は dump someoneです。
- Did you know that Steve and Mary broke up?
- Why don’t you just break up with her?
- They broke up. She dumped him because he was cheating.
2) Divorce(離婚する)
英語で離婚することをdivorceと言います。 Divorceは動詞なので、 「I divorced my wife / husband.(夫/妻と離婚しました)」とも言えますが、この場合、自分(主語の人物)から離婚を切り出したニュアンスがあります。
一般的には get a divorceや get divorcedの形が使われ、「彼らは離婚しました」は 「They got a divorce.」や 「They got divorced.」と言います。
その他、離婚手続き中の場合は going through a divorceと表現します。
- His parents got divorced when he was in high school.
- They say about 50 percent of married couples in the U.S. get a divorce.
- He’s going through a divorce right now.
3) Do _____(本当に〜・確かに〜)
動詞(原形)の前にdoを加えることで、その後に続く動詞の意味を強調し、「本当に〜だ」「確かに〜した」といったニュアンスになります。例えば、今日の会話でエレーナは 「My mother did get married at 19.」と言いました。 「My mother got married at 19.」でも「母は19歳で結婚した」ことを意味しますが、 didを加えることで、母親が19歳という若い年齢で結婚したことを強調しています。
また、相手の間違った発言を指摘する時にも「do + 動詞」の用法が使われます。
- I really do love my job. I enjoy what I do every day.
- Wow! Your English really did improve!
- I did say I wanted to go. As usual, you just weren’t paying attention.
4) Abnormal(異常な)
Abnormalの abは away from(離れた)を意味するので、 abnormalは標準から離れていること、つまり、「異常」であることを意味します。 Not normalを1言で表す単語として覚えるといいでしょう。
- This hot weather is abnormal during this time of year.
- The vet said my dog has an abnormal heartbeat. He’s going in for a checkup tomorrow.
(獣医から、うちの犬は心拍に異常があると言われたので、明日検査を受けに行きます。) - I think there’s something wrong with him. His behavior is abnormal.
5) Applaud someone(誰かを褒めたたえる)
Applaudは本来、誰かに「拍手を送る」ことを意味する単語ですが、日常会話では、誰かを「称賛する」という意味でも使われます。相手が成し遂げたことを称賛する場合は、 「I applaud you.」、具体的な内容を示す場合は、 「I applaud your _____.」と言います。
- Congratulations on completing your 10th marathon. I applaud you.
- I applaud your decision to study abroad.
- I applaud your efforts in putting together this event!
- Against marriage・・・結婚に反対
- Common occurrence・・・よくあること
- Remarried・・・再婚
- I’ve noticed・・・〜に気づいた
- Somebody that I’m close to・・・僕が仲良くしている人
- Ended up・・・結局
- In all honesty・・・正直言うと
my oldest sister’s the only one in the family who has not had a divorce
この部分は、私の一番上の姉は家族の中で唯一離婚をしていない という意味ですか?
その後の it used to be seen as really bad, but today it’s just normal
この部分は 離婚をしていない事が かつては悪いと見られたが今日では普通 という意味ですか?
最初の質問ですが、あいあいさんの解釈通りです。 →「私の一番上の姉は家族の中で唯一離婚をしていない」
では、It used to be……のitは 姉が離婚していない前文を指すのではなく、「離婚」を示しているんですよね?
three times と three different times は3回という意味ですか?
different があるのと無いのとでは何か意味が違うのですか?