
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2017.10.06





【Jenny】So what’s something that makes you nervous?

【Eri】Well of course speaking in front of a large group of people always is something that’s challenging, right?

【Jenny】Mm hm.

【Eri】But I can do it. I can do it.

【Jenny】Mm hm.

【Eri】But I think if you…if you are in Tokyo and you are at a platform that doesn’t have the doors…it’s the old style…


【Eri】…and the trains are coming by quite fast…

【Jenny】Uh huh.

【Eri】…and if I’m too close to the edge of the platform, actually it makes me nervous.


【Eri】You know? I can’t—I can’t be one of those people walking right on the edge of the platform when the trains are coming into the station.


【Eri】I can’t do it. And even when…I’m in Shibuya…

【Jenny】Mm hm.

【Eri】…once a week. And the doors open…there is a big space between the end of the platform and the train itself.

【Jenny】Oh yeah.

【Eri】Enough—my whole body could easily slip down


【Eri】…because of, I think, the way the platform is—has a slight, um arch…

【Jenny】Uh huh.

【Eri】…to it and so at some points there’s a big gap between the train and the platform.


【Eri】And I literally have to grab the rail.


【Eri】I can’t get on the train without grabbing the rail because I’m too afraid someone’s gonna (going to) push me and I’m gonna fall through.


【Eri】So, uh, scary.

【Jenny】You know that actually kinda (kind of) happened to me. I…and this was through my complete fault and clumsiness. I wasn’t wearing high heals. I wasn’t running. Nothing. But I was in Harajuku Station and I mis-stepped and my leg kind of went down. So between the train and the platform. And I was like, “Oh my God. This is gonna be terrible. My leg is gonna get ripped off. I’m gonna, like…”
But more than that I was afraid I was gonna slow down the entire JR system. (laughs)

【Eri】Did somebody help you up?

【Jenny】But yeah, uh that was the great part, is that, before I knew it, two people were, like scooping me up


【Jenny】…and I was totally fine, and I didn’t get stuck at all.


【Jenny】I was embarrassed, but, like they were…they really didn’t care.

【Eri】Yeah, I think Japanese people have seen it happen so many times before that the instant reaction for them…


【Eri】…’cause (because) I saw the same thing. A girl fell through, and just her leg fell through. But…


【Eri】…two people immediately just…(lifting noise).


【Eri】And she was up. And it was like it was an instant reaction for them.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What aspect of life in Japan makes Eri nervous?
  2. What experience did Jenny have one time at Harajuku Station?
  3. Why does Eri think Japanese people instantly help those who fall through the gaps between the trains and the platforms?



  1. When traveling on the Tokyo train system, she gets nervous about the gap between the train and the platform.
  2. She once fell slightly through the gap between the train and the platform.
  3. She thinks Japanese people see others fall through so often, they instantly react when helping them up.



In this episode, Jenny asks Eri what makes her nervous in life. Eri admits that speaking in public makes her nervous, though she can do it.

Specifically Eri mentions her feelings of nervousness when traveling on the train system in Tokyo. She feels nervous when she has to cross the gap between the station platform and the train.

Jenny tells a story about a time when she was traveling by train through Harajuku Station. When crossing the gap between the train and the platform, she fell through slightly. Fortunately, two people helped her back up.

Eri has seen similar things. She once saw a girl fall through the gap, and others nearby helped her immediately. Eri believes this instant reaction to helping others out of the gap is because Japanese people taking the Tokyo trains see people fall through often.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Fall through(落ちる)

Fall throughは「落ちる」を意味する表現ですが、バランスを崩して自転車から落ちたり、つまずいて転んだりするのではなく、穴や床、屋根などを突き抜けて落ちる意味合いを持ちます。その他、計画や交渉などが不成立に終わる状況でも使われ、ビジネスの場でよく耳にする表現でもあります。

  • He didn’t see the pothole and fell through it.(彼は深い穴に気づかず、落下しました。)
  • I heard Tom fell through the roof. Is he ok?(トムが屋根を突き抜けて落ちたって聞いたけど、彼、大丈夫?)
  • Unfortunately, the deal fell through. (残念ながら、取引は成立しませんでした。)

2) Clumsy(不器用)


  • You tripped again? You’re so clumsy.(またこけたの?ホントにドジだね。)
  • I have clumsy hands. I drop things all the time.(私は手先が不器用で、いつも物を落とすんだよね。)
  • I’m sorry about that. That was clumsy of me.(ごめん。私、本当に不器用で。)

3) Rip off(はぎ取る)

Rip offは何かを激しくはぎ取ったり、または何かがちぎれたり破れたりすることを意味する表現です。ポスターを壁からはぎ取ったり、シャツが何かに引っかかって破れたりする状況でrip offが使われます。

  • Don’t rip it off. Be more gentle.(ビリっと破らないで、もっと丁寧に頼むよ。)
  • My jeans got caught on that hook and it ripped off my pocket.(あのホックにジーンズが引っかかって、ポケットが破れちゃったよ。)
  • You paid a hundred bucks for your bus ticket? You got ripped off.(バスの乗車券に100ドルも払ったの?ぼったくられたね。)

4) Before I knew it(いつの間にか)

Before I knew itは知らぬ間に何かが起こったり、あっという間に時間が過ぎたりすることを表す日常表現です。自分でもびっくりするほどの早さで何かが起こるニュアンスが含まれます。相手に対して使う場合は、「Before you know it」と言います。

  • Before I knew it, my wallet was gone.(いつの間にか財布がなくなっていました。)
  • It was midnight before I knew it. I completely lost track of time.(気づいたら深夜で、どれくらい時間が経ったのか分からなくなったよ。)
  • Your kids will be all grown up before you know it.(子供達はあっという間に大人になるよ。)

5) Scoop up(すくい上げる)

Scoop upは何かをすくい上げることを表す表現です。お祭りで金魚をすくい上げたり、子供をサッと持ち上げたりするなど、何かを下から上にサッと持ち上げるニュアンスが含まれます。

  • How many goldfish did you scoop up?(金魚を何匹すくったの?)
  • The mother scooped up her kid and took her to the bathroom.(母親は子供をすくい上げて、トイレに連れて行きました。)
  • Can you scoop up the beans and put it in this container?(その豆をすくってこの容器に入れてくれない?)



  • Slight・・・若干
  • Gap・・・隙間
  • Grab・・・掴む


  • Edge of the platform・・・ホームの端
  • Slip down・・・すっぽり落ちる
  • Instant reaction・・・とっさの反応









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. りこまる より:


    • Jun より:



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