I`m an American married to a Japanese woman living in rural Japan with our three children. My wife studies English through your podcasts and I also like listening to your lessons to improve my Japanese. My wife and I loved your バイリンガル人生 videoes. Particularly in relation to our children who have a similar upbringing to you. Having a multicultural background, struggling with international identity in two languages is extremely uncommon where we live currently. We were not only touched by your story, but felt a connection to your personal experience. You have given us a sense of fitting into the world rather than standing out as we sometimes do here. Thank you so much for sharing your story.
I’m happy to hear that you and your wife enjoyed the バイリンガル人生 series. I understand that every situation is different but I’m hoping that my personal story can shed some light on this issue and help those who are going through something similar. I really appreciate your kind message!
Jun Sensei,
I`m an American married to a Japanese woman living in rural Japan with our three children. My wife studies English through your podcasts and I also like listening to your lessons to improve my Japanese. My wife and I loved your バイリンガル人生 videoes. Particularly in relation to our children who have a similar upbringing to you. Having a multicultural background, struggling with international identity in two languages is extremely uncommon where we live currently. We were not only touched by your story, but felt a connection to your personal experience. You have given us a sense of fitting into the world rather than standing out as we sometimes do here. Thank you so much for sharing your story.
Hi David,
I’m happy to hear that you and your wife enjoyed the バイリンガル人生 series. I understand that every situation is different but I’m hoping that my personal story can shed some light on this issue and help those who are going through something similar. I really appreciate your kind message!
あきと申します!30歳半ばで 思い立って英語を学び始めました(^-^)
最近 ジュンさんの動画を見つけてファンになりました🖤
とても分かりやすく 感激です!
バイリンガルシリーズもいっきに全部見させて頂きました。 ジュンさんの人生素敵✨
It’s amazing ! ちなみに 私は石川県金沢市に住んでいます。凄く 親近感がわきました(^-^)これからも動画を楽しみにしています🖤あんやと(金沢弁でありがとう)
私も機会があったら いつか生ジュンさんにお会いしたいです!!
Hi, Jun
No worries 😉