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【Nick】So, um I moved out to L.A. and I noticed something, and that’s that everybody here is a lot thinner than where I’m from. What—what’s the deal with that? I thought America has a pretty big obesity problem, right? What’s, uh what’s the difference there?
【Jeffrey】Um, I don’t know. I think a lot of that stereotype is kinda (kind of) true in a way.
【Jeffrey】Um, in—in L.A. um, I don’t know, it’s—it’s, I think if you go to more liberal states, there’s this whole health-conscious…
【Jeffrey】…mentality that is, you know, it’s—it’s this whole atmosphere cloud in the air…
【Jeffrey】…of just being health-conscious, and no GMOs (genetically-modified organisms) and all that stuff.
【Nick】Hm, yeah.
【Jeffrey】So, I think you will definitely have a mixture of people who are maybe overly health-conscious, and then people who are just on the other side, like…
【Nick】There’s no denying, right? Like two-thirds of Americans I think are overweight, or some ridiculous number like that. That’s…
【Jeffrey】Yeah, and then you get into all of the fuzzy, uh definitions of “what is ‘overweight,’” and…
【Nick】Yeah, yeah.
【Jeffrey】…all that. Um, it—it’s, uh…kind of interesting for me, I guess…
【Nick】Mm hm.
【Jeffrey】…coming from the other side of it, because I’m definitely slender for an American…
【Nick】Mm hm, mm hm.
【Jeffrey】…um, and so, I feel like a lot of time it’s maybe taboo to mention somebody’s weight if, if—if they’re on the other side of it…
【Jeffrey】…if they’re overweight.
【Nick】I can see that, yeah.
【Jeffrey】But for me, a lot of people don’t feel any, uh compunction in telling me, like, “Oh you should—you’re an American. You should eat more hamburgers and gain weight.”
【Nick】Yeah, yeah, yeah.
【Jeffrey】Um… (laughs)
【Nick】Yup, yup, they definitely will say that, yeah. If you’re, like if you’re thin, they’ll tell you to gain weight. One thing that Americans don’t do, uh related to weight is we won’t say if somebody’s gained weight, or we won’t say it to the person…
【Nick】…which is—that’s very different from pretty much most of Asian culture, not just Japan, but…
【Jeffrey】So Asian people are just like, “Hey, you got fat.”
【Nick】Straight out.
【Nick】Straight out, just like, they meet you, they’re like, “Oh hey, good to see you. Yeah, you got fat.” Like next sentence.
【Nick】And you’re like, “Well, um, now…”
【Jeffrey】“I did turn thirty.” (laughs)
【Nick】“Now, thanks, thanks, I really appreciate it. I was gonna (going to) go out to eat with you, but now I don’t wanna (want to) eat.”
【Nick】“So you just eat, make me feel bad.” You know?
Questions of the day(今日の質問)
- What did Nick notice when he first moved to Los Angeles?
ニックはロスに越してきた時にまず何に気がつきましたか? - How did Jeffrey describe “liberal” states of the U.S. like California?
ジェフリーは、カリフォルニア州のようなアメリカの「自由な」州についてどのように説明しましたか? - What did Nick observe about how Asian cultures discuss weight?
- There were less obese people than where he came from.
自分の出身地よりも、肥満の人が少ないということです。 - He believed more liberal states tended to also be more health-conscious.
自由な州ほど健康に対する意識が高い傾向にあると述べました。 - He said they spoke about someone having gained weight more directly than Americans.
After first moving to Los Angeles, Nick observed that there were less obese people than where he was from in the American South. Jeffrey thought that liberal states like California tended to be more health-conscious.
Nick and Jeffrey agreed that some Americans can be overly health-conscious. However there remains in the United States a serious obesity problem.
Jeffrey talked about his own weight, and about being “slender” in America. He observed that people often commented on his weight, saying he needed to gain more.
Nick observed that Americans tend to avoid telling someone if they had gained excessive weight. By contrast he noticed that Asian cultures tended to be more direct about that subject, speaking of weight gain to someone openly.
Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)
1) Health-conscious (健康志向の)
Healthは「健康」、 consciousは何かに「関心を持つ」や「意識する」などを意味することから、この2つの単語を組み合わせると「健康志向の」という意味になります。また、「ブランドにこだわる」は「brand-conscious」、「人目を気にする」は「self-conscious」など、consciousの前に意識している対象を入れた表現が他にもあります。
- He’s very health conscious. He keeps a daily calorie count and follows a strict diet.(彼は健康意識が非常に高いんです。毎日、一定の摂取カロリーに抑え、厳しい食事制限を行っています。)
- I’d say she’s pretty brand conscious. She carries nothing but high-end designer bags. (彼女はブランドにものすごくこだわるタイプですね。高級なデザイナーバッグしか持っていません。)
- I usually don’t care what people think about me but I do get self conscious when I speak a foreign language.(私は普段あまり人目を気にしませんが、外国語を話す時は気になります。)
2) Mixture of A and B (AとBが混じり合ったもの)
「Mixture of A and B」は、2つ以上のものが混じり合っていることを表す場合に使われる表現です。「A mixture of egg and flour(卵と小麦粉を混ぜ合わせたもの)」のように飲食物から、 「A mixture of excitement and nervousness(ワクワク感と緊張感が入り混じっている)」のような人の感情まで、混合する要素は様々なものを持ってくることができます。
- A mimosa is a mixture of champagne and orange juice.(ミモザはシャンパンにオレンジジュースを混ぜたものです。)
- LA is a very diverse city. It’s a mixture of many different cultures.(ロスは非常に多様性に富んだ都市です。多くの異なる文化が入り混じっています。)
- Watching my daughter get married was a bittersweet moment. It really was a mixture of happiness and sadness.(娘の結婚は、ほろ苦い思い出です。本当にうれしさと悲しさの感情が混じり合っていました。)
3) There is no denying that (〜は否定できない)
「There is no denying that…」は日本語の「〜は否定できない」に相当する表現です。thatの後に否定できない対象が入りますが、日常会話ではthatを省いても問題ありません。
◎︎「I can’t deny the fact that…」も同じ意味になります。
- There’s no denying that he lied to us.(彼が私たちに嘘をついたことは否定できない。)
- There’s no denying the food here is amazing. I just think it’s overpriced.(ここの料理がおいしいことは否めなけど、ちょっと高いね。)
- I can’t deny the fact that I’m a bit nervous. But I’m confident I will get the job done.(緊張気味なのは否定できません。でも、しっかり仕事を成し遂げる自信はあります。)
4) Fuzzy(はっきりしていない)
◎その他、 短く柔らかい毛で覆われたフワっとした動物やぬいぐるみなどを表す時にも使われます。
- Our teacher’s explanation was kind of fuzzy. I’m not really sure what we’re supposed to do. (先生の説明は何か曖昧だったよね。何をするべきなのかよく分からないな。)
- I don’t really remember. My memory is a little fuzzy.(あまり覚えてないんだ。記憶がちょっとあやふやなんだよね。)
- Your cat is so cute! He’s so fuzzy! (君の猫、超かわいいね。めっちゃフワフワじゃん!)
5) Straight out(遠慮なく)
自分の気持ちや考えをストレートに言うことを「Straight out」と表現します。遠回しなことは一切言わず、はっきりと物事を伝えるニュアンスがあります。「Straight up」と言う人もいますが、意味と使い方は全く同じです。
- I asked her out on a date and she straight out said no.(彼女をデートに誘ったんだけど、きっぱりと断られた。)
- If you can’t go, just tell me straight out. (行けないなら、はっきり言って。)
- I’m going to be straight up with you. You’ve been slacking off lately. Get it together.(はっきり言うけど、君、最近たるんでるよ。しっかりして!)
- Obesity・・・肥満
- Overly・・・〜過ぎ
- Ridiculous・・・とんでもない
- Slender・・・瘦せ型
- Without compunction・・・平気で〜
- Move out・・・引っ越す
- What’s the deal with that?・・・それってどういうこと?
- All that stuff・・・〜とか
“you get into all of the fuzzy” をどう和訳したものかよくわかりません。
get into:始める、入る
hi.JUN san!
I’m katu
Do you remember me?(^.^)
I commented on No.26th episode in October 2015.
since then
I continue learning english .every single day .over 1hour.about 2years.
I ‘m pretty happy. because …
finally finally finally!
I catch up with to the latest this episode!\(^-^)/
I’ll continue learn english from now.
because、I’m pretty fun learnig english!
Thanks JUNsan!
Thanks Hapa英会話!
I’m very glad to have met this podcast!
someday、I hopely want to speak english conversation with JUNsan(^_^)
Do you understand my english sentence?
perhaps My english sentence is so terrible m(__)m
こんにちは。覚えていますよ!!!最新のエピソードにたどり着いたんですね!さすがです。I’m super proud of you!
Thanks for keeping your promise! I found a few mistakes here and there but overall your sentence is fabulous! I’m very impressed. I’m also excited to hear that you set some goals for yourself! Goal setting is one of the most important things you can do to keep your motivation high and follow through on your commitment. One day WE WILL meet and speak to each other in English. Perhaps this year?
I’m looking forward to that day! Also best of luck with your exam. I’m positive you’ll pass with flying colors.
P.S. Have a wonderful family trip! I’m in my thirties and still go on family trips. This is just the beginning!
thank you for reply!
ジェフリーが、” I’m definitely slender for an American ”
He looks young for his age.
のような使い方ですが、”Considering ”
を使って、” He looks young, considering his age ”
とした場合、少し失礼な言い方になりますか? ” よくよく考えて見たら〜 の割には〜ですね。”
こんにちは!「He looks young for his age」と「He looks young considering his age」は両方とも「年の割には若く見えますね」を意味します。「For」の方が口語的な響きがありますが、「considering」でもナチュラルで普通に聞きます。どちらを使っても失礼な感じはなく、私だったら褒め言葉として受け止めますね(笑)
Thank you for quicker reply!
I’m relived to hear that.
And I’m off to work and I’ve already known that today must be a hectic day!!
Peace 🤗🤗
day in day outこの問題を取り上げていたので音で覚えました。