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【Eddie】Um, for often I have students that sit in front of me that are afraid of making a mistake, afraid of being wrong with me, and getting them to understand that they’re not going to be judged if they say it wrong.
【Eddie】That it’s better to try and say it wrong, and then I can work with them, than it is for them to try nothing.
【Eddie】And, so, crossing that gulf to get people excited.
【Adam】Yeah, and I think that’s the most difficult thing, especially, uh for newer language learners, or people who have, who are building towards goals. They have to at some point realize that mistakes will be made, and that’s okay.
【Adam】In fact, uh, I really, I came today, I really wanted to share that making mistakes is the best way to learn a language.
【Eddie】Absolutely, absolutely. I have a, um, eight-year old grandson who was recently learning to ride a bike and he complained when he fell off his bike. He says, “I’m really bad at this, and I’m never going to learn it.” And I said, “Yes, you just fell off. That’s one step closer to learning.”
【Adam】Right, right.
【Eddie】Every time you fall off, every time that you make a mistake, you’ve taken a step towards doing it right.
【Eddie】And one time, (snaps), you know, magically, it’s like, “Oh, I didn’t fall off. I stayed on.”
【Eddie】And, language is much the same, isn’t it?
【Adam】It sure is, and uh, you know, if you move to a new town, it’s inevitable that you’re going to get lost.
【Adam】And getting lost is how you find your way.
【Eddie】Right? (laughs)
【Adam】You’re not going to get lost the same way twice. You’re going to, you know, you’re going to make a right instead of a left at that…at that juncture, and so the same is true for language. I had an experience in Japan, which I’ll share with you. I was living in Ibaraki.
【Adam】And, uh there was, uh a town where I was working, and it was called Toride. Now my pronunciation of “Toride” is probably so-so now, but at the time I didn’t know how to pronounce it properly, and I was trying really hard, and someone asked me where I worked. And I told them “Toire.”
【Eddie】Right. (laughs)
【Adam】So…for anyone who might be listening, now they think that I’m working in a toilet.
【Eddie】Right. (laughs)
【Adam】And, fortunately I had a friend who told me, “Hey, uh, the proper pronunciation isn’t ‘toilet.’ It is ‘Toride.’” And, uh to this day I’ll always remember…uh, I was a little bit red-faced at that time.
【Eddie】Of course.
【Adam】Uh, but because of that mistake, I now know when to, uh how to pronounce words differently, and it stays with me forever.
【Adam】So I don’t make that mistake twice. Or if I do, not three times.
【Adam】Because I really learn, and I share. So the bigger the mistake, the more you’ll remember it.
Questions of the day(今日の質問)
- What does Adam say language learners should realize about learning a language?
アダムさんは、外国語を学ぶにあたって意識しないといけないことは何だと言いましたか? - What was Eddie trying to teach her grandson to do?
エディーさんは孫に何を教えようとしていましたか? - What was the pronunciation mistake that Adam made while living in Ibaraki?
- He says language learners should realize that mistakes will be made, and that’s okay.
間違いはつきものであり、それでいいのだと言いました。 - She was trying to teach him how to ride a bike.
自転車の乗り方を教えようとしていました。 - When asked where he worked, Adam said “toire,” instead of “Toride.”
Eddie felt some of her students were afraid to make mistakes in class and she felt they needed to learn to overcome that fear. Adam thinks that making mistakes when learning a language is one of the best ways to learn.
Eddie was teaching her grandson how to ride a bike. Even though he kept failing, she told him that by failing he was getting closer to learning how to ride his bike properly.
Adam talked about an experience he had while living in Ibaraki, Japan. He was asked where he worked, and he replied “toire” instead of “Toride.” Fortunately, he had a friend who corrected his pronunciation.
Although Adam made a mistake, he will never forget how to pronounce the town name “Toride.” He believes the bigger the mistake, the more you’ll remember it.
Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)
1) Fall off(〜から落ちる)
◎ “Fall off”は人や物が高い所から低い所へ落ちることを意味します。人が落ちる場合は「バランスを崩して〜から落ちる」といったニュアンスがあります。その他、ボタンがシャツから取れてしまうように「物が〜から外れて落ちる」と言った意味としても用いられます。
- I fell off the ladder and sprained my ankle.(梯子から落ちて、足首を捻挫しました。)
- The vase fell off the table and broke.(花瓶がテーブルから落ちて割れました。)
- Your button fell off your shirt.(シャツのボタンが外れたよ。)
2) Much the same(ほぼ同じ)
◎ “Much the same”は「ほとんど同じ」や「大差がない」を意味する表現で、「Almost the same」と同じ意味合になります。ネイティブは日常会話でよく「Pretty much the same」と言いますが、意味は全く同じです。
◎ 因みに「全く同じ」は「Very much the same」と言います。
- When I traveled to China, I had much the same experience.(私が中国へ旅行した時、同じような経験をしました。)
- I think Hawaii is pretty much the same as Okinawa.(ハワイと沖縄は似たり寄ったりだと思う。)
- We are very much the same. We both love to stay busy.(私たちは似た者同士ですね。忙しくしているのが好きなタイプだね。)
3) Get lost(迷子になる・道に迷う)
◎ “Get lost”は迷子になったり、道に迷ったりすることを意味します。「I am lost」と表現することも出来ますが、その場合は迷子になっている「真っ最中」であることを表し、「道に迷わないでね」と言う場合は「Don’t get lost」 と言い、「Don’t be lost」とは言いませんので注意しましょう。
- Sorry I’m late. I went out the wrong exit and got lost.(遅れてすみません。間違った出口から出て、道に迷いました。)
- He always gets lost. He has no sense of direction.(彼はいつも道に迷います。本当に方向音痴です。)
- Hey Kevin, I think I’m lost. Can you tell me your address again?(ケビンさん、道に迷ったみたいなので、住所をもう一回教えてくれない?)
4) Find one’s way(〜へたどり着く)
◎ “Find one’s way”は、目的地に到着することを意味しますが、単に到着するのではなく、苦労してやっとの思いでたどり着くといったニュアンスが含まれます。
- We need to find our way home.(どうにかして家に帰らないと。)
- I somehow found my way back. I was freaking out because I got so lost! (何とか戻りました。だいぶ道に迷って、かなり焦っていました。)
- It took her 5 hours to find her way to the hotel.(彼女はホテルにたどり着くのに5時間かかりました。)
5) To this day(今日に至るまで)
◎ “To this day”は過去のことが今でも続いている状態を表す際に、「今日に至るまで」や「現在でも」などの意味として用いられます。一般的に文頭か文末で使われます。
◎「Even to this day」も同じ意味として日常会話ではよく使われます。
- Super Bowl is the biggest sporting event in the U.S. to this day.(現在でもスーパーボウルはアメリカ最大のスポーツイベントです。)
- To this day, I don’t know who bought me this laptop.(誰がこのパソコンを買ってくれたのか、未だに分かりません。)
- She is angry at me about that incident even to this day.(あの出来事について、彼女は今でも私に腹を立てています。)
- Judge someone・・・誰かを批判する
- Complain・・・不満を言う
- Inevitable・・・〜は避けられない
- Red-faced・・・顔が真っ赤
- At some point・・・いつかは
- In fact・・・実は
- Take a step towards・・・一歩近づく
- So-so・・・まあまあ
- Stays with someone forever・・・一生頭に残る

Adam Green
オンライン英会話レッスン「カフェトーク」に在籍する英語講師。これまで日本を含め10年以上にわたって英語講師としての経験があり、用途に応じて楽しく効果的なレッスンを提供してくれます!→ カフェトークのプロフィールはこちら
ネイティヴの会話の中で、”like” という
こんにちは。Akiさんが書いた通り、ネイティブは「Like」を「好き」以外の意味で使います。「何かが〜な感じだった」や「〇〇さんが〜と言いました」のように会話でよく使われます。「Like」のコラムは以前アップしましたので、詳しい解説はこちらをご覧ください → http://wp.me/p4ZiFb-23J
I don’t care about making mistakes because here is Japan! But if I am in America or other English speaking country, I will be much more nervous for making mistakes…
Hey Masa,
I’ve never met you in person but you don’t come across as someone who is afraid of making mistakes. That’s a great quality to have!
娘の小学校の英語授業の話です。日本人教師が「次のページ見せて!」の意味で「Let me see!」を子ども達に連呼させるようなのですが、本来Let me see.→えっと〜。ですよね。
後ろにLet me see〜〜.と何かつけないとおかしい感じがしますが、そのまま使えますか?Show me more!の方が良さそうな感じがするのですが、これも使えますか?
こんにちは!最新エピソードを発見したようでよかったです(笑)「Let me see」は確かに「え〜と」という意味で会話で使われますが、「〜を見せて」も意味します。Yukoさんが書いたように正しくは「Let me see _____(〜を見せて)」になりますが、「見せて!」と言う場合は「Let me see!」だけでもOKです。「Show me some more(もっと見せて)」も使えますよ。