
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2015.12.26




【Debbie】Yeah when I think back about um, a New Year’s in America and I go back to my childhood um what I remember is that New Year’s was a holiday which actually started on New Year’s Eve on December 31st where the parents would get all really dressed up. And it was really a holiday for the parents to go out and have a big party. And as a child I was left home with a babysitter and then the next morning I would wake up and see all the little party favors that my parents brought home and I thought “Wow! They really had a fun time last night.” Do you have any of those kind of memories?

【Willie】Well actually my family really we stayed in on New Year’s.

【Debbie】Mm hm.

【Willie】And it was more introspective. We’re sitting around, watching the ball drop um “Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rocking Eve.”

【Debbie】Mm hm. Yes.

【Willie】That was an annual occurrence for us. And afterwards um we would be like most families or most people in general during New Year’s in the United States is set our intentions or our resolutions or um our plans for the next upcoming year.

【Debbie】Mm hm.

【Willie】And um most times it would be some form of self-improvement, something that we’ve always wanted to achieve, some things that we slacked on that we didn’t accomplish in the prior year. And we set the intention to do that in the upcoming year so it’s more of uh along the lines of um having optimism for the upcoming year. And setting the intention on achieving those things and just being a better person. Being an all around better person.

【Debbie】Yes. Everybody talks about those New Year’s resolutions but probably 20% of the people really follow through with them right?

【Willie】That’s true because most times change is hard.

【Debbie】Mm hm.

【Willie】And it’s like, in most times half way through, you set your gym membership, I’m gonna (going to) get in shape and then by February you’re just like “Oh this hurts. I don’t think I’m gonna (going to)…” (laugh).


【Willie】So but most times it’s just like…it’s the intention because you may not do it that year or the beginning of the year but eventually you know, you’ll probably get around to it but I think it’s just different people progress at different times.

【Debbie】Mm hm.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. When Debbie was a child, how did her parents spend New Year’s Eve?
  2. How did Willie celebrate New Year’s when he was a kid?
  3. Why does Willie think most people give up on their New Year’s resolution so quickly?



  1. Her parents went out and partied on New Year’s Eve.
  2. Willie and his family stayed in and shared New Year’s resolutions with each other.
  3. He thinks most people are quick to give up on their New Year’s resolution because change is difficult.



When Debbie was a child, her parents used to dress up and go out and party on New Year’s Eve. Debbie stayed at home with her babysitter and she remembers waking up the next day seeing all the party favors her parents brought back from the New Year’s Eve party.

Willie spent New Year’s at home with his family when he was a kid. On New Year’s Eve they watched the countdown on TV and on New Year’s Day they discussed New Year’s resolutions with each other.

On New Year’s Day, Willie and his family reflected on the previous year and shared things they were not able to accomplish. Then they would set goals for the upcoming year, which mainly focused on self-improvement and becoming a better all around person.

Debbie feels that most people don’t follow through with their New Year’s resolutions. Willie agrees with her and points out that change is difficult. However, Willie believes that the intention of wanting to change oneself is what’s important.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Dress up(お洒落に着飾る・仮装する)

◎ “Dress up”は、お洒落に着飾ることや仮装をすること意味し、状況に応じた相応しい格好をするニュアンスが含まれます。フォーマルな食事会の場合は「正装をする」、ハロウィーンのようなイベントの場合は「仮装をする」となります。
◎ 「〜の格好をする」は「Dress up as _____」になります。

  • Do we have to dress up for the party tonight?(今夜のパーティーでは正装しないといけないの?)
  • Make sure you dress up tonight. It’s a formal event.(今夜はフォーマルなイベントなので正装するように。)
  • I’m going to dress up as Waldo for Halloween.(ハロウィーンはウォーリーの仮装をします。)

2) Stay in(家にいる)

◎ “Stay in”は外出せず家にいることを意味し、会話では“Stay at home”の代わりによく使われる言い方です。特に、「今日は家にいます」と誘いを断ったり、週末の出来事を聞かれて「家で過ごしました」と返事する時によく使われるフレーズです。

  • I’m going to stay in today. I’m not feeling well.(今日は体調不良なので家にいます。)
  • I didn’t do much over the weekend. I just stayed in and watched movies.(週末は特に何もせず、家で映画を見ました。)
  • I don’t like to go out on New Year’s Eve. I’d rather stay in and relax at home.(大晦日に出かけるのは好きではありません。家でのんびりする方がいいです。)

3) Slack off(サボる・怠ける)

◎ やるべきことをサボったり、手を抜いたりすることを日常会話では“Slack off”と表現します。特にダラダラと時間を無駄に過ごす意味としてよく使われます。因みに“Slack”はロープが緩んだ状態を表す単語です。
◎ 今日の会話でウィリーさんは「Slack on」と言いましたが、基本的には「Slack off on」と表現します。

  • Quit slacking off. Get to work!(ダラダラしないで、しっかり仕事しなさい!)
  • I’ve been slacking off the last few weeks. I need to get back in the gym.(ここ数週間、運動をサボっています。ジムに復帰しないと。)
  • You’re almost done. Don’t slack off!(もうすぐ終わりです。手を抜かないように!)

4) Follow through(最後までやり通す)

◎ “Follow through”は何かを継続することを意味し、計画や約束したことをきちんと行動に移し、最後までやり抜くニュアンスが含まれます。特にその出来事を成し遂げるまで忍耐強く続けることを表します。

  • You need to follow through with your commitment.(自分で決めたことは最後までやり通さないと。)
  • I promise I will follow through to the end.(最後までやり通すことを約束します。)
  • He’s all talk. He never follows through with what he says.(彼は口だけだよ。言ったことを全然最後までやり通さないからね。)

5) In shape(健康的)

◎ “Shape”は「形」を意味することから、健康的で体調が良い人や、スポーツ選手のように引き締まった体系をしている人を“in shape”と表現します。逆に不健康な人や運動不足な人、または太っている人は“Out of shape”と表します。
◎ 体の体調が良いことを強調する時は「In good/great shape」と言います。
◎ 因みに「体を鍛える」は「Get in shape」、「健康を保つ」は「Stay in shape」となります。

  • Your dad is in shape! How often does he exercise?(あなたのお父さん、いい体してるね。どのくらい運動しているの?)
  • I need to get in shape. I’m out of breath from walking up these stairs.(体を鍛えなきゃ。この階段を上るだけで息切れするよ。)
  • No matter how busy you are, you have to stay in shape.(どれだけ忙しくても、健康は維持しないとね。)



  • Party favors・・・景品
  • Introspective・・・自己反省
  • Annual occurrence・・・毎年の行事/li>
  • Self-improvement・・・自己啓発
  • Optimism・・・楽観
  • New Year’s resolution・・・新年の抱負


  • Think back・・・振り返って考える
  • Go out・・・出かける
  • Sit around・・・座る
  • Half way through・・・途中で



  1. てと より:

    I am really grad to hear that your pod cast is going to turn into a book!!
    I ALWAYS enjoy your web site.
    It gives me motivation to learn English.I am listening to your pod cast over and over again.
    Keep it up and I support you.
    You should come to Japan again and have workshops.
    I am looking forward to meet you.

    • Jun より:

      Thank you for your kind message てと! It’s because of people like you that I continue to do the podcast every week! I will definitely be back in Japan this year. I’m not sure when but I will be there. When that time comes, make sure you come and talk to me! I’m excited to meet you too.

  2. てと より:

    I made a mistake…
    I am looking forward to MEETING you.

  3. Masato より:

    ですが、アメリカの友達と一緒に遊んだり会話を楽しんだりととても充実してます^ ^
    もっとお互いにコミュニケーションが取れるようにしたいのですが、そういったときにより良い仲になれるフレーズとかおもしろい表現はありますか?できれば教えていただきたいです^ ^

    • Jun より:


      コミュニケーションをもっと取れるようになるには、お決まりのフレーズを使うというよりは自分の思っていることや考えていることを率直に伝えることですね。あまり、相手のがどう思っているかなど気にせず「Be yourself」という感じでとにかく頭に浮かんでくること、感じることを口に出していいましょう。英語がめちゃくちゃでも。その方が自分らしさを出せるし、使い回されているフレーズより面白いですよ。Don’t be afraid, just be yourself 😉

  4. shin より:

    hey Jun.

    Thank you for uploading a latest entry.

    I like it.

    While Japanese people visit the shrine to draw a fortune-telling on the new year day, do American people do any sort of stuff?

    Thank you!

    • Jun より:

      Hi Shin,

      Thanks for the comment! I remember my coworker taking me to a shrine on New Year’s Day when I was living in Ishikawa. The New Year’s custom in Japan and the U.S. is very different! I actually really enjoyed Japanese New Year’s. Lots of delicious foods and all the men were drinking sake early in the morning. lol. We do not have customs like that in the U.S. Most people just stay at home and spend time with their family 🙂

  5. りんご より:


    「we would be like most families or most people in general during New Year’s in the United States is set our intentions or resolutions or um our plans for the next upcoming year.」

    の初めに出てくるwould be はどういう意味で使われていますか?

    • Jun より:



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